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  3. I made error in first post , mission start is usual time of 2100 uk time
  4. Gentlemen Latest intelligence is that due to the dug in nature of the coastal gun emplacements, it will be difficult to destroy these from the air Our mission is still to soften up the defences to allow us to take the harbour Our new directive is to destroy the lighter guns and troop barracks in the area to allow a crack team of SAS and marines to land and destroy the large coastal guns. These are stationed mid channel awaiting the go ahead Primary targets is Fortress HQ and the smaller guns and troops dotted around the entrance to Boughrara Gun positions and HQ are on the map.
  5. A20 it is.
  6. I think I can handle a Mossie on this one. If not a 51 for sure.
  7. Just in case his changes the metric at all Squawk, were running the Mossie mission on a Sunday afternoon your time....
  8. I will be attending. Cheers Lui
  9. Gentlemen Despite our best efforts the enemy has succeeded in withdrawing significant amounts of men and material to the mainland. Our next task is to soften up the coastal batteries in preparation for a troop landing in Southern Italy The primary task is to eliminate the control and command HQ in a fortress and to eliminate the coastal guns guarding the entrance to the port of Boughrara The A20s will bomb , the spitfires will escort. Expect heavy air cover Mission is scheduled for 16th Feb 2100 uk time
  10. I would love to Gents but I'm just not available during Dogz time, I do miss the old days. Once the eldest is in school, I'll have some time during the week again.
  11. Erm, bit embarrassing chaps, we are not quite out of the woods after all. When I did my test I did not make much of the convoy that attacks Alpha FOB (the one with helicopter escort) starting up, but thinking about it, this is another problem. It means the mechanic I have used (a module called "convoy") which I have discovered is not compliant with Persistence, so they are started fresh each mission, units killed in one session will re-start in the next session. This is obviously a problem. I will now go through the mission and remove the convoy module and use a different method to trigger convoys. What this does mean, unfortunately, that we will need another re-start. I propose to do this Monday evening.
  12. Earlier
  13. Hey chaps, I have just loaded up the mission as if we were going to run week 2. I am pleased to report that the mission loaded, took a while but it loaded all ok. Alpha FOB is still showing blue as it Abu Talhur, the JTAC is showing as being located there as well (I moved him to the FOB right at the end of the mission). and... The planes that were ferried from Incirlik to Hatay are showing as in stock. I also kicked off the enemy AI and planes started spawning in So... Based on this quick test, I am prepared to say that I think we are now in business to run the Campaign as I had hoped, at last! Many thanks once again for all your trust and patience to get this working.
  14. Thanks we will run a hurricane mission on 16 th
  15. Ramrod 564 DCS event will be hosted on Sunday 23rd of February; briefing at 2000 GMT. Mossies and Mustangs available. @BluBear @fruitbat @Friar @PapaBear @wingflyr @Zukker @Squawk @DD_Sheriff @FoolTrottel @delta7 @Perfesser @T_O_A_D
  16. @delta7 we’ll be hosting Ramrod 564 on the 23rd.
  17. I can make either date for this, but only have the option to select one.
  18. Can you please confirm date you wish to use so I can plan next hurricane mission and let 352nd chaps know
  19. Thanks Col. I'll be there!
  20. Ok chaps, I am hoping I have resolved the AI spawn, so,....... I am going to have one last go tomorrow (Thursday) with the mission. (starting from fresh). The score module has been updated so I am afraid you will loose any score that is not banked if you are killed. I will save at the end of the night and then re-load it before the next session to see if it works, rather than save during the first session and then perhaps waster your time if it does not load. Fingers crossed. Hope to see you all in the next session. Friar
  21. Our DCS Server:
  22. My opinion: 1. Whether we witness them taking off or not is unimportant I reckon, it's not like the days of vulching in IL2. 2. That's a little more difficult because the A2A capabilities vary week on week. If it's Fen's week on, we'd need double the air threat to account for his impact!
  23. @FoolTrottel I did think of something sort of similar, I thought about a menu option for selection the current mission number, that would then be perhaps used against a flag so that number sequence AI would be used, early days on the thought process that one. @Everyone 1. Would it matter if AI flights were air started? Might be easier for me replicate the flights? 2. Do you want constant enemy AI in the air or should we be able to eliminate the air threat each mission?
  24. AI-on-a-slider(tm)? Meaning: menu option to increase/decrease AI air activity? Depending on how many of our air to air fighters are active? For sure, someone needs to operate that slider...
  25. So, this is where I am at with the Campaign. It really is funny how the mind works. I have been asking questions of Cfrag (coder of DML) just recently about generated units being killed and then not re-spawned when the next mission is loaded using the rolling persistence saved data. My sole focus was making sure that any ground units we take out that are protecting towns and airfields would not come back when the next mission is loaded. Mind Blown this morning, out of no where came the realisation that I believe that this will apply to AI flights as well so if we take out the flights that are put up against us in one mission they will not reappear in the next nor for the rest of the campaign. At the moment I have a pulse that is set for every 5-10 minutes which goes to a randomizer that picks an airfield from one of six available. That airfield then picks a flight from maybe 5 or 6 flights. I am now faced with having to come up with a solution that will provide enough air interest to keep the air to air jockeys happy over what could be a 6-10 session campaign. I get there is the argument that a side needs to gain air superiority before a ground war can commence but for game-play I need stuff in the air each mission. Gulp! I now need to think up a way of being to provide continuous air activity so will have to pause the Campaign until I get a spark of inspiration. Happy to listen to any ideas / suggestions BTW.
  26. Friar

    Removed Post

    I have more replies to a post that does not exist than I get for my real ones!
  27. @FoolTrottel, I am really sorry about hat FT. As I said, I think I am clutching at straws a bit but I am trying to make the mission as vanilla as possible to see what the problem is. I have added some tanks if you want to take one of them in to battle. I would come with you if you wanted. I have also worked out now how to ride and drive as the Commander like in IL2. Once near the enemy you could then also act as a JTAC and laze targets.
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