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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. A while ago I thought I could get the brake feature on the rudder pedals to work as a Push To Talk button. The brakes only use one pedal, not both. Dunno what you use or if you use pedals but my stick has a pinkie shift button, maybe shift+toe button as brakes and toe for PTT? Never could get the programming right (hate the new SST software) and gave up but
  2. Read times are around 8ms for a 7200 drive, 4-5ms for a 10K. Dunno the read times for the 15K Hard drives fail folks. Everyone needs a second as a spare. So 2 smaller drives are better than one big one. I have 2 in my system, a 75G Raptor as well as a 35G Raptor, had em both for a few years now. Even when you have unrecoverable issues with one drive you can often transfer data off it before it becomes unusable either from hardware failure or a corrupt OS. Install your Operating System on both drives, it will only boot from the primary and ignore the OS on the second drive. If you ever have a problem you just swap the wires and it boots off the second drive keeping you and your data safe. Even if you are one of those who feels the need to re-format regularly you can clear one drive to the other(documents, pics, dowloaded programs), do the format, and swap data back fast without all that downloading...looking for disks... Whatever drive you have now, get a small 10K RPM drive(or faster), run your programs off that as your primary, any drive is fine for storage...anything but games really.
  3. Perfesser

    TS Display

    We had a lot of issues with TSO, for some it worked perfectly from the start, I was one that never got it working properly, seemingly for no definable reason. I gave up when I got the G15 keyboard, there's a program to put it on that display. G15 TeamSpeak Overlay by Schmads.
  4. Hello folks. ~S~ You were kind enough to invite me on your TS as a guest of DD_Trout a few days back and I had lots of fun. Thanks. If I didn't spoil my chances then I figured it's safe to ask to join you folks in some flying as a DD. I don't see an official "join DangerDogz" thread anywhere so I'll post here. I'm in Canada, Ontario and most would say I speak passable english. I'm house trained(no young pup), I don't drool, chew sneakers or chase cars (still have this thing about the girls though....) I take off safely, don't crash into teammates very often, occasionally even land. I'm currently flying with the [CHG] tag but that's from a different game entirely, no pack loyalty issues here. Before you ask, I have my own home reno stuff on the go and have no time for yours, the boss would be jealous. And if I'm buying the drinks it will have to be Forty Creek Whiskey. What say folks? Room for another dog in the kennel? Perfesser
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