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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I cant find hyperthreading but I have got the memory speed to 3200 mhz so that should help . There is a turbo boost button and one which runs this on all cores. I will do a bit more reserch
  2. I get 45ish FPS and I use a Corsair water cooling set up with 2 fans on it. I followed a guide to overclock and set it to 5ghz but quite often it reports the speed as 4ghz. Kev was on about CPU settings but I am a bit slow following what he said about turbo and something else. The above report shown video ram as 4 gig but the card has 8 gig ddr5 so I dont know.
  3. After listening last night I think I need to make sure that I am making the best of what I have got. What do I need to do?
  4. Tried to set up but its a bit bright now so I will wait until theis evening. Looking forward to getting it working All I need is a piece of plywood and wifey will be convinced I am mad.
  5. It is here and I have decided to have a tidy up/re-route of lots of cables. I plan to do the set up tomorrow.
  6. I am going to have a look in the garage for some ply for my "cockpit" soon. Just fired up DCS and it has decided to bin my A10 control settings
  7. I seem to remember an Austrailian buying a PointCTRL and it really did a world tour. Out and back to the US a couple of times
  8. I think that in the videos I have seen on cold and dark start ups snap views have been used to get a good position for mouse clicking of the buttons. My package has now departed Dallas for God knows where.
  9. @ Arthur I have had a very quick go in the F-16 To be honest I thought that US post had lost it as it hadnt moved in over 2 weeks. We shall see. I will definatly give the plywood cockpit a go
  10. Good work Fen, will we me mostly mud moving or patrol/intercept?
  11. Thats one excited dog
  12. My PointCTRL is still doing its World Tour. 3 weeks in New York and now its in Dallas/Fort Worth. At least its on the move!
  13. Bottom left there are 3 tabs. 2nd for keys controls. 3rd for plane specific
  14. So next year we must have twice the fun It would be good if as many as posible made it to Duxford.
  15. Click on this to see the spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WZFFW18zSU0ip5QIZQbmuChM5Tw_5u-sqDCEKO5kWk0/edit?usp=sharing It shows the default settings for ALL controls including gunner positions.
  16. A great help for checking what controls you can map https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/60546-plane-specific-controls-filterable-spreadsheet/
  17. Interesting thread on this https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/60008-faa-report-on-collings-b-17-crash/
  18. Now sorted the picture order I forgot to mention Painless mate Daves little kite
  19. It isnt a very pretty plane. We flew facing backwards in the tailboom Bet you have had some helicopter rides Arthur
  20. I couldnt put the pictures in the right order
  21. So......... Stick Time is Cadet Mk3 and T-21 Sedburgh at 631 Gliding School 1965 Chipmunk at RAF Woodvale Then K-13 and Blanik at Burton and Derby club and a week aerotow maybe Hereford? and a week with a T-49 at the West Wales club Then another weeks aerotow at Burton and Derby (got to solo that!) Also had rides in Beverely and a low level flight in a Hastings
  22. Some people may not realise that not every collector plane is included with the premium editions. Such as Yak-1B Fw 190-F3 Bf-109G-6 La-5FN Ju-52 U-2VS Hurricane II Yak-9 Yak-9T It might be a good idea to grab any you fancy while the codes are still valid.
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