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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Crash


    From the album: Untitled Album

  2. After recalibrating 4 times it works well. I think I had issues with stray lighting interfering with the headset. It is rather good for using MFDs Viacompro and SRS on the otherhand......need more understanding on my part.
  3. Pat says it will be backwards compatable so it should be OK
  4. Pat posted this. It looks very interesting I'm going to need some help in a little while. I am in the process of making a pretty big change to PWCG. It should both simplify the mission creation process and create better missions, PWCG Now: Flight centric. PWCG makes flights. If it needs ground targets then PWCG makes those for the flight. Because there are limits AI flights are limited to tiny ground targets - usually an AA. MG. The process is very complex as it requires an analysis of available target types, then the creation of one of those target types during flight creation specific to the flight. PWCG Next: Battlefront centric. PWCG makes the ground activity first. If a flight needs a ground target one is selected from the activity in the mission. No more availability analysis, just assignments to attack what's there. What I hope to achieve: Organic funneling. In real life attack planes went to where the action was and fighter planes went to where the attack planes were. This new model will exactly emulate that. Easier time modeling historical action tempo. Give you the feeling of intense activity during battles and less activity during quieter times. Better overall feel for what you and the planes around you are doing. AI only flights will now attack real targets on the battlefield. Better software. This implementation is both simpler than what exists today and should produce more enjoyable missions. Easier maintenance, reduced risk of bugs, easier to expand, etc. Worst case there should be minimal difference. If you are a fighter jock then you're mostly interested in killing other planes. You might notice that the planes are attacking real targets. I think this will really make the ground attack experience light up ... or it will look pretty much the same as today. I should have a beta out in a few days.
  5. Thanks Fen. Is it possible to generate the mission early, so as to assign targets to pilots in the case of a ground pounding mission?
  6. I cant connect to the server, put in the ip but no joy. What am I doing wrong? Anywhere to put in a password/open port?
  7. Just been watching some Viacom Pro on youtube and have bought it.
  8. Dear friends, Update 4.006 will be released soon and we can show you more of the coming improvements. Today we'd like to demonstrate how the aircraft materials and textures will look in the new renderer compared to the old one. For instance let's look at La-5 series 8, He 111 H-6, P-38J-25, Albatros D.Va: We also have good news about the changes in 4.006. First, the airframe damage model for the WWI planes will be tuned according to your feedback. Second, the ships in the sim will have more advanced physical models - they will be able to run aground, receive an impulse from collisions, etc. - this is important for the Battle of Normandy where they played a major role. Third, according to Tank Crew players' feedback, we added a server option to disable tank AI gunners in multiplayer. Another option that has been requested for a while - now tech chat messages are a difficulty option so the players will be on equal terms in multiplayer. Our engineering department improved the FM and systems modeling for a number of planes, including Yak-7 and Bf-110. Tank Crew assault guns will be able to fire indirectly at a heading and distance set by the gun or platoon commander. In the graphics department, we're adding an alternative antialiasing method, FXAA, which trades some AA quality for a noticeable performance boost. It also has a side effect of somewhat improving the visibility of the contacts against the ground, especially when used in conjunction with the "Sharpen" graphics option. Several planes from already released modules will get the 4K quality external textures and the rivers and sea will get the updated water surface visualization. As usual, the full list of the changes and improvements will be available at the update launch and it is already close to 70 items total. We're hoping that the next update will be another step forward in the development of the project and you, our customers, will enjoy it. And to finish today's Dev Blog, here are a couple of Yak-9 and Yak-9T Collector Planes screenshots from our Producer:
  9. Ooooops, just bought an F-18 to go with the carrier
  10. Bignewy says Hi all We are planning an open beta update for the 20th of May which will include the super carrier. Thank you for your patience __________________ BIGNEWY Community Manager Eagle Dynamics
  11. Yes to the Tomcat, no to landing Quote from NineLine So far the F-14 has been working very well with the SC in testing, both MP and SP, that said, there might be extra issues that need solving with it into Early Access. But it is much farther along then a month ago, for sure. Mostly its things like parking issues because of its size, or other size issues not seen with the smaller Hornet.
  12. It might help if we put our CPU, GPU and VR headset info in so we can see if we are running similar systems. Me CPU i7@5Ghz GPU 1080 CV1 32 Gig 3200mhz DDR4 Maybe Santa could upgrade my GPU and headset......
  13. Thanks for that, just changed stuff and will try it out later.
  14. How much are the errors affected by the number of players and the server connection quality? Might it be worth running a short campaign with fewer players and if it goes ok add more? Or even with the mission we ran last night try that on the dogz server as a coop?
  15. Just bought it, along with Persian Gulf and F-16. Viacom looks like it would be worth it https://www.vaicompro.com/
  16. I will very probably buy the F-16, Persian Gulf and the super carrier. I managed to cold start the A-10C, take off and sort of land.
  17. Did the mission AAR run ok? I really must not fly into the ground at a great rate of knots. My new pilot will be Joe Walsh, and when he is dead I will be James Hendrix, followed by John Mayer
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