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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Good job... too bad I gotta go to work tomorrow - so no late night testing for me!
  2. FoolTrottel

    Dumb Move

    Maybe your thinkin' is right... but maybe it's wrong... In the end, you will probably not get your P51 running in the non-steam version, but that should not be a problem, just buy the Spitfire, and you'll never look back! (Really just jokin' here ... wait for ED support to answer your question...)
  3. Sounds good Arthur! And yes, Oleg's stuff... Notepad, Search & Replace
  4. Nice! Beautiful scenery.... Now there's obviously a safety issue in the first picture, but as the road is rather empty, the risk of something bad happening is not too big. However, I fixed it for you, kinda, so as to give you an idea of what -in my opinion - is not right in that picture: You're welcome!
  5. Looked into this. Looks like it's fine and fast for missions created by SYN_Vander. He's got the planes nicely grouped. In other missions I have issues finding the plane I want to change... Like ID it, then change it. As they could be named 'Plane', or 'Blue Leader' or... whatever. Haven't found a function in the Editor where one can search and find on plane type. Then there's the missions that were created in the generator (http://il2-expert.ru/en/Coop) and those I cannot even open in the mission editor, as the source file (.mission extension) appears to be missing... So, this plane-change action may work, but I do not see me using it 'on the fly' - as in loading a Coop, seeing one type should be replaced, open the mission in the editor, quickly change it, save mission and host it... Too bad... oh well
  6. Looks like it is indeed! (Haven't tried it yet, but bookmarked!)
  7. This could be an explanation... your pc being very busy with waking up a traditional hard disk from sleep mode? As for the Internet speed: No, not just yet. Speed like that is not the issue. If it is down to the connection, then it's probably caused by the long distance, there's not that many data being sent back and forth, in Mbits I mean... Your current connection handles it fine, if it were down to its speed, you'd be warping all over the place, all of the time And you did not, I watched your take off, and it was smooth ... very nice and straight and shift... Just wait around if the issue arises again, you may want to look into the Power options, and switch off any power saving on the disks...
  8. Hm, so, the RAM took it personal then? Too bad ...
  9. Ah, that second video appears to be showing nicely what it was that brought my IL2 down... flak BOOM! Thanks for clearing that up for me! ?
  10. Okay, skip all video recordings, we only need audio. I've got enough good footage to finally make them older videos bearable, if I have proper voice audio!
  11. So little time between him turning away from the approach to the airfield, to touchdown in that field! Maybe the video's wide angle did it, but to me it looked like he was much higher there ... To decide to do that at that moment, and keep the aircraft flying as he said... amazing.
  12. Britain's last Dambuster flies again to mark the mission's 75th anniversary http://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-derbyshire-44170331/britain-s-last-dambuster-flies-again-to-mark-the-mission-s-75th-anniversary
  13. Yes, well, the location of my home town is there, but whether there'll be any thing built there? I doubt it (Would be cool to try and bomb the bridges there though ... Any Mitchell planned already?)
  14. Hm, I'd make some different choices... and it might be more expensive These remarks are based on you stating wanting it to fly Great Battles... ! (Recently I upgraded to I7-8700K@4.8Ghz (OC), and 16Gb, still using 970GTX, and results are not perfect, I need to tune a bit more) - CPU: More cores, and a -K version, so you have the possibility to over clock. (So, basically, I am saying get an I7... K. Box appears to be liking CPU cycles) - Disk : Go for a true SSD. Maybe a bit smaller, 500GB should do. (You can always add one or a traditional disk later) - PSU: 550W minimum! Specs for 1060 states minimum is 400W of power! And: What about a Monitor? As in: What resolution will you be running the game at, and/or are you thinkin' VR might be something for you? And then this: 1. Wait for others to chime in 2. Go look around and maybe even ask here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com as a lot of active players there Good Luck!
  15. Good to see it's fixed now.... good job! 1. The NAME of an enemy will only show up if he's like 5m away. Then NAME of friendly Humans will show up at 1km.. (Why would you want to know who is shooting you down? ? ) I will change it, if others are unhappy with that, I will change it back. Then again, I can't imagine anybody having issues with that change) 2. DD's TeamSpeak works fine. But your problem is that it looks like you're the only one using it at the moment ... Not much I can do, except for when we fly as a group to join that Public TS Server (Thursdays from about 21:00 CET). We also have a private TS server, which we normally use. Have Fun!
  16. That's indeed what they do... They need updates regularly, so new boards and newly discovered sensors will get added
  17. I could tell you, but I won't, it's too personal ....
  18. Welcome Back Roberts! I do remember your name... might even recognize your voice on TS ... ? As for controllers, the TM 1600 might do, but as far as I have read, it's not comparable with the virpil and VBK stuff, as that's way more 'professional'. Furthermore, I am using an old MS-FFB2, and a home built-lunch-box-bottun-box, so I really should not be the one answering this. That new hardware is just fine and nice overkill for IL2 1946 ...lol ... but should do fine for the newer Box, CloD and DCS as well
  19. Well, I tried, and on my system it works: I can get a 250 bomb on the 109E-4B just fine, on several bases - though I did not try them all. So, now please try and edit user.ini file, and look for these lines: [Aircraft.Bf-109E-4B] belt _Gun00 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 0 0 0 0 2 5 5 5 5 detonator Bomb.SC-250_Type1_J 2 -1 14 weapons 1 1 3 regiment BoB_LW_KuFlGr_706 Remove the two middle lines (so detonator and weapons) save the file and please retry. Make sure the game is closed first though. If that still does not fix it, then please specify the name of the base(s) you've tried. (I did change the availability of aircraft types on several bases last weekend, adding some of the 'newer' types, but I cannot imagine having this weird an effect - I may be wrong there... )
  20. Nice! Specifically the scratch built cockpit! So much delicate work for something so ... invisible! True spirit of a true modeler!
  21. Hello ilario, That's all a bit strange... specifically that it changed since about a week ago. Can't think of a change that was made to the server then, that could cause these issues. Now I've tried to re-produce your error, and I did see 'strange' things, but that could be because at the first try I did not really pay attention to what button I was clicking, and when. However, if follow this procedure, I always get the bomb load out I requested: - Click the flag at the top (and make sure to 'leave your current aircraft) - Click base (I picked Pihen Fighter) - Select the 109 E-3/B (click on 'Plane' button if the type was already there in preview) - Click on Load out, and under Weapon Sets select 'ETC-500 IXb Bomb Rack + GP Bomb, SC 250, Type 1, Body Type J' and under 'Bombs' select the proper type and set the fuse and delay. - Click OK, OK and then Create. After Create, there's no way to change the load out, you will have to hit the flag first, and 'leave your aircraft'... Should this not be of help, then please report the exact base you spawn in, and what buttons you press and selections you make, step-by-step. Only then I can try and reproduce the issue - if it's there - and maybe either find a fix, or report it as a bug. One other thing you could try should the above procedure not work for you: Open the file user.ini in Notepad, then browse down to the section named [Aircraft.Bf-109E-3B], and remove all lines below it, until the next section starts (a line marked with [ ). Repeat this for the other types you have a load out issue with. (First make a backup copy of the file, in case something goes wrong) Good luck!
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