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Everything posted by Perfesser
Exactly. Trim is up in the top section of the controls but way down at the bottom in HOTAS is where you'll assign it to an axis. That screenshot above (if that's what you mean by " trim sliders") is accessed from the main screen, bottom right hand corner, entitled Hardware Setup and then hit the "Input" tab.
Getting Credit Card For Usa Holiday - Mastercard Ok?
Perfesser replied to Friar's topic in Jim's Place
Watch that damn mouse in Disney. He had my wallet empty before I could say "make a wish". -
To all the 357th and other volunteers. A few of us fly another SEOW timeslot every Sunday night at 9pm eastern, lineup 8:30. For the last year it's only been 4 or 5 of us. Very little ground war with our small numbers. Especially good for new SEOW pilots - no pressure. Currently Korea B29's F86's F9 Panthers vs Mig's PM or talk to me directly and I'll get you set up.
What software are you using to program all this stuff? I just got a CH stick but would like to use the X52 throttle. I have Saitek rudders as well. Even better, use the X52 throttle and retain some of the buttons on the X52 stick, toggles, rotary switches and such but use the CH stick as the joystick.
I tried those reduced settings for a long time thinking I could be more precise with my guns. The more I messed with them the more I was wandering when shooting. Might work with a better stick. Mine is getting tired and sloppy.
Many fighters don't trim that well. In the game you can adjust that a bit in the hardware setup. Make sure you're in the "elevator trim" section (top left). This makes it more precise in the center area if the "symmetrical" button is on. Adjust to your liking and save the profile. You can play with rudder trim, prop pitch and throttle in the same way. I found it works best for me to leave the aileron, rudder and elevator at 100 across the board. I did have another profile just for the Spitfire to limit elevator travel to 70 - keeps you from inadvertently getting a high speed stall - dunno if they fixed that in 4.11 but it was bad in 4.10. Can't remember exactly how that was set up - the profile vanished in the new install.
When you lead a flight can the rest keep up with you at your settings? I find nobody can use the same settings as the flight leader and keep up. Last plane in the flight is the worst, seems it never has the power of the leaders plane. If I take the #4 I'm almost at 100 just to keep up to his 80/80. I wonder how the lead planes from 2 different flights would compare? Seems like something fun to test.
IL2 compare for HSFX 6 and expert mode
Thanks gec, I tried that last night - no joy. Some people are having peculiar problems with it. I'll try to just get rid of it and roll back to IE9. Uninstalling the update seems to have rolled things back to IE9, everything seems to be working now ......till the next time Microslave messes with my system.
I can't use anything off the menu in the MP, if I try to bring up the compass - 404 Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Any of you mission planners have a chance to see if IE 10 works for you? Roll back to IE9?
We used to look for AV programs that didn't use too much processing power but I was just thinking today how little that matters now. I'm flying a 10 year old flight sim made when processors were 1 mhz. Now we have multi-core with at least 3 mhz and framerate hasn't been an issue for years. The old issues aren't really that important.
The ammo shortage is a real problem for us too. Surplus can still be had in military calibers but guys are complaining they can't even find primers for reloading. I'm doing more rimfire shooting now and holding on to my center fire. No way anything from the CommBlock is getting down there. They're fine exporting your manufacturing over there so they get a better bottom line but they don't want you having any of the advantages. New ITAR regs make it much harder for us to get anything good up here either. I'm finished with Brownells - just too much of a pain to order anything. Couldn't get stocks (over $100), scope mounts(scope rings OK?), sights, optics or blades before, now anything attached to a rifle is verbotten. They cancelled my muzzle brake and broken shell extractor order. Shell extractor.. really? I had to pay $180 for a Smith Enterprises brake up here, same one at Brownells for $80. Seems the states with the dumbest policies are also the ones in the deepest financial trouble. You might want to look at New Hampshire is friendly towards and actively seeking liberty minded folks.
AV programs piss me off by the way they want to take over the system. Any recommendations on one? Effective but arms-length? Good idea on the USB stick though.
Yesterday I came home from work to find a message on my comp stating that AVG has isolated an infected file. The file was il2fb.exe. I looked and scanned and nothing. Ignore. Then I see Win7 updates ready to instal so I do that, reboot and I no longer have an il2fb.exe anywhere. No shortcut, no exe in the game folder. A system restore brought it back but I had that cold fear in the pit of my stomach for a while.
