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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. NASA has a sightings calculator. Plug in your location. It's easy to spot with the naked eye. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/
  2. 2130 CET is I think 1530 EST? Every Tuesday? Is this 2130 a hard start? Or lineup for 2200 If traffic is in my favour I might possibly make it by then unless daylight savings time gets in the way.
  3. Beautiful and functional Propnut.
  4. I have the Saitek Pro Pedals. They had quite a few years of hard use- at least 2 hrs/day, maybe not so much anymore but they still work as new. A quick check shows the Combat pedals at twice the price - $200 in Canada. I'm pretty happy about the value spending $100 on pedals. I would have to think hard at $200. For sure Track IR and a good stick/throttle first though.
  5. I have the X52. Elevator trim and prop pitch on the throttle. Use that all the time. Rudder trim is a hat switch on the stick. Aileron trim on the keyboard - not many planes have it. Every now and then I'll spawn and have my aileron trim full to one side - funky in an airstart. I use the INS and PAGE UP for the trim, HOME centers. You could probably use the buttons below (DEL, END, PAGE DN) for rudder, I find it just as easy to put some toe pressure on the pedals. I usually just fly with my toes anyway, I don't put my heels on the pedals unless I'm braking. I used to use the mouse wheel on the throttle for prop pitch but same problem, it would sometime start at 50% (try a carrier takeoff at 50% pitch)so I moved it to a rotary.
  6. A bit of rudder as you enter the turn (before aileron) will make your aileron input quicker. In real life sticking the ailerons into the airstream causes yaw in the opposite direction of the turn. Rudder counteracts that. You're supposed to lead the turn with rudder. At low speed when a wing starts to drop you raise it with rudder. Overdo a high G turn and the inside wing will drop first into a snap roll. Save that with a large stab of rudder.
  7. I originally had CH pedals, they had an internal short after a year. Saitek's now for maybe 5 years. Much prefer the wider spacing.
  8. The last thing we need right now is more government handouts, more government programs. The government is incapable of doing anything efficiently. Everything they touch is a waste of money, costing 5X what it should - your money, my money. In tough economic times Fascist governments have fared the best weathering the storm. True Fascism is "government supporting, almost working for industry". What we need most is jobs and economic encouragement. That brings prosperity for all those who don't mind working to paying their own way. That's what we got in this election, the closest thing to fascism we could get minus the nutbar dictator(some may not agree) and the Gestapo (they've already been developed by the anti-gun Liberals in our case). This was our best option to keep too much of the shit sandwich that's looming on the horizon from sticking in our teeth. Five surgeons are talking. #1 The first, an Ontario surgeon, says: " I like to see accountants on my operating table, because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered. " #2 The second, a Quebec surgeon, responds: " Yeah, but you should try electricians. Everything inside of them is colour coded. " #3 The third, a B.C. surgeon, says: " No, I really think librarians are the best, everything inside of them is in alphabetical order. " #4 The fourth, an Alberta surgeon, chimes in: " You know, I like construction workers.... those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over. " #5 But, the fifth, a Newfoundland surgeon, shut them all up when he observed: " You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains, and no spine, -- and the head and the ass are interchangeable. "
  9. Happy Easter everyone. I'll be in the garden between rain storms. Building a proper frame to trellis my climbing things - peas, beans, kiwi, cucumbers, sweet potatoes- a pergola I think it's called. Or just digging to expand my growing space. All my idiot neighbors took their leaves to the curb last fall, I collected a lot of them, put em in a pile. Now they are buying compost at $100 a yard and I'm taking that pile of composted leaves to expand the garden.
  10. The way they'll make this work is to devalue the dollar till they have enough to pay it off. ie make the dollar 1/10th what it is so they can print 10 times the amount. Sounds a lot like "quantitative easing" doesn't it? Protect yourself from that. Have stuff, not dollars. All "stuff" will go up in price. Start with what you need most - you have to eat 3 times every day so that is a good start. Storing food that will keep, most important for your long term plans is a place to grow some food that won't store well. Clothes, tires, shoes etc will never be cheaper than right now. Badaim probably has enough guns already but more ammo is a good idea...... For a year investors have been leaving financial areas and going to commodities - stuff. That and natural shortages have been driving prices way up. Food has pretty much doubled. Gold has been fairly flat(up 25%), silver has tripled- gone from $15 to $45 in the last two years- may be ready for a correction of sorts. It will be a short one so if you're ready you could do well there. Gold will go to $2000 soon and is a good place to shift your paper money. This is not to make money, it's to preserve the value of your current wealth as your dollars loose their purchasing power. Any old silver coins, pre-64 dimes and quarters, are now worth 10 times face value. A dime is a dollar, 4 quarters= $10. I suggest you start to learn and be ready. A good place is the http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/ . I suggest starting with April 14's Episode-643- Modern Financial Survival. Do what you can now to lessen the impact of what is about to happen to us all.
