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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. HHI TiME Lab showcases monster 180-degrees high-res display with a panoramic 3.35 by 12 meters, 180-degrees high resolution display with outstanding image and sound quality. http://www.gizmag.com/hhi-time-lab-panoramic-screen/14304/
  2. This will be big. I heard some guy on the radio talking about it. Remember the good old days when SNL was funny?
  3. You do want to be careful what you shut down via msconfig. Do not use "msconfig" to disable services, type "services.msc" in the Run box instead. http://www.blackviper.com/AskBV/Win7_01.htm You should be able to schedule it to scan at another time at least. You might try Safe Mode and search/delete any files or registry entries with that program. Look here if all else fails http://www.blackviper.com/
  4. Strangely enough as soon as I present evidence that BG is in fact a Super Villain the forums crash, the data base is corrupted and my post heads for the giant bit-bucket in the sky. I won't give up till the truth is out!!!! There are just too many coincidences.
  5. If you haven't been that good there's one from a Tornado for 2500
  6. The prosecution rests.
  7. I don't feel so bad about some of my carrier landings now.
  8. Mine still works. Once uploaded to your album hit "share" and the "get link code". I think there's an HTML option there somewhere.
  9. AHHH thank you BA. I was trying to remember the Goldberg competition. I love the automated dart firing machine.
  10. Wow!!! I'm sure I read ZA was not compatible with Win7 64 so I never installed it. Using the free AVG one.
  11. I use a function key for activation. And I'm too cheap to pay for the full version of FRAPS so I only have the .bmp option for screenshots but I use an image edit program (IrFanView) that does a batch conversion on multiple images. It will convert hundreds of images from bmp to jpeg in seconds and you can adjust other settings at the same time. I just checked, the screens are 3/4 of a second apart. I could shorten that a bit. All the screens on that night mission were black but when I converted the batch I adjusted gamma and brightness settings at the same time.
  12. I looked at that a few times. I like it. I may just steal "the big cheese" for a nose art.
  13. You do have to have FRAPS running in the background but the screens aren't the framerate killer that video is. You don't notice it running. When I tried a video even at low settings my rate dropped to 40 fps. You can see the counter in the screens never drops below 60, vsync is on. Probably handy as a gunnery training aid, check back to see if those high deflection shots are hitting.
  14. I've been playing with gun camera footage. In instances where you can't record a track like SEOW I found an acceptable method that doesn't hurt gameplay. I made a macro in the saitek profile program to take 5 FRAPS screenshots every 1/2 second whenever I pull the trigger. String them together into a slideshow that only shows the really juicy bits of the combat. Quality is poor, still playing with settings. At the end it may show other vids. Indyyeti is my account there. I saved another from a SEOW night mission but it was banned from SEOW as in "recording a track" Still fighting that. The macro feature is very handy for other things like raising the gear manually, or getting it down in a hurry. A single keypress instead of flogging one key 50 times.
  15. For me, form follows function. It's pretty hard to beat Burt Rutan's series of aircraft. Nothing he's ever designed was constrained by convention, only physics. http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=rutan%20aircraft&oq=rutan&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
  16. Because humans learn in two ways: 1. Continuous repetition and reinforcement 2. A traumatic emotional event I think this qualifies for #2
  17. Maybe that windows update was a bad thing. After a reboot just before a SEOW mission I find all my binds in my profile gone. Binding stuff again and it won't save them. Re-installing software and drivers ............ grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  18. they got all excited and asked if I could drive a
  19. Only thing I have to say is we live in a bilingual country and his english is one hell of a lot better than my french.
  20. Latest software is the best. Sounds like the button acts like a toggle, that's latched or unlatched I think. But I thought the pinkie was only a shift? I was in the uninstall program area of the Win7 control panel yesterday and windows asked if I wanted to download an update from Windows for a Saitek device? Maybe that will help. Maybe I hit a search for updates tab? Can't remember exactly but it was there somewhere.
  21. Nope. The recoil is about equal to the thrust of a single engine. Recoil = 45Kn Thrust = 80Kn GAU-8 Avenger - The recoil vs. forward thrust myth A persistent urban legend is that the recoil force of the Avenger matches that of the A-10's engines and as such the plane would slow down, stall and subsequently crash if the gun was to be fired for long periods of time. Some even add the fanciful notion of the plane beginning to fly backwards. These claims hold little truth. While the cannon does slow the aircraft when flying at high speed, it cannot stop the plane in mid-air. The recoil force can be calculated by multiplying the muzzle velocity with the mass of the projectiles over one second (force = impulse per time). This gives an approximate recoil force of 30 kN. On the GAU-8/A product homepage the recoil force is stated as 10,000 pounds-force, or about 45 kN. The maximum combined output of the A-10 engines is 80 kN. Hence the recoil force of the gun is slightly more than half of the total thrust of the engines. While this is quite significant, it is not sufficient to stop the aircraft. However, it can slow the aircraft rapidly and poses a challenge for pilots. When the airplane is moving quickly, it experiences a backward force of aerodynamic drag that is proportional to its speed. Aggressive maneuvering increases drag significantly. During combat flight, the engines must operate near full-throttle just to counteract drag and maintain speed. When the gun recoil force is combined with the drag at 400+ knots, the total backwards force is much more than the combined thrust of the engines, even at full throttle, causing the aircraft to slow down. A-10 pilots report that firing the cannon while moving at high speed feels like "hitting the brakes", even though the engines are automatically pushed to full throttle when the gun is activated. Long bursts from the gun can reduce airspeed enough to cause a stall danger when executing a hard pull up and turn at the end of a strafe. Even if the gun could fire forever the plane would never fall out of the sky — it would simply slow down to a speed where the engine thrust is equal to the gun recoil plus the aerodynamic drag. Some claims have been made that the A-10 engines are susceptible to flame-out when subjected to gunpowder gases, such that when the GAU-8 firing, the smoke from the gun can make the engines stop. Gun exhaust is essentially oxygen-free, and is certainly capable of causing flame-outs of gas turbines. However, the A-10 is designed so that the gun exhaust passes underneath the fuselage, and never ventures near the high-mounted turbines, even during negative-G maneuvers.
  22. The Sukhoi T-50, also called the PAK FA, made its maiden flight in Russia's far east. Test pilot Sergei Bogdan said it was "easy and comfortable to pilot". Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said much work needed to be done before mass production began in 2015. BBC News - Russia unveils its first stealth fighter jet
  23. Yes Intel I have a Core Duo 2.6Ghz now and was hoping for the quad Q9650 at 3.0Ghz. They're still closer to $400 Newegg $359.99 Still a little too much to justify the small performance gain I would see especially with IL2.
  24. Just a matter of using all the cores. Give it another year for everything to be written use those cores and you'll see either more cores on a chip or multiple chips on a motherboard. I have a dual core now but I'm waiting for a quad core to get to less than $300 and I'll buy it.
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