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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. How do you save your clean copy with a Steam install? And how do you deal with installing mods like HSFX?
  2. Well no doubt if you're trying to PM fleabag. I just sent you a PM ........ it will be from Perfesser........
  3. Any fighter has a lot of power and a lot of torque to deal with. It sounds to me though that you have your elevator trim set all the way back (or up) and the plane wants to stall as soon as it lifts off or you are pulling too much nose up. Set a button or use the default key(sorry, don't know the key) to center elevator trim. When you take off, don't use any more than 70% throttle until the tail comes up, you have control and the plane is rolling smoothly, then you can go wide open. After you launch and start to climb out you should going at least 250km/hr. What are you using for rudder? Keyboard? Twist stick? When you are going slow your ailerons won't have much effect. Pick up a low wing with rudder, not aileron. You usually need to use the rudder a LOT during takeoff. First to keep it straight during the initial acceleration, then to keep it straight as the tail comes up, then to keep the wings level as you leave the ground. Oh yeah, the 109 is one of the few planes that has no rudder trim. You'll (almost) always need to hold some rudder to keep the ball centered. Another plane will be easier if you don't have rudder pedals. We usually fly nightly in your time zone. Either 9 pm or 11:30 pm depending on what shift I'm working. I'll look for you on the dogz TS if you want some help.
  4. I only have one bit of advice if you make a cap - remember to remove it before answering the doorbell. That looks like a good setup you have there.
  5. I did the same thing few years back. To make the pic a little clearer I highlighted the top LED tube in blue, LED in red. Ignore that spotlight thing, that's just where I hang the rig when not in use. I read on the Freetrack forums the farther apart your LED's are the smoother and more accurate your tracking will be, makes perfect sense. I bought this headset with an external frame just so I could mount the LED's on it spacing them as far apart as possible. I used rigid plastic tubing running the wires inside the tubes - Bic pen tubes would work too. The long ones are about 8 inches, I made them so they aren't visible in my perephrial vision. I tried a battery pack at first but quickly dumped that in favour of a USB connection. You will have to put in resistors to drop the voltage from USB 5V to 4.5V. There is a calculator thing on the freetrack site for supply voltage and resistor values - look on the left for LED Assembly Wizard. I recommend a resistor at each LED with all wired in parallel. Makes it much easier to track down problems. Mine are in series and when anything goes wrong ALL LED's quit working and I have to start tracking down where the problem is. I've had my main power supply wire break twice from flexing, use multi strand wire on your supply-to-headset lead. Last time I swapped that wire to a telephone handset wire (the curly one). Solder all connections and use heat shrink tubing instead of tape. If you want any help with settings we can get together on TS and I can set you up with mine. What framerate are you getting with your camera? I have a really crappy camera getting 29 at best. I hear the Sonly PS3 camera is the best one right now, same mods needed to the lens. I bought one a year ago, still in the box
  6. Hot damn Crash, good find. My setup didn't allow me to click the desktop capture option. I see that's a bug that's been fixed in the last update. I still can't enable desktop capture on my GTX 760. Anyone else? FOUND IT! You must have an Aero Theme running in Windows, otherwise "allow desktop capture" is greyed out. It does capture the desktop but does nothing when IL2 is running in OpenGL. The icons and stuff show up when I run IL2 in DirectX and it does record the game however, when I run it in DirectX my Freetrack head tracker doesn't respond unless I slave it to the mouse, creating all kinds of strange movements, drifting, and vertigo.
  7. They already doubled the kickstarter of 65K. I want company shares.
  8. In the cockpit you have a trim gauge on the left side. One or two notches of nose down trim will stop that left wing drop that gives some folks trouble.
  9. In general any extra crap running is detrimental to your machine's ability to run demanding software. CloD seems to have the desktop running in the background unlike IL2 46 Sounds like it's hurting your computing power as well as your video card. Right click on the desktop, select personalize, and choose a basic theme. You won't even notice the difference.
  10. Manual gear as well as emergency gear drop doesn't seem to work - at least in the Spit. Am I missing something?
  11. Spit brakes are actually quite effective. The problem is the engine is so powerful the brakes have trouble coping with both the mass of the plane and the engine power. Land with fine pitch and once you're sure you aren't going to abort the landing crank your pitch back and it stops quite well. As for binding a key....I have my toe brakes mapped to the rudders for German planes. I also have a toe brake mapped to a keystroke via Joytokey so the same toe brake works in both types. For some reason an axis bound keystroke only applies 65% brakes?