  11. For a time till the debt is paid off? Lets assume that The Gov stops ALL spending. Lets assume that they throw 100 million per DAY at the debt. At that rate do you know how long it will take to pay off the debt at current interest rates?? Over 300 years. If you want to have that in terms we can all relate to Your income is $50K per year. Your mortgage payments are $75K per year. How long can that go on? As long as you can keep getting another loan to cover the shortfall. Understand that the interest alone on the debt is now EQUAL to the largest portion of the budget - military spending at 600 billion. Just the interest, no principal at all. By 2020 interest alone will be 800 billion. http://www.profitconfidential.com/stock-market-advice/debt-gone-mad/ They will seize all or part of your 401K as a "loan" and they'll give you fixed income bonds in return. Your money will no longer be yours. Stop contributing now. Put it somewhere safer.
  12. For all of us, rampant inflation is going to be a fact of life. One person said "if we're lucky, our food bill this year will only double". Anything you can buy now will probably be the cheapest you'll ever get it. Buy 3 cans of beans instead of just the one you need. Buy 3 of anything that will keep instead of the one you were going to. Anything you grow will be damn near free. The old victory garden will come back in a big way. Start small if you must but start now, there is much to be learned.
  13. If nothing else that movie clip sure gets great milage.
  14. How about this squadron? This came in the mail today with this caption The British government has scrapped the Harrier fleet, and on their farewell formation flypast over the houses of Parliament they gave the government a message. Lean back a bit from your computer monitor and squint.
  15. Saw an episode of this last night on Discovery. Crazy crosswind landings and takeoffs. Looks like fun flying if you can hit Escape and refly .....if not, bring extra underwea... er ... long johns http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/flying-wild-alaska/
  16. Is the activation code stored anywhere on your computer? Registry? In order to install 4.10 I need a clean 4.09 right? So I go to install my original dl of the game from UBI. On first run it asks for the code. I've lost the confirmation mail from years ago and a mail to UBI with as much info as I can supply gets me "Thank you for contacting the Ubisoft Store. We have searched our commerce system with the information that you provided, including your email address. We were unable to locate a matching order." Hard to believe .... Now what? As a last resort I'll try to install over the UP install or the HSFX install. Didn't I read somewhere that you can remove UP by deleting the mods folder and any other UP files? This close to COD I don't want to pay to get a new copy. I knew all along this direct download was going to cause trouble down the road.
  17. Not so fast. Many times when I start the game the cursor is on the screen but I can't move it(or more often when I've gone to the desktop). Windows key out to the desktop, click on the IL2 bar on the taskbar and the game should come up with the cursor under your control. Sometimes twice ... If that isn't it or I'm not understanding the issue then I guess you're in trouble. With a new HD I'm pretty sure you'll have to perform a proper install to put stuff in the app data section and registry etc etc. You can make copies and they'll work but I think you need a proper installation.
  18. You still do. I just make sure the power cord is too short that I can no longer get up and answer the doorbell while still wearing it.
  19. That they have them probably has a lot to do with why they don't need to fight a war to defend themselves. A lot of the restrictions we now have in Canada. The rate of suicide or domestic violence hasn't changed a bit. They just use different tools. Knife murders and hangings have taken up all the slack in the numbers.
  20. That reflective tape can be found, bikes, joggers, and trailers all use the stuff.
  21. I found the LED's to be more reliable in varying light, like if you have a window in the room. Never need to adjust the sensitivity of the camera. I'm using a Freetrack setup with LED's mounted on the headset - flawless. I sort of duplicated a hat style orientation without the hat. Should be some pics here someplace in a "your IL2 rig" thread, not that it will help you any. Freetrack can also use a side mounted thing, I assume it's the same as a clip. As long as your sensitivity is high enough that you don't mask any LED's with your face it should work.
  22. There is a new study about women and how they feel about their asses; the results were pretty interesting: 30% of women think their ass is too fat... 10% of women think their ass is too skinny... The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love him, he's a good man and they wouldn't trade him for the world.
  23. Any mention of system requirements? I for one will not even think of upgrading until I have a copy in my hand. Any takers on the release being delayed? I think Vegas is running 10:1 odds on the March 22nd release date.
  24. The last few times I've done this I just bought another hard drive. Leave your "dirty" drive alone. Install the new drive as primary. Anything you have forgotten to do you can swap wires and have the old drive as primary to set up transfer programs (mail for instance). Eventually you get to the point where you feel comfortable reformatting the dirty drive as you've finished setting up the new drive.
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