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  1. So following a last little test last night of mission saving and restoring, thanks @fruitbat Syria Mission Control, we are confirming go-live at 20:15 on Thursday. It will start with a small scenario and game play brief. The actual mission will then start at 20:30 for this first mission. Following missions will start probably around the same time, maybe 20:00 but obviously it will live action from the start. I will not be running through the brief again if people join later, which there is absolutely no problem with you doing so. If you need to leave before the end, no problem, just bank your scores. I will NOT be doing the brief multiple times as people join. Happy to answer the odd question when applicable, but that should not be a problem as there will have been lots of people attend the brief so we all know what is going on. I will NOT be acting as a General for this campaign so will not be making tactical decisions. I will advise on potential next objectives but that is all. So please do not ask me "what should I do next Friar?" I have built quite a bit of randomisation into the campaign so even I know may not know what is going to happen next. The mission will also be run with "FOG OF WAR" settings. Icons in game but limited information on the F10 map.
    5 points
  2. WiWishing you and your family all the best and thank you for all the fun times flying with you during the year. CHEERS
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Hi all. I have now been able to work out how to host our website and TS3 more reliably, currently using a VM on the DCS server but that likes to go to sleep sporadically. During the weekend I will transfer the forums to a better host, this will require extended downtime so that I can host the ~200GB of files (downloads, uploads, gallery, post attachments, and Check Skins). Apologies for inconvenience.
    3 points
  5. I can add Discord, would need admin to the Discord though. TS is actually being used right now! I will be putting the web site into maintenance mode late Europe time today, transfer will take a couple of hours and all should be good tomorrow.
    3 points
  6. Full Briefing - Release V1 Scenario Red forces have pushed out of Syria from Jarabulus in the eastern side of Syria and taken control of the regional airfield of Gaziantep in Turkey. There are also signs that they are planning to push in and take the Forward Operating Base located West of Rayhanli, code named "Alpha". These actions must be countered. Having negated these incursions Blue forces should then commence the push back into Syria and take over airfields, towns and FOBs all the way down to Damascus. Blue forces will start their fight back from Incirlik, Hatay, Adana and Akrotiri airfields as well as a small output FOB at Nurdagi. There is also a Carrier fleet in the locality. Game Play Other than the Carrier, FOBs and Adana all bases will use the Dynamic Spawn capability and hot start will be an option. These missions will track your scores and the impact from any encounters will be carried forward from mission to mission. You should make sure you land safely back at a Blue occupied base to bank your points. The results from each session must be saved via a menu option at the end of play. Menu options allow players to their view their own score and also the score for other players. Some of these menus are specific to certain plane types so depending on what you are flying means you may not see all the menu options. You will also be able to get an update on the status of airfields and towns as to which side is in control via the menu options. Once the controlling forces of an airfield or town have been negated the area can then be captured by the deployment of ground forces. Each new captured area provides the opportunity to pick-up new troops. Captured airfields will also provide new spawn points for aircraft and/or helicopters, thus assisting the move down the map. However should the red forces loose control of a base, they will probably mount an attack to recover any lost assets. Captured airfields will have very limited air defenses and it is strongly recommended that Hercules out of Adana bring in supplies once the airfield is safe and as early as possible after capture. Captured bases may also have limited number of spawns per plane type available so you will need to think about not just throwing away your air frame. Home bases have unlimited spawns and resources. Some bases once captured will not provide new spawns but will enable the option to land and repair, rearm or refuel. Some of these bases will require extra supplies to be brought in by the Hercules. Some captured FOBS will require ground resources to be sent in after capture to provide fuel and supplies before any RRR can take place. All captured bases will provide an opportunity to land and bank any kills you have to save your scores. Threats - Army The Red forces will have multiple ground units placed around the map defending key areas. You can expect to encounter many types of ground and air defenses. Some units may be held back and out of sight until required to take part in the engagement, so do not underestimate their strength. Threats - Air Force The Red air force is made up of an aging fleet of Migs and SU designated aircraft, but do not mistake this for being an easy fight. They will be deployed to patrol and attack where required to maximize their strengths. Threats - Navy There is a limited threat from the Red forces Navy. The only information we have is that there are three "Grisha" class corvettes currently located in Tartus port undergoing refits. Two of these three ships are awaiting sea trials before their weapons systems become fully operational. The other is believed to have completed the sea trials and now has all of its weapons systems functioning.
    3 points
  7. Some multi crew Kiowa action with Fruit Bat. Before a series of unfortunate events.
    2 points
  8. My new favourite D.E.A.D platform, took 3 sorties and some actual planning, but completely cleaned out all the caucuses SAM sites up to Sukhumi, SA-2, SA-6, couple of SA-8's, SA-15 and a SA-19 plus all the AAA guns. Got my reward to strafe Sukhumi Babushara aircraft landing and parked up!
    2 points
  9. Operation Husky Gentlemen We have been reassigned to Malta and the conversion onto spitfires is proceeding apace. We must hurry , High Command are planning to invade Sicily and there are rumours that an enemy convoy is en route to help evacuate their troops, we must get ready to provide cover for our attack planes as they try to intercept the fleet. The next mission will take place on Sunday the 19th.
