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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. We all know the heavy wing on the Hurri can get tiresome. APHill was mentioning he was looking for a fix so I got to thinking ...... My first test of the forces required was laughably simple yet so remarkably effective I'm going to use it. It's nothing but some metal strapping bent to a |_____| shape, slid under the stick and an elastic band. A pencil is used here for a spacer to adjust tension. NOTE: Remove pencil for Spitfire sortie. I'm going to put jack screw where the pencil is for fine tuning but it works pretty well as is.
  2. My original CH pedals had a short circuit to the USB plug somewhere . All sorts of strange stuff going on with USB things.
  3. Rocket stoves have been the cutting edge in heating of late but mostly in the DIY/experimental realm. It was only a matter of time before someone manufactured something for sale. http://www.rocketheater.com/
  4. Hey Swep. There is a little mission you can load into CloD called "contact spotting" to help you sort out your settings to see how far away you can see enemy planes. As soon as the mission loads you pause the game and then look for contacts. There are 16 planes, each 1km farther away than the last. http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13915 Aside from the NVIDIA settings where I can see the first 9 or 10 adjusting the gamma gives me a couple more but makes the scenery a bit darker.
  5. So we've joined, had the DD tag registered. Sundays and Tuesdays, 9:30 EST start, 2 hrs run time. During the practice phase no death penalties but that will change. Not many Reds flying as yet, plenty of room.
  6. Any Dogz want to join in? I dunno if we should declare for a side or join as filler.
  7. Eagerly awaiting...... this should be going live soon, possibly . Used to run NA times Sunday and Tuesdays To register http://forum.ghostskies.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3451 @GK - TUSA is flying Allied this round and we need to register sometime soon
  8. Guilty as charged ......
  9. I can see substituting pound (£) for # (called the pound key on a phone) but is a substitute for "number" (#1, #2 ) but how does " translate to @?
  10. Some disgruntled folks over there................ All, The Storm of War server will finish on Sunday 24th. With the mission timings I can't guarantee the actual time, but it will either be before Midnight or after on Monday morning. At this point I do not know what will happen after this time. The server may return with some changes or it may not. This decision has not been taken lightly, but quite frankly Phil, Dietrich and I have been placed in impossible positions, abused, and mithered by questions and nitpicking too many times. We have bent over backwards and compromised on our vision too often and it still hasn't been enough. There are arguments and unhappiness across the two teams at a variety of issues and both sides accusing the other of gaming the system. Better to stop now while we are all still almost friends than wait for the inevitable blow up. Thanks to everyone who has flown on SoW over the past months and years.
  11. For anyone who has touched an electric fence......... Hilarious Swep, thanks.
  12. I don't know if anyone is familiar with the DARPA robotics challenge but this is remarkable performance for a "robot". Most are done and broken if they fall over.....
  13. There are a bunch of videos on all that the info windows can do for you, how to set them up . Take your pic https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cliffs+of+dover+game+info+windows
  14. One day last week I was getting very slow loading times plus it would not connect to Dogz America at all. Just hang at 100%- task manager shut down and "launcher not responding". I shut down everything, did a cold boot. - a bit better but still no Dogz. I think Steam has a lot to do with these kinds of problems. There is a program that optimizes internet connections. TCPOptimizer I looked and it's nothing bad, it will tell you what changes it will make - you can revert back to before any changes were made if you save the config.
  15. Water cooler.....computer porn!!
  16. This is at the airport just down the road from me.
  17. lol no, nothing like that. Looked more like a 50 mile long Spear of Destiny from Sheerness to the south.
  18. Thanks for that. I'm still on 361 but I remember GK and I both had a visual a few days ago, long black line suggesting something server generated.
  19. I was playing with the gear afterwards. I could find no way to have any manual gear down procedure do anything.
  20. I see now what that extra notation below our base listing means.
  21. Ummm....yes I'm responsible for that.....I was leading the flight. Last night GK and I went up for a quick test flight as there was only 45 min remaining and as I came over the fence I called "2 green", our signal that "I have checked my gear and have 2 green lights, do the same". Following aircraft are busy making sure they don't over run the leader on landing. He assured me that the gear lever was firmly in the down position on landing but later said that P2824 seemed to be "floating a long way down the runway"....... The mechanics had rolled out venerable V6603 for me. I returned it with the tape still covering the gun ports and I barely scuffed the tires. I see they haven't yet painted my 2 crosses on your fuselage. One note: We joined the Dogz server after that. I managed to run a Hurri completely out of fuel. You must put the gear down before the engine completely stops or it won't come down.... and it's a good idea to test your emergency gear down drills ahead of time because there's no time to figure that stuff out on a dead stick short final.
  22. No losses either. Nice work gents. No war stories? I'll start... I jumped in for a quick test flight alone (I know....) Got reports of a raid far south, I landed and took off again with full fuel. New plane but I'm sure there was nothing wrong with Hurri P2824. Missed them on the way in and turned to follow. Too late I found 9 bombers turning back from Farnborough at 16K. Above and behind were 12 escorts, 8 of whom took an unhealthy interest in my lone Hurri. I had altitude and gave them a good run, got hits on one but eventually they were equal altitude and energy and I was trying to figure out how to get away. I thought they were E-1's at first (yellow nose and wingtips) but I definitely saw cannon rounds exploding past me when one fired. They must have run low on fuel, at one point I looked back and nobody was there anymore. I turned to follow their reported egress heading in an empty sky, radar had them all at angels 1, and I caught up with them again near the coast skimming the trees. Pulled in behind a 109 and got him right at convergence with a short burst, his engine caught fire immediately, he rolled over and went straight in. I came back down from a zoom climb behind another and set his left wingroot on fire. I was about to get behind a third when I saw contacts off to the side. I thought it was the bombers or maybe a recon flight that had been reported (single at 2K)so I turned after them. Turns out they were balloons. By the time I turned back the sky was empty. I gave chase to that single radar contact just south of the coast near Rye, guessing it was a recon flight, but never found him. Low on fuel I turned for home but had to land at Eastchurch. Took off again with the same plane, V6603, and landed safe at home plate. Claiming 2 x 109 and another damaged.
  23. Looks like SoW 3 is launching March 6. Any plans to participate? Perfect chance to give all that wingman training to the test...............
  24. Thanks for posting that pic Alpha. More embarassing than my old headset is the clutter of current projects it resides in.
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