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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. PWCG 8.8.0 now available and it looks like some bugs have been fixed Lots of good stuff for coop in this one. PWCG 8.8.0 Consolidated coop mode - No more split modes with different capabilities - Can now do anything in one mode - Improved briefing to allow complete switching between player flights - Updated AAR to allow either with or without claims for coop Added out of mission victory tab to AAR Now allowed to reduce fuel to 40% Set fuel in air starts by aircraft type Spread time between missions for historical activity/inactivity Reduced weight in bombers/ground attack to use lighter loads Bugs - Fixed pilots in mission missing from AAR - Fixed duplicate planes lost report in AAR - Fixed no artillery when simple ground config is high - Fixed missions flown doubling - Fixed issue that could cause flight not to generate if no opposition found for Ai slight - Changed P40 skin config to not use other than winter
  2. Dear friends! We would like to congratulate you on the very important holiday - 75th Anniversary of the Victory in Europe! On this day 75 years ago the hard and long road to peace, that cost millions of lives, has finally come to its end at the European theater of the world war. The people of all nations got a second chance to live. Let's remember the heroic deeds of our ancestors and be thankful to them - even though that today's crisis and problems are significant, they can't be compared to the gravity of the situation and the hardships of those years of war. The life that was given to us by the heroic deed of our ancestors continues. Coincidentally, this is a small anniversary for our project, which is entirely dedicated to the World War II events, as well - you're reading its 250th Developers Blog. Our work on the sim also continues - in 2 or 3 weeks we plan to release the next update 4.006. It will bring not only the new player controllable machines - Yak-9 and Yak-9T Collector Planes and SU-152 assault gun for Tank Crew - but also the fundamental changes in the graphics engine: the renderer will be switched to Deferred Shading. At the moment this update is already in the beta testing and our team is working on debugging and finalizing it. The changelist will be a long one once again, it already includes more than 50 changes in different areas of the sim. To illustrate what these renderer changes add to the visuals, we want to show you the in-game screenshots of Yak-9T, which is a good aircraft to display the new graphical capabilities: Another pic we want to show you the WIP model of the early war German pilot which will be used in BoM, BoS and BoK timeframes. It's going to appear in the project a bit later, but it won't be a long wait:
  3. It still need some refining with my left hand but it is impressive
  4. That is not a train set. Its a model railway
  5. Crash

    New Toy Mmm

    We had a talk at the photo club by a professional photographer who uses the latest iphone and it was capable of doing amazing things like adjusting the focus point after the photo had been taken, low light photography etc. He did always use a tripod and editing software though.
  6. Good Actually windoze messed my ini file last evening. It forgot my email address and deleted the simshaker lines so no shaking on the mission. It also reset the mirror setting so I couldnt see the nose wheel. Just keeping me on my toes I suppose.
  7. Crash

    New Toy Mmm

    Why not use this https://www.on1.com/products/photo-raw/ $50 at the moment. I like it a lot
  8. I think its a 1080 but he would rather have higher resolution and frame rates so he is going to wait. I didnt
  9. I think that you cant tell if it will be ok by looking at it. I have a feeling that they work or they dont. I sold Painles my old overclocked to 5 Ghz CPU (i7 4790K 4.4Ghz with Gelid Tranquillo Heatsink/fan ) after 2 years use 2 years ago and its still fine. It might be easier to buy a MB+CPU bundle
  10. Me too, but it is nice to be able to activate stuff using your fingers
  11. After several attempts over several days I think I have got it set up feeling very promising as there will be no need to assign key presses for every plane. Looking forward to when the beta is upgraded to stable as the settings screen is better.
  12. If we have some idea of what we are attacking I feel it would be best to allocate targets and the order that we attack them in. Anti air patrols should be somewhat easier to organise.
  13. Oh yes!!! Thanks Fen. Will the briefing have a picture of the target so we can assign pilots? it would save making it up as we go along (usual doggie style)
  14. Just had a quick test on the doggie server, temps didnt go much above 45 with a couple of 109s in a dogfight.
  15. Thank you installed along with the graph plugin.
  16. What is the best/easiest way to record the CPU temps?
  17. Done a test on the quick mission and it seems to be a lot better now. However the game went into pause mode when I fired my guns, unpause and all is fine!
  18. Found the hyperthreading and turned it off All cores set to run 5 ghz. Hopefully this will make it run better (but I dont really know what I am doing)
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