    2 points
  10. Our hosting service has completed their work on the servers and our security certificate has been updated. All should be working as expected now. Please continue to report any unexpected difficulties using the site and we will do what we can to get them resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience during this maintenance period. 😎 Wheels
    2 points
  11. A few thoughts. The previous poll was relatively useless, as a load of people who don't fly anymore and still don't fly voted in it, so hardly representative and therefore was a waste of time. Also, BVR is just as skilled as a WWII dogfight, its just different skills. If it wasn't skilled everyone would be able to do it, and few actually can. And once you merge into BFM you still get to use your WWII skills.... Next, I'm unlikely to ever reinstall IL2, its a dead game to me at this stage. And lastly, I'll turn up to fly DCS nights whenever we decide they are. I do however miss flying on a Sunday where its easier to mix with both sides of the pond.
    2 points
  12. I have gotten a positive response from 352nd and out group so will restart these soon. I am in discussions with deacon over their proposed missions and will feed back to all with any proposals
    2 points
  13. OK move appears to have gone well... Pages *seem* to load a little more slowly, but all downloads and uploads (including gallery) appear to be working OK.
    2 points
  14. Hm, somehow I got Syria map, so I can try the Hercules...
    2 points
  15. On are way back to said landing, after a very successful mission, multiple SAM's and enemy jets. 1 Jf-17 for me along with 2 SA-8's and an SA-6, whilst Tom had 5 enemy jets.
    2 points
  16. UPDATE 28TH DECEMBER 2024 Added option to stop enemy AI flights Added option to stop drone flights
    2 points
  17. "what should I do first Friar?" My debrief: only one thing to mention: at the end, the captured base at Giantizep, I deployed the NASAM cargo, but it did not show up. Menu was changed correctly, as the option to deploy was removed, but the three vehicles did not show up as they did earlier on base in BA52. Good show Colin, good fun. Thanks!!
    1 point
  18. Briefing update for Sunday Primary target is shipping Planes available are P-38s for anti shipping and Spit Vc for air cover P-38s are limited to 2*500 for first sortie then any bombload they like for further sorties First sortie is ground start , further sorties you can use either of the 2 airstart bases provided Look forward to seeing you there on Sunday at 21:00 uk time
    1 point
  19. Whoop! And don't worry Colin, I won't need to run through any briefs, I prefer my own, ideally secured around my waist.
    1 point
  20. Looking forward to this Colin, thanks for all your hard work on thisπŸ‘
    1 point
  21. I don't dee that as a problem. Sundays have always ben where we traditionally hold event nights (for the very reason of getting people from both sides of the pond involved) Any Sunday you want to host your missions you get to host. What about all the other Sundays? Even if it was an every other week swap between the two, that would at least allow the DCS fliers from both sides of the pond to fly together or is that somehow unfair??? And besides, If your using the server, I can always host for the people who don't do Il2 anymore and want to fly DCS that night instead, which doesn't affect your missions with the 352nd.
    1 point
  22. Always thought the Super Sabre is one of, if not the best looking jet of that era, be a great addition. Put me down for one!
    1 point
  23. Sorry for the interruption of service. M4T is down due to server maintenance implemented by our hosting service. The site will be down for approximately 24 hours if they have no unexpected issues with their fixes. I will also be posting any updates on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/mission4today Wheels
    1 point
  24. USAF Heritage flight whoop! Always amazes me how tiny the viper is, also how slippery it is. Had to keep the airbrakes extended almost continuously, it just kept wanting to race away with the smallest amount of thrust adjustments.
    1 point
  25. Exceptional work Colin, thank you. Looking forward to this!
    1 point
  26. UPDATE 7TH JANUARY 2025 Changed JTAC unit to Soldier stinger Added 2 deployed JTACS (one overlooking the hostage town, the other, the enemy positions just north of the base) that can be occupied by a player who has Combined Arms. Just select the Tactical Commander slot and position, go to F10 map and take control. You can then re position them (W=forward/A=Left/D=Right/S=Back) and using the binocular function (B) you can lase targets for other players. I am hoping to have functionality where the AI JTAC which is picked up from the base and then deployed (which is still available) may eventually be also able to be occupied by a player after being dropped off by a helicopter. This is DML functionality which CFRAG is currently looking into.
    1 point
  27. And Teamspeak is moved now too.
    1 point
  28. No worries Dave! I'll be transferring Team Speak today, then FT and Col will be pleased to know I will then shutdown the VM πŸ˜ƒ
    1 point
  29. I am working on ground vehicles having a role - scout with laser targeting which I thought you might enjoy
    1 point
  30. Start date scheduled for Thursday 16th January.
    1 point
  31. UPDATE 31ST DECEMBER 2024 Added more AI enemy flights. There are now 10 possibilities including a potential carrier attack. Added Destroyer and Cruiser escort to the carrier. Moved some of the flights around to change the flight paths Added special TU23 intercept mission. Get within 1000 feet to force the "bear" to turn around and go home and stop the information gathering flight on the carrier fleet. Adjusted the "Stop AI Flights" logic to pick up flights that were waiting in the time delay buffer. "Stop flights" should now stop all flights. Enjoy and Happy New Year to all our DCS pilots and the IL2 ones as well.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Fruitbat landing on the carrier from LSO seat
    1 point
  34. A quick video on the basics of closing the range and getting in position to shoot. https://youtu.be/_Rm1YDAnPCc
    1 point
  35. A Wing Walkers server session. 4 Dogz show up to suppress an airbase. Random fight but you can see the elements of a typical intercept. Spot the target. Lead pursuit till the target is in range. Pull in behind with a touch of lag pursuit, steady sights and shoot. https://youtu.be/_W8jA5-ZU8k
    1 point
  36. A basic intercept and one technique for an overshoot. https://youtu.be/d1oQ_0435KI
    1 point
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