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  1. ..taking long coastal and countryside walks, my wife keenly pointing out the views, the flowers and wildlife... ..me thinking about building a spreadsheet to help track the development of my Syria Campaign...
    4 points
  2. Thanks Arjen, not sure why it went offline but looking into it now. Colin: I'll get a proper SSL cert generated, then switch site to HTTPS and that 'not secure' will go away.
    4 points
  3. Some Afghanistan pics, Flying around TK (Tarinkot) Tarinkot airbase, Camp Bastion, Kandahar, l
    3 points
  4. Posted on DML thread. cfrag has replied to say caused by unannounced change to the way some data is sent to one of the tables. He has posted new scripts to fix this issue. I will add them into the missions and re-upload. He ended by saying that there may be others but bear with me I will get the fixes in as soon as I can.
    3 points
  5. OK so this took a lot longer to complete than I anticipated, but... ITS DONE!
    3 points
  6. Sure we can, I will adjust the timers for it... Done! So, at 07:00, 13:00, 19:00 and 01:00 your time it stops/starts.
    2 points
  7. I've been a baaaaad boi.... That's a VPForce Rhino base, a 20cm Virpil cranked extension, a VKB MkIII adapater and a VKB F-14 grip. Still waititing on a VKB Black Box controller to allow the grip to connect to the PC and then I will be obliged to indulge in some rather brutal furniture modifications (calling my woodworking skills carpentry would be an insult to the trade) to (a) provide a solid mounting surface so it doesn't throw itself around like some demon-possessed jack in the box, (b) provide an arrangement that will also trap the office chair roller wheels so as not to propel me away from the PC whenever I try and use my rudder pedals and (c) allow full free and unrestriced movement to the stick (currently the desk and the chair occlude it's movement). Time for a little surgery...
    2 points
  8. When is low to low..... about the 2:48 mark, was lucky the airbags didn't go off!
    2 points
  9. I have checked the Syria mission and the carrier is now working. Thanks for your time FT. Every day a school day... <
    2 points
  10. A very good way Colin. You got me out of being lost in the desert, to me knowing exactly where I am. (Well, still in the desert, but... )😄
    2 points
  11. That should be down now, I had 2 VMs running briefly (long story but in brief I broke one of them and needed to transfer 250GB of data to its replacement). I will need to start a smaller and more simple VM as a backup destination on the C drive.
    2 points
  12. I hear you mate, just spit-balling and trying to find a way to piss off the least amount of people!
    2 points
  13. That just about sums it up Colin, it was a magnificent show! In my opinion, the best airshow since peak pre-Covid Flying Legends. Here's a collection of my smartphone snaps from the weekend, whilst we wait for Nick's pro shots! https://photos.app.goo.gl/GFfCF5DgvfcqLFZ37
    2 points
  14. X-52 did some more strange things. I was only using the throttles but then they started acting up too. Did much comparing and decided to buy a VKB STECS https://www.vkbcontrollers.com/products/stecs-throttle-system-mini-plus Smooth, an impressive array of buttons and software even I can figure out. Expandable too
    2 points
  15. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I thank you.
    1 point
  16. UPDATE 23RD JULY 2024 Syria 10:00hrs only Added option to take LSO and Carrier Boss slots on Theodore Roosevelt (who wants to be first to kick a hard left just as Fen comes into land?) Corrected spawn positions for some planes as pointed out by @delta7 Added EWR for enemy AI planes. "They do not know who you are but they will find you and they will kill you".
