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Everything posted by Perfesser
When the PR guy of any organization leaves it's usually because he can't stand the difference between the tale he's supposed to spin and the truth. On the other hand, in MP's case it could just be as simple as they have no interest in developing the single player aspect of the sim. Time will tell. Forgive me for being suspicious of those who are motivated by profit.
Spotting isn't so much the problem for me. Just before they're rendered as aircraft proper from the label exaggeration they seem to vanish for just long enough that I often loose sight and have a semi-panic moment.
A nail in the CloD coffin. Not the last nail but it's very disturbing that TFS has possibly the most important member leave at this critical stage. Once all the agreements are signed and 777 lays down the law he quits. Very telling of the true intentions of the new owners. There was some veiled talk that the reason 1C acquired CloD was to kill it's competition with BoS (meaning to kill CloD) and it's looking more like the truth. As Churchill said " Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning".
by Admin (Philstyle) It was my decision to close it (I pushed Reddog to put the lock on); a few main reasons: 1. SoW's position on TFS has been made clear now, we're just restating existing material 2. We run the risk of it turning into an echo-chamber for the few of us who have criticisms and still care. There's scarcely 200 people, max, playing CloD in its peak times now. Even if 10% of CloD players harbour strong criticisms, that's only 20 people, 10 of them probably posting here. 3. I'm hoping SoW can push in a new direction and leave CloD behind - A point I've made a few times already. The constant "dipping" our pokers back into the TF/ CloD fire is distracting us from doing that. TBH, as one example I'd rather be seeing, talking about and flying with ACG on your DCS server - which has some great missions btw, I just wish it was up more, and more folks were flying on it. 4. The recent "explosive" (nice phrase!) posts are hiding a lot more that could also be said. Some of it potentially very damaging. I wanted to cool the wheels before it escalates to that . . .
I'm just curious ... if you go to your control panel and open Performance Information and Tools you should see a rating there and sub-scores of component systems. The low score numbers are very likely the areas you need to concentrate on.
Mine are getting a bit long in the tooth and are "clunky" about the center so I'd been eying the mod to remove the center detent. When I had them apart for the mod I saw the tracks themselves have a couple of divots worn in just about where the pedals sit at rest. Taking out the detent had little effect on the pedal feel. Still clunky at the center. Each of the Saitek pedals mounts on a 4- roller carriage that sits in a pair of tracks molded into the base. Almost all the wear is near the end of the track nearest the user. The good news is that the base itself is symmetrical save for the notch cut out to feed the USB cable through. With a small round file I made a corresponding notch on the other side and reversed the base so the the pedal carriages ride in virgin territory. Cleaned out the old gummed up grease and lubed them up with plastic friendly grease. Greatly improved feel, no more clunky spot. What if that isn't good enough? I originally thought I would have to put a metal strip in the track to cover the worn part and had been thinking what material to use. The track is just a hair over 1/2" wide but quite shallow, the shim needs to be stiff but very thin, too thick and the pedal carriage will jump the track. Options might be hacksaw blades (there are thin wood cutting blades) with the offset on the teeth ground off. Possibly the easiest might be a flat spring from inside a tape measure. If anyone does get to the metal shim stage please post your results.
Great stuff here.
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Virtual Cockpit
Perfesser replied to OverDhill's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
I'm going to revive this thread a bit. I grabbed Virtual Cockpit for Cliffs and I must say it is very useful. There are a lot more profiles to be had now. Customize what is displayed. I find it especially handy for those hard to see temperature gauges, slip/skid, the "hidden" Hurri tachometer and the compass. This are the features I've selected for display, taking up the entire second monitor. Teamspeak will overlay on top. -
There are 3 boxes there I can't see in your pic. I assume it's the top box (Swap Axis) you have checked? You left the Trimmer Force and Shake at the default everywhere? I found a Sidewinder 2 nearby for under $100 and am now doing all my controls over again. Not enough buttons!
