Alternatively, right-click il2fb.exe in your 4.09 game folder, select 'send to' from the drop-down menu, then select 'desktop (create shortcut)' - you will then have an icon on your desktop called 'Shortcut to il2fb.exe'. Double-clck that and you're away. If you wish, you can then remane the icon IL2 - 4.09 or something else meaningful, so you can keep track of the different versions. That will have no effect on il2fb.exe as you're only renaming the icon not the file it points to.
This is what mine looks like (as an example, nothing more). As you can see, I have three installations in use now, the SAS-modded version (using the AAA switcher), the normal AAA version for use on co-op or seow nights, plus (now) a 4.09 version of the game, but no switcher, so it's the old icon