    1 point
  17. Gentlemen The battle of France is over and the battle of Britain is about to commence. The enemy are preparing an invasion fleet to cross the channel. The RAF is targeted to destroy the ports, train depots and invasion craft. Primary target is the train depot at Cherbourg shown on map below We will altitude bomb at 3000m. We will be flying the A20 as substitute for Wellington. I can be master bomber so other bombers just have to formate on myself and drop on my command. If you wish to use bombsight then the following parameters apply Height 3000m Speed 350-400kmph Heading 225 Wind 4ms at 272 Wind correction 48 right. We will have an escort of hurricanes. The secondary targets are the boats and train station at Le Havre shown below This will be a low level run along the line of the barges We will start in the air at correct heading for primary target There are no close airfields so option is to return to England or ditch once over the lines A20 will take 16 100lb bombs full fuel Hurricanes 0.303 only for first flight then 2 20mm shvak if you wish
    1 point
  18. @delta7 - Thanks for the heads-up. I need to re-visit that map anyway to add in the ability to be LSO and Carrier Boss anyway so will check those out. Regards Friar
    1 point
  19. Hi fruitbat, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
    1 point
  20. Hi Friar, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
    1 point
  21. Hi DD_Arthur, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
    1 point
  22. For the next mission we will have option of altitude bombing in A 20 If you have not done this then here are some tips Hardest part is inputting the wind angle so see here Wind Angle Calculations The calculation for setting the instrument is this: (WIND DIRECTION) minus (PLANE COURSE) A. For results from 0 to 180 we set the number as is to the right side of instrument. B. For results from 0 to -180 we set the number as is to the left side of instrument. (RIGHT SIDE: from 0 to 180 clockwise // LEFT SIDE: from 0 to 180 anti-clockwise) 1.For results greater than 180 we DEDUCT from the result 360 and set according to A or B. 2.For results greater than -180 we ADD to the result 360 and set according to A or B. Examples: Wind course 130, Plane course 80: 130-80=50 , Set 50 deg on right side. Wind course 60, Plane course 130: 60-130= -70 , Set 70 deg on left side. Wind course 290, Plane course 40: 290-40=250 // 250-360= -110, Set 110 deg on left side. Wind course 20, Plane course 260: 20-260= -240 // -240+360=120, Set 120 deg on right side.
    1 point
  23. Hi Mel, further to your question last night I have been looking into it never having done it before. Please see the the video from GrimReaper. Could it have been you were faster than 160knts?
    1 point
  24. Star again FT. Bedankt
    1 point
  25. Tanking in the goo is... actually quite fun!
    1 point
  26. bin\DCS_Updater.exe INSTALL SUPERCARRIER
    1 point
  27. No, that's not it. It could not be that easy. For sure! Thanks a lot Colin!
    1 point
  28. One for @DD_Fenrir and @PapaBear
    1 point
  29. Sorry - delta -no problem on keeping GBS Tuesdays.
    1 point
  30. What About Sunday's Delta? Could we make it a DCS event except when you want to run a BoX event? Just trying to get as many people flying what they want when they want....
    1 point
  31. We have a solid group attending on Tuesday for Box, if you want to move this then, considering we had a recent vote on this matter, I think it would only be fair to get agreement from Petrol, Mossie, Perf and myself, it may be that Tuesday suits this group. I understand the wish to increase interest in DCS but it shouldnt be at the expense of the guys who are primarily interested in BoX
    1 point
  32. Apologies! That headless is indeed for the Web server, it is a Linux virtual machine. Turns out there was a bug in the software and it did cause a few BSODs as well, I updated and it appears to be OK now. The headless VM will auto start with Windows, and it also does our TeamSpeak.
    1 point
  33. UPDATE 29th June 2024 Syria 10:00hrs Map Only Added random supply convoy group as targets. Their start position is marked on the map. When all units in the convoy have been killed another convoy will be generated. Includes Phantom and Kiowa Changed missile warning system on Kiowa Hopefully corrected carrier position so planes should no longer start in air Aleppo airfield is a base that could be captured by ground units, provided the area is cleared out if course As per the original Persian map there are numerous random picked SAM sites as well as groups of tanks for the ground pounders. This map has the option to spawn enemy fighters as per the old Persian Gulf map. I.e once they have been activated they are self populating. (Is this the preferred style rather than you picking what is coming?) There is also the option for air to air training with the ability to spawn in unarmed Migs.
    1 point
  34. I found this interesting, an animation and explanation of the Gulf War air war - day one. It certainly conveys well the scale of the operation which I hadn't really appreciated before:
    1 point
  35. All done and running ..... mostly. It doesn't like some old USB devices, changing ports helped with the head tracking camera. And then the same ..change ports again and working again. Plus my X52 is acting up too... The cooling mods help, it runs .5 deg cooler with the case closed up. Air filter box below blends right in. I bought a display panel for inside the case(bottom left) to display temps etc but I'm having some trouble figuring out the display program. Final parts list. Hmm. The video card is listed here much more than the $879 that I paid for it only a few weeks ago.
    1 point
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