Thanks for posting that. I had it all figured out save the "User Snap View Saving" checkbox.
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Found this utility to unlock parked CPU cores, one click and I no longer get the 20 fps drop when in cloud..... sweet. Open Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Performance Information and Tools\Advanced Tools then open Resource Monitor. All your cores should be displayed - see if any are marked as parked.
I want.....
I see the modules are always in pairs, dunno why mine is a 3 stick set. Uses up 3 of my 4 slots on the ASUS P8Z68-V. No overclocking, Win 7 64bit. Questions. Pull all the memory and replace with a pair or pull one stick and put in a pair of 8g sticks. Should I use something off the Qualified Vendors list (on the spec sheet page) or will that just be old info?
I have 6 G of RAM now and could use an upgrade. Currently using a 3 X 2 GB Corsair DDR3 1600 set taking up 3 of the 4 slots on the motherboard. Any experts want to share their opinion on the best route to go? I assume I can't use a single stick in the remaining slot? That would pretty much mean getting all new RAM. Could I take out one of the 2G sticks and buy another pair? Or should all the RAM sticks be of the same value 4G, 8G etc?
Fort Worth Police Recruitment
Perfesser replied to CaptJackG's topic in The World According to CaptJackG
Saw the new SW movie yesterday. I have to agree. -
I tried all this after a cold boot and after shutting down Opentrack I can get Freetrack to start but no head tracking.... There is another fix I read about ... taking some .dll from open track and putting it in a game folder. If opentrack gets on my nerves I'll try that.
I have the answer. I adjusted my rudder to be more sensitive. Took out the curve, took out the deadzone, made the X saturation 80. The very first time it took off almost like it was on rails.
While I maintain there is something seriously wrong with this flight model Phil's tip about adding more dead zone in rudder does help a lot. The slightest input (no deadzone) initiates a swing. However, when you need any correction at all, you need a fairly good stab at the pedal but release it before (maybe even some opposite input) the plane begins to react. As soon as I stopped being gentle with inputs things improved. Another problem unrelated to take-off is that elevator trim is ineffective. Full up trim should be very difficult to overcome and hold the plane fairly steady. Mine oscillates between 80mph and 250 mph without any reason. Landing works better for me when I do it like a complete rookie. Point the nose at the runway, ignore the speed buildup(it hardly builds any speed at all) , hold off the runway and let the speed bleed off till it drops. This is the opposite of everything I've read on the Spit. "If you have 10 mph extra on the approach you'll carry that past the end of the runway all the way to Grandma's house"
Hmpf. Tried that procedure, all goes well till I try to start Freetrack - immediately get "Freetrack.exe has stopped working". On the bright side it seems if you calibrate opentrack carefully under the input "hammer" symbol and under "model" tab such that the red "X" is in the center of your head it helps a lot with the drifting center. Or at least it does with a 3 point CAP model. I can see how a clip looses center easily just by the geometry(off center to begin with, close reference points). A cap has 250mm between the 2 farthest points and rotates equidistantly around your head's pivot point. A clip is less than 100mm and off-center to begin with. On the other hand, if I tossed $1 into a can for every hour I've spent "saving money" with Freetrack I could have TIR 5 plus a spare.
Thanks very much Rox I could never get my Freetrack profile to work just right as I looked behind me. Opentrack does a better job of that but does "flip over" sometimes. Still very new to opentrack so we'll see how it goes.
So NO freetrack. Installed another... opentrack. Just stumbled on a better setup than I ever had in Freetrack. Took off on the second try in the 51. And I think the 8th try as well. The rest were less than good. Even landed once with no damage. I'll need some help with control setup at some point. Game? Simulation? Grrrrrrrr
Sigh....... trying to get Freetrack working first of all.
Looking like I have no choice............ Downloaded, bought P-51 and Spit.
When I'm trying to figure out a tricky problem I often wander around my "pile of stuff" while thinking things through. "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." - Thomas Edison
I guess those foam brushes are good for something after all......