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  1. Yesterday
  2. I must admit I'm enjoying shopping for this but I've been pretty slack about it. We've just returned from another long weekend away without children - which is a novelty in itself - however, I now have a few weeks of time on my hands so I'm ready to go....except I've got to buy a new case and actually look into the process of how to squeeze a new copy Windows11 into it all without a disc drive. I settled on this card as a) I really can't bring myself to spend four figures on a graphics card and b) the 50xx series probably won't see the light of day until the end of the year and will no doubt conflict with a)
  3. Well it's strange you should say that as my now good friend Stephen from DPD delivered another inviting looking box from Ebuyer this morning....
  4. A model as seen in a shop in my home town, did not notice any price tag though... Shop has closed for ever, they have an online shop but it's not listed in there. (https://fischertrendy.nl)
  5. Last week
  6. Have you bought the card yet Arthur?
  7. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I thank you.
  8. Sure we can, I will adjust the timers for it... Done! So, at 07:00, 13:00, 19:00 and 01:00 your time it stops/starts.
  9. Hi FT, not sure if anybody mentioned already, but is there any way we can move the server roll time later by one hour? Currently on a Thursday, we often finish around midnight (BST) and find ourselves doing photo passes, canyon fun and shift, but the fun gets abruptly stopped.
  10. UPDATE 23RD JULY 2024 Syria 10:00hrs only Added option to take LSO and Carrier Boss slots on Theodore Roosevelt (who wants to be first to kick a hard left just as Fen comes into land?) Corrected spawn positions for some planes as pointed out by @delta7 Added EWR for enemy AI planes. "They do not know who you are but they will find you and they will kill you".
  11. If you wish to join me altitude bombing then please have keys bound for bombing the minimum you will need is Level flight bomb bay doors open drop bombs you may also wish to set bomb fuse and set number of bombs dropped at a time regards delta
  12. Gentlemen The battle of France is over and the battle of Britain is about to commence. The enemy are preparing an invasion fleet to cross the channel. The RAF is targeted to destroy the ports, train depots and invasion craft. Primary target is the train depot at Cherbourg shown on map below We will altitude bomb at 3000m. We will be flying the A20 as substitute for Wellington. I can be master bomber so other bombers just have to formate on myself and drop on my command. If you wish to use bombsight then the following parameters apply Height 3000m Speed 350-400kmph Heading 225 Wind 4ms at 272 Wind correction 48 right. We will have an escort of hurricanes. The secondary targets are the boats and train station at Le Havre shown below This will be a low level run along the line of the barges We will start in the air at correct heading for primary target There are no close airfields so option is to return to England or ditch once over the lines A20 will take 16 100lb bombs full fuel Hurricanes 0.303 only for first flight then 2 20mm shvak if you wish
  13. @delta7 - Thanks for the heads-up. I need to re-visit that map anyway to add in the ability to be LSO and Carrier Boss anyway so will check those out. Regards Friar
  14. Hi fruitbat, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
  15. Hi noticed some issues with f4 no 10 ground is facing wall in hanger no 11 ground moves with the throttles to zero No 1 has no mk 82 loadout Thanks
  16. Hi Friar, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
  17. Earlier
  18. I've been a baaaaad boi.... That's a VPForce Rhino base, a 20cm Virpil cranked extension, a VKB MkIII adapater and a VKB F-14 grip. Still waititing on a VKB Black Box controller to allow the grip to connect to the PC and then I will be obliged to indulge in some rather brutal furniture modifications (calling my woodworking skills carpentry would be an insult to the trade) to (a) provide a solid mounting surface so it doesn't throw itself around like some demon-possessed jack in the box, (b) provide an arrangement that will also trap the office chair roller wheels so as not to propel me away from the PC whenever I try and use my rudder pedals and (c) allow full free and unrestriced movement to the stick (currently the desk and the chair occlude it's movement). Time for a little surgery...
  19. Hi DD_Arthur, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
  20. Hi BadAim, Thank you for your donation of 20.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
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