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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I dont know but he flew Hurricanes and Tempests.
  2. To be honest Todd DCS is only going to get bigger and bigger so a drive maybe an M2 would be best way to deal with it and use SkateZillas updater to switch.
  3. I thought it wouldnt be a problem but I dont use steam so I wasnt sure.
  4. more stuff 252 Hello friends, As you know, the recently released update 4.006 brought many important and interesting changes. Our work continues and soon we will start to prepare the new update 4.008 that is planned to include P-47D-22 "Razorback" fighter for Battle of Normandy and tank destroyer Sd.Kfz.184 "Ferdinand" for Tank Crew. You may have noticed and wondered why the mission number isn't 4.007? The answer is that we plan to release an intermediate update before that, it will add some important functionality and new features. They will be based on your feedback mostly and will bring some features long-awaited by the community. The update 4.007 is already in beta testing and we hope it will be ready in the coming week. Among other changes it will include 4К quality external texturing by Martin =ICDP= Catney for the legendary Ju-87D-3 from Battle of Stalingrad, here are some screenshots of it: Speaking on the update 4.008, which is planned for late June - early July, we have also something to show you already. Another legendary plane, P-47D-22 "Razorback", will begin the Early Access for Battle of Normandy:
  5. I would ask here https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/forum/9-general-discussion/
  6. One more quote from my grandfather...and one of his best ever. Back in 1970 when I was 11, he took me down to Biggin Hill to see the air show and have a look at the Battle of Britain memorial flight first hand. I can't tell you my disappointment when instead of heading straight to the airfield he stopped at the old pub in the village...which had a closed sign up. When we got into the pub it was full of old blokes all shouting and laughing at eachother...turned out it was a few of my boyhood heroes...ones that I had read about and had most of their their photos on my bedroom wall... For the home team... Douglas Bader Bob Stanford-Tuck James 'Ginger' Lacey Brian Kingcome John 'cat's eyes' Cunningham Johnny Johnson Paul Brickhill Raymond Baxter (who was a TV presenter for the 'Tomorrow's world' program on the BBC back in the 60's and 70's) My grandfather... And for the visiting team... Adolph Galland Erich Alfred Hartmann Günther Rall Gerhard Barkhorn Walther Dahl Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert... ...and a few others from both teams I didn't know...I was like a pig in proverbial going around getting all those old blokes to sign my autograph book, we even missed the airshow. Thinking I was destined for a big disappointment at missing the BoB flight fly past, I was stunned when my grandfather and all those old blokes all jumped on a few buses dragging me along with them and headed in to the airfield after the airshow had finished...still laughing and shouting at eachother like rowdy kids ...and went straight to the hangar where the Battle of Britain flight were parked. They all took turns sitting in the cockpits of the Spitfire and Hurricane... and getting pics taken by an army of official photographers. When it came around to my grandfathers turn, I watched him climb into the Hurricane as I stood on the wing next to a young RAF flight lieutenant who had flown it during the airshow. As my grandfather looked around the cockpit just lightly running his hands over the controls, the young officer started to explain to him what all the levers and buttons were...He just smiled at the young bloke and said. "That's all very interesting, son... but I've done things in a Hurricane you wouldn't do with your wife." The comment certainly pleased all the rest of the WW2 veteran pilots who all jeered and laughed uproariously. I still have the framed and autographed photo of me standing up in the cockpit of the Hurricane wearing my grandfathers flying helmet with all the collected aces stood around out front of it... Best day ever
  7. An idea might be to download DCS world and the A-4E Skyhawk mod. It is well modeled, free and you can try out carrier landings
  8. I understand that real life happens, but most of us know if its very likely we are going to be there by the day before mission. It would help Tom if we had a list up of who was going to be there and maybe encourage us pilots to get online in plenty of time.
  9. Earlier starts a fine with me. It was very difficult with the big hand turning us round out of cockpit. I found myself flung back but nicely lined up with the bridge and as I couldnt see anyone making a run I decided to go for it and called out I was going to drop. With more room around the target we can get organised before the bomb run. Do we know any of the results for last night? I think our target bridge was flatened but what else?
  10. It is discounted a bit until launch I think $15, but it will be some time before it is sold really cheap.
  11. I have noticed that 7F-C and 7F-D have the same nose art I would like to change the nose art at some point.
  12. Keep an eye on the forums, there is usually a post when there is a sale on. And there are 3 more aircraft to add to that Yak 9 Yak 9-T Hurricane
  13. Just read this might be important BTW, one thing I am liking about this campaign is that it teaches you to stay close to your flight leader, especially in bad weather missions. Too often I've become lazy with that in career mode, doing my own thing on ground attack missions, since the weather there usually affords better visibility. Not so here! I just flew mission #3 and, sure enough, because I didn't make a coordinated attack with my flight lead, I had no idea where he was when the rest of the flight headed north to attack other targets. It's something I'm going to keep in mind going forward.
  14. This is starting Sunday Why not put you name on the flying list? Are you going to be Llama or Thumper?
  15. We are taking over the World
  16. And me (again) Cant a list of DD names be used instead of an IP address?
  17. The need for speed?........
  18. more on the superhornet
  19. Updated manual https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/documentation/dcs_supercarrier_operations_guide/
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