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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Jabo

    lol Just guess

    I'm surely going to regret this, but go on m8 Jabo
  2. Lol, just a normal day for Jabo... Jabo
  3. Buster Gonad and his unfeasibly large testicles... Fnarr
  4. Sad that this one of only three surviving examples of the breed, but a wonderful restoration job. Jabo
  5. Thanks for that Delta - an image I will NEVER get tired of seeing. Jabo
  6. Probably the same group who did the formation display at Duxford - can't say for sure - think I may have been at the bar
  7. That would do it erco. they do look to be radials to me.
  8. The Victor is truly a fantastic looking thing, especially when you consider it's about sixty years old! It's in the papers today because the CAA delivered their verdict on the incident yesterday - no-one blamed fortunately, first time I've agreed with that bunch in some time! Jabo
  9. Sorry to disappoint you GK, but I can't give you the serial numbers - I'm not even sure what they are. Possibly Hurricanes, but then again the proportions of the tail section doesn't look quite right. A number of things they could be really. NOTAMS for the Reading area provide no clues as to test flights or transitions. I'll check with the restoration crowd on the HA forum, somebody there will know (they're the one's with the serial numbers GK!) Jabo
  10. Argghh indeed. The pilot described this afterwards as the most frightening 10 seconds of his career. Co-pilot failed to close the throttles at VR. A go-round was considered but abandoned given that more than half the runway length was remaining. Touchdown on the grass too! This happened a few months back. Incredibile that it's only making it's way into the mainstream media now. Jabo
  11. Now available in the Vault here. Download all four parts, and then unrar the first one, the others will unzip automatically in turn. Sorry about the time it's taken to get this uploaded, but my upstream connection is frankly gosh (bless me Friar). Jabo
  12. Jabo

    It's 1945...

    If you want this, and don't have it yet, it's now in the Vault here. Jabo
  13. Doubt if it's the Halibag JP, I've got that running on my test install and it works fine. I reckon something else got to you. Jabo
  14. FT's correct, this sequence performs an ATX reset of the mainboard in the laptop (I believe you need to hold the button down for 20 secs in most cases. I go for 30 in all cases just in...erm...case) Not sure it's going to help, but it's very useful if you have a laptop that won't come out of hibernation mode for example. I'm a little uncertain what the problem is with the laptop though. How is the battery charging if the wall power is not being sent to it? Laptops generally have an auto power-off function if the battery discharges to a certain point without the mains plugged in (usually about 10%)
  15. Sorry to hear about this Angus, please accept my condolences. We'll be here when you can get back to us m8. ~S~ Jabo
  16. Well, we did (damn politicos again) XH558 is the only airworthy Vulcan anywhere, none of the remaining airframes are capable of being restored to flight - not to mention the costs or timescales. It took more than ten years to restore her (and several millon £££s) Dunno, the advent of SAMs more or less finished the heavy bomber mindset, the Vulcan was moved from high altitude bombing to low level strikes in an attempt to protect the aircraft and crew, at least en route to the target. despite this though, the attrition rates would have been mind-boggling had they needed to be deployed in the ETO Amen to that my friend. Jabo
  17. Nice footage from YT of the Vulcan carrying out a simulated bombing run with some pyro. Incidentally, this all happened yesterday - Ain't the innernet grand? Sorry about the crowd noise, but it all seemed to go down reasonably well. Jabo
  18. Yeah, lordy, time to stay indoors and break out the JD. Jabo
  19. I must be getting old...The first thing that came into my head was 'deathtrap', rather than the 'kewl' it might have been a few years back. Nuts is about right GK Jabo
  20. Interesting but tragic point...It was Lee Proudfoot's father 'Hoof' who was killed in the crash of ARCo's P-38 at Legends several years ago.
  21. I think it's to do with the restoration work carried out on the aircraft to return her to 'original' spec vis the top turret which was removed while she was a 'camera ship' doing film work. In addition, she had different nose glazing, and a redesigned tail section. Jabo
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