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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Hello everybody. I have got Freelancers X52 profile and am in the process of setting it up I know that guitarman wants it and it looks a really good one. I notice that it has the name Shadow on it. Is it the DD shadow?? If it is you I hope that you dont mind
  2. You only need 4.08, the switcher does the rest.
  3. Recruitment seems to be going well. I have noticed a lot of "how do I do stuff" posts in the zoo.
  4. Crash


    Buy one You KNOW you want to!
  5. Just some left over steel shelving and a TV swivel They work well (now) and cost about £30 including the stick. Fool Trottel in the Ubi zoo was the inspiration.
  6. Hello again The rudder issue is now sorted. The pedals are a home made set and the game was detecting a slight movement the the Y axis before the X axis that I needed. I have now disconnected the offending pot and all is well again. All I need to do now is set up learn and remember the complex engine management controls I might be up to speed next week or so. I will keep in touch These are the pedals.
  7. I found a line of zeros. I changed them to 100s and it now works After the mess up of 4.08 I deleted my Il-2 folder and copied back a back up of 4.7 When this is finished I will have another go with the switcher. Thanks for your help.
  8. Hello. I am having a hard time I patched to 4.08 and ran the switcher and now my rudder pedals and throttle dont work! Both check out in control panel . The rudder checks out in hotas but in game it just gives me left rudder. The throttle isnt recognised
  9. Crash

    What do I need?

    Thanks for the info. I have installed and tested it. Works like a charm I needs LOTS more practice.
  10. Crash

    What do I need?

    Hello guys :)I like crashing on carriers What A/C will I be able to choose? (I usually fly red but have been known to bat for the other side) My aim isnt very good at the moment so what would be best to practice?
  11. Crash

    What do I need?

    Hello again. Things are progressing with my new set up and might be ready this weekend I am running 4.071m and have TS. What else do I need? Also do I need to learn coms procedure and complex engine management? I always fly cockpit on but sometimes like to see myself flying about. I have never flown online so be understanding! See you soon.
  12. Hello again. Last night I was playing round with teamspeak but couldnt transmit. It turned out that my mike wasnt plugged in fully
  13. Crash

    X 52

    Have you tried the Saitek forum??
  14. Hello again I am modding my seat and moving the hardware over to a new case. The throttle is a bit wobbly but it should be ok. The stick feels just
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome!!
  16. My new toy has arrived. However I had to pay another £20 to parcelforce and the price of a transformer is ANOTHER £20 so much for the cheap option! I have managed to "mod" a 110/240 volt shaver to provide the juice lucky I still had it. I am going to rehouse my puter in a new case and then get the mike, buttkicker and the seat modded to take the throttle and stick in the next week or so. Then I would like to fly with you guys
  17. I have just gone to 4.71 and it still works ok
  18. Hello again. Thanks for the offer He did and I have replied.
  19. Hello again. Does the Buttkicker have a voltage step down to 12/9 volts or is it 110 volts
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