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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Not yet Crash, I'm still waiting on the final proofs. 27000 stitches takes time
  2. Surprising how that happens isn't it? I see machines daily which are pretty much fubar with 1,000s of virus and spyware instances, most of which is down to a lack of very basic common sense and an adequate anti-virus package. The conversation generally goes; "So, did you know that your anti-virus software was disabled?" "Yep, I did that because it kept giving me warning messages all the time while I was downloading music illegally from LimeWire" Duh. Jabo
  3. LOL, nice one DM, but WTF is that in the background of the '79 pic? That folded wing looks HUGE.
  4. Especially as the quizmaster didn't miss a beat... "Don't stay out here too long or you'll get all slitty eyed" Sheesh.
  5. What he said...Furthermore, I can recommend Avira - it's spot on with Win 7. I've split one of my 500GB drives into three separate partitions, so XP, Fester and Win 7 have their own space and the MS Boot Manager has handled that without a hiccup. Linux is also floating about on a spare 160GB drive while I get to grips with Grub, so I can have a four-way boot option. I've retained XP purely for IL2 and one or two other games that Vista and Win 7 can't. Vista is a waste of time and I'll probably remove it at some point as I use Win 7 pretty much exclusively outside Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
  6. Not sure, but I think someone offered to get the round in?
  7. OK, I suppose, but No. 3 is a little out of position. ISTR Knight was going to have a word with him about that...
  8. Another thing to bear in mind is that under no circumstances should you mix memory types within a channel - that approach leads rapidly to the way of the pear. Obtain your memory in twos (if your board is dual-channel), or threes (if it's triple channel) and you're less likely to have problems.
  9. I'm with Delta, turning on V-sync boosted my fps to the monitor max 60 (adding about 10 to the average). Nice. Jabo
  10. Awwww. How old's that one m8?
  11. Jabo


    Simples...lol Well, Swintons have just stitched me up for the last time...Having got a reasonable quote, this morning I toddled off to the local Swinton office to cancel my current policy, only to be told that if I cancelled my insurance before the policy expired (6th December), I would be not only charged TWO month's premiums, but also a cancellation fee of £50! (My premiums are about £35p/m!) To make a long story short, I have opted to stay with them until the policy expires and then take my ball (and another year's NCB - hopefully) and go play in someone else's garden. Yours etc Disgusted of Coventry
  12. Jabo


    Hi all, Do any of the Brit DDz have any recommendations re: car insurance? I'm changing the vehicle next week, and my current insurer wants to charge me an additional £100 for the rest of the year (it expires in December), and my policy goes up to over £600 (from about £400) next year!! All this with a clean licence, no dings or convictions for a smaller, newer, more secure vehicle....WTF? I've only got a year's no claims bonus at present, which should be 2 years in December. Jabo
  13. Yep, forgot about the Widgeon. Still going for a Catalina though.
  14. Jabo

    nvidia control panel

    Well? Whatcha do?
  15. Grumman Goose possibly? It's the only other amphibious flying boat (not a seaplane -pedant) I know of from that era. Catalina's more likely though.
  16. Jabo

    nvidia control panel

    Something to do with Win2K? Maybe those drivers don't support the Nvidia control panel. Just wondering. What does the release info say? Jabo
  17. Try launching the game from the normal switcher in 4.08 clean, shut it down again and try from HL. ISTR having this problem before when going to HL after co-oping one evening. The other option is to get hold of the IP address for the server you want to join and join through the normal multiplayer option in game. Jabo
  18. Jabo

    For Jabo

    There's definitely something wrong here m8. 14FPS with your gfx card is bleugh. Here's a couple of files which may be of use to you. One shows the differences between your conf.ini and mine. The other shows my settings in the nVidia Control Panel Hope this helps Jabo P.S. I use HardwareShaders=1, but get Perfect locked at 60FPS (monitor maximum) P.P.S. Driver revision is nVidia 186.18 Confini.rtf nVidia control panel.doc
  19. I'm not sure whether to lol or call the authorities...
  20. Something to do with the hand that feeds maybe Perf?
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