So, yeah, for years I've had just two Game Controllers, the MS FFB2 (with twist of the stick removed, and converted into a brake lever) and my lunchbox-Bodnar-based-Controller.... very nice, did the job just fine.
Sure, there was the controller ID swap, but by switching off Hibernation it was cool, and never happened again.
Well until I got a new Motherbord/Memory/CPU upgrade done.
So, oh well, only have to re-assign all the controls of the 4 (?) games once. That's do-able, no worries. And so, I did. Done. Let's have some fun!
Yeah, that worked fine until I started suffering from the FFB carping out every now and then while flying... And no real cause or fix for that. Besides maybe adding a power USB 2.0 hub. Yeah, try and buy one nowadays.That's a challenge, especially if you want it on a PCIx board. Oh well, found an old one at work. Nice! 7 ports on it!
So, yeah, all good and fine. Until - yeah. You probably guessed what happened: The ID's swapped - again! Darn!
I'm now going to switch hibernation on, and boot /shut down / shut up the thing until they have swapped again!!