  12. I don't see an option for chat in my controls at all. What am I missing here? I have the chat box where I get server messages but I can't reply to any messages. GK isn't seeing the entire chat section or the messages on the right side of the screen like when you set your compass or turn lights on and off either.
  13. I have my install in IL2 folder in C: drive. No issues.
  14. I've become a fan of podcasts and all the content they offer. Or, maybe I'm too cheap to pay for content. If you are a student of history at all, specifically war, this guy does some good stuff. Current content is free with archives costing a small fee. He does a commentary audio blog on current stuff called Common Sense and another in-depth historical series called Hardcore History. The last series he did was on WW1 called Blueprint for Armageddon parts 1 through 4. Each episode is 3-4 hrs and it's riveting stuff. Dan Carlin website http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/hharchive You can still get the Genghis Khan series, Wrath of the Khans for free.
  15. Am I living in a cave? I've never even seen this before. Looks promising for my old eyes.
  16. By all means check out the Shadowplay feature with the Nvidia cards 700 series(?) and later. Enables saving a recording of the previous block of time (up to 20 min) at the touch of a key in glorious quality. It's going to make for some great gun camera action.
  17. Now that's just strange. When I click on your link FT I go to a post titled "Il2 Cliffs Of Dover Dedicated Server Address" in the mess and under game servers section. Yet when I go into the dogz mess there are only 3 posts showing for IL2 DF, MDS and RoF servers. IL2 Dog Fight IL2 Dog Fight Server Board 1 topics 19 replies By FoolTrottel 27 Dec 2013 MDS Server Moving Dogfight Server discussion 4 topics 39 replies By Crash 02 Nov 2011 Rise Of Flight Rise Of Flight Dedicate Server discussion 1 topics 0 replies By PropNut 25 Sep 2011
  18. It looks like I have to bite the bullet and join the CoD world. Of course the first thing I noticed - OK the second thing (the first was, this is hard. I've peeled off enough wingtips and landing gear to ground a squadron) is the DD server. I searched through the forums and can't find info on joining the DD server- like a password. No CoD server listed in the game servers section. Also having some trouble with practicing wind on takeoff. Has anything been posted about hosting a game? Having some trouble with FMB, creating and hosting missions.
  19. Maybe have a look in the windows event viewer for some clues. Start button, type event viewer in the search bar. Either look in the Windows/system folder for all events or Custom Views/ administrative events for the juicy stuff. Apparently I'd been having the odd random crash for months before it came to my notice. Same "kernel power 41" event ID though
  20. This may only be a problem for folks with on board sound ie no separate sound card. In device manager look for "Sound, video and game controllers" and expand that. I show: High Definition Audio Device (I think this is my headset) NVIDIA High Definition Audio NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM) Realtek High Definition Audio Right click on each NVIDIA entry and select disable. Then reboot. You can experiment, but I think the important thing is to have only one driver active. From the limited searching I've done the Realtek driver works best with on board sound. NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device may be needed for Shadow play sound or streaming.
  21. Suddenly I'm getting random reboots and crashes. Not blue screen, just shutting off. Event log shows "kernel power 41" system reboot without clean shut down. A few times it didn't even boot up again fully before the next crash. I'm thinking PSU or HD or motherboard failure. So I search a bit and find a post where the guy says he has the same issues and he has the answer. Nvidia installs sound drivers as well as video drivers when you do a regular update. I go to the control panel and sure enough there are the drivers for my on board sound plus 2 new Nvidia ones. I disabled the new ones and all is now good. Doesn't seem like that should have made such a fuss in the OS but 24 hrs now and it's still working.
  22. This accelerometer based system has got to be the future of head tracking but it doesn't look ready just yet. In the meantime, freetrack will get you the same functionality as TrackIR for $30 or $40 using a PS3 Eye Camera and the same basic construction/soldering skills. http://www.behance.net/gallery/Hacking-Sony-PS3-Eye-Camera/8955421
  23. Canadian joke: Quebec cop pulls over car "is that a beer I see there?" Driver "umm..shit .... oh hell I forgot it was there Sir" Cop "Can I have some?"
  24. True enough. It's to the point where everyone now has it written down and prominently displayed, defeating the purpose.
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