I think some of you are mistaking the rest of Canada for where I live. Ontario is the center of "you will pay for me to sit on my a** because I have no desire to work" scum sucking socialism. I'm sure you don't want to hear about our $150 SKS rifles either so ........... I'll show you the ones on sale ....$75 Here is my latest purchase.
Some good news. These guys who have real balls have said "if our civilians can't buy this stuff we won't sell it to law enforcement either". I love Americans ....real ones. Not those pussies in office or the corporate dweebs but the real men the country was formed on. If large manufacturers step up as well this will be a landslide. What they don't get is that most of their market is to civilians anyway. 5 years after confiscation most big companies would be finished without the civilian market. Firearms Equality Movement -
As the name implies they're all based on the M14 action. Semi-auto. Most are .223 cal though they do make a 7.62 x 39 version. Mini-30, I wouldn't consider anything less. We're pretty lucky up here in Canada as we can get the Chinese copy of the M14 in NATO 7.62 x 51 (.308) with forged receivers(they bought all the original tooling). Even springfield is using cast ones these days and they want 2 to 3 thousand for one.. The rest of the rifles aren't very well made, crap rear sights, barrels often out of index. But you can tune them up as good as any if you spend a few hundred and aren't afraid to get dirty. Can't beat the $450 price tag. Sometimes they have a promo. $650 for a case (1040 rounds) of ammo and another $200 gets you a rifle. They aren't tack drivers, it's a main battle rifle, but they'll usually do 2 -3 MOA out of the box. I have 2. As for confiscation.......I think (or I seriously hope) that if they do something so blatantly against your constitution that you would feel morally obligated to disobey. Up here they pulled a registration of long guns. The compliance was about 50%. Half the owners said F** off. A few years later they scrapped the registry. YAY us. If they pull something like a confiscation, pack em in a sealed 6" PVC tube and bury them. Then I suggest a "boating accident". So sorry, all guns at bottom of lake.
I have the X52 but I only use the mode rotary wheel to change "comm channels". I use the clutch button as my transmit key bound to different keys for each mode. Mode 1 is my regular transmit to channel(F7). Roll it to mode 3 and the transmit button is bound to F5 that transmits to all channel commanders. Mode 2 (bound to F6) is reserved for specific whispers. Either to "last whisper received" or my flight leader or the flight of bombers I'm escorting. F9 is my hotkey to activate channel commander status. Another trick- I use one of the toggles on the stick for gear down. Bind the pinkie+gear down toggle to a key. Then set up that key as a macro for 50 strokes of that key. When flying something like an I-16 you just hit pinkie+gear down toggle and it automatically cranks the manual gear down 50 times. Unfortunately you also have to do a separate one for pinkie+gear up.
How To Disable Saitek Magic Mouse In Win7 64 Bit
Perfesser replied to Crash's topic in Hardware Hell
I think I remember when installing the programming software it asks whether you want to install magic mouse software. Might be a long shot but you could re-install the software and watch for that option. I have the same setup and my cursor doesn't move so it could also be a mechanical problem with the switch off center at rest. -
This is Canada. The aftermarket is so limited here by population and it's impossible to ship anything gun related across the border(thanks idiot regulators). Forget any sights, scopes, barrels, stocks, knives. Flashlights ok unless "weapon" is in the description. But I do keep looking for the right deal. We have some advantages but not many. We can still get com-block exports - the forged M1A (M-14) stuff is still coming in but flying off the shelves as fast as it gets here. We still have a decent ammo market but that's drying up fast too. Right now looking for a shotgun that won't scare off my tiny wife. I'm starting her off with a Mossberg 510 mini.
I can hardly fault you for your buy because I bought a Win 1300 myself for turkey hunting. Then you find it's almost impossible to get aftermarket stuff and used parts because they're so rare. Been looking for a second hand short barrel for years. Remington and Mossberg seem to have the aftermarket parts market to themselves.
Gentlemen, Our Beloved Patriarch Has Passed On....
Perfesser replied to Rattler's topic in Jim's Place
A sad day for the Dogz. ~S~ BG -
NASA has a sightings calculator. Plug in your location. It's easy to spot with the naked eye.
2130 CET is I think 1530 EST? Every Tuesday? Is this 2130 a hard start? Or lineup for 2200 If traffic is in my favour I might possibly make it by then unless daylight savings time gets in the way.
Beautiful and functional Propnut.