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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Perfesser

  1. Stuttering and framerate fluctuations (30-60) although I see see a couple of planes warping too so I'll hold back on judgement. With Vsync off I'm getting framerates in the 120's with all on high so I doubt its at my end. Beaufighter- Gunfire sounds continue after trigger release till I hit trigger again. Cowl flaps don't animate(it is the open rad command right??). ................ Hell of a time getting engine to stay lit?? Right engine only.... And it defaults all your axis sensitivities to one, meaning it slows down control responses. Set to zero.
  2. Hey that was cool. Love those experimentals. Many of us have had takeoffs like that in the DCS Spitfire.
  3. https://www.wingwalkers.org/ Just a guess. There's a TS page and a hot link to their server. I say we drop in on them early and say hello if nothing else. Let them have time to set something up.
  4. I haven't really been away. Its just that life and our time zones don't play nice. APHill, Capt Jack, Wingflyer, Spaulding and Kira are regulars and we fly fairly often. We've been testing the waters in all these new sims.
  5. The important thing folks is that you accept you need to upgrade your machines. Its been a good run but IL2 has seen its day. At this stage it appears BoX is going to be the best option for multiplayer gameplay and variety of aircraft. CloD has some potential but the theater will limit it's acceptance. DCS is a great simm but the gameplay options are so limited it can't hold your interest for long.
  6. Account attempted hack while I was away on Saturday, I discovered it late Sunday evening. Reset the password again. This email was generated because of a login attempt from a computer located at (RU). The login attempt included your correct account name and password. The thing is that I had to login to the DD site again. Now I'm assuming this person may have tried to access (same password....maybe) the DD site and reset the cookie for my login? Anyway.... beware.
  7. Very nice work! There is a wealth of information on this kind of stuff over on the DCS forums if you have questions https://forums.eagle.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=96
  8. So we're registered, you'll need a password and mum is the word on that one. It can be pretty intense and always unpredictable. I didn't survive my first number of sorties, flying alone and set upon by 4 enemies at a time. I was doing OK with the Spit, staying above the 109's till I took AAA damage. Don't fly here alone. Another day there were 4 of us and we never saw a fighter - known as the Somme Turkey Shoot. Another thing. I've been helping a newer pilot with some basics of combat and since we're in this squad server I've asked him to put on the DangerDogz tags, sort of a field promotion as it were. Should I ask him how he feels about sheep??.... DD_Jorge_S if you see him.
  9. For a while I haven't been able to stay in a server. Windows would actually tell me I'm out of memory and shut down DCS within a minute of joining. No problem in single player at all. Some searching and adjusting to let Windows manage page file size fixed that. Control panel/ system/advanced/performance settings/advanced. System managed size. With the monitor running memory use creeps up gradually and seems to stabilize around 12.5mb memory (of 16) used after 1/2 hour in server. Stutters of 2-3 second much reduced but I still sometimes get the 30 second pause that kills. Strangely, I don't get the complete system lockup (while testing alone) that has been plaguing me recently - I think it may be teamspeak related
  10. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3157517#post3157517 Translated the text here: In the control unit there are 3 mechanics GVL224 (ORE, Screw pitch and universal with the bent rod). Mechanics are iron, axles on bearings with non-contact sensors. On the handle of the throttle there are 16 buttons. Front panel: - 3 axes on variable resistors (potentiometers); - 8 buttons in one unit; - 4 toggle switches without locks in the extreme positions (like 8 buttons). On the side panels of the housing 2 axes on variable resistors (potentiometers), Total we have 8 axes and 32 buttons. The case is made of acrylic 3mm thick, collected as a 3D puzzle ..., available in black, white and transparent. The price is 140 US dollars plus the transfer of $ 22 from outside Ukraine. Dimensions of the body (without height of the handles) width 225mm, depth 200mm, height 45mm. A different model: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=188989
  11. So were there any plans for the Dogz to register for this? May I register the squad?
  12. Can't tell you how many engines I've fried - have Rad control slider advanced but rad closed till you touch it. You may as well, and very likely should, begin to use checklists. You can get away without in fighters (as long as you're OK with the occasional fried engine) but bombers get more complicated. The Hurri has engine operating limitations on the right canopy rail. DCS is going to have the next big news/ map release and if you start flying that you'll have no choice but to begin using checklists for everything.
  13. Heh, in the thread MP started at ATAG some guy posted an "uh oh" and I did a "+1" in the next post. MP actually read through and disliked my post.
  14. When the PR guy of any organization leaves it's usually because he can't stand the difference between the tale he's supposed to spin and the truth. On the other hand, in MP's case it could just be as simple as they have no interest in developing the single player aspect of the sim. Time will tell. Forgive me for being suspicious of those who are motivated by profit.
  15. Spotting isn't so much the problem for me. Just before they're rendered as aircraft proper from the label exaggeration they seem to vanish for just long enough that I often loose sight and have a semi-panic moment.
  16. A nail in the CloD coffin. Not the last nail but it's very disturbing that TFS has possibly the most important member leave at this critical stage. Once all the agreements are signed and 777 lays down the law he quits. Very telling of the true intentions of the new owners. There was some veiled talk that the reason 1C acquired CloD was to kill it's competition with BoS (meaning to kill CloD) and it's looking more like the truth. As Churchill said " Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning".
  17. by Admin (Philstyle) It was my decision to close it (I pushed Reddog to put the lock on); a few main reasons: 1. SoW's position on TFS has been made clear now, we're just restating existing material 2. We run the risk of it turning into an echo-chamber for the few of us who have criticisms and still care. There's scarcely 200 people, max, playing CloD in its peak times now. Even if 10% of CloD players harbour strong criticisms, that's only 20 people, 10 of them probably posting here. 3. I'm hoping SoW can push in a new direction and leave CloD behind - A point I've made a few times already. The constant "dipping" our pokers back into the TF/ CloD fire is distracting us from doing that. TBH, as one example I'd rather be seeing, talking about and flying with ACG on your DCS server - which has some great missions btw, I just wish it was up more, and more folks were flying on it. 4. The recent "explosive" (nice phrase!) posts are hiding a lot more that could also be said. Some of it potentially very damaging. I wanted to cool the wheels before it escalates to that . . .
  18. I'm just curious ... if you go to your control panel and open Performance Information and Tools you should see a rating there and sub-scores of component systems. The low score numbers are very likely the areas you need to concentrate on.
  19. Mine are getting a bit long in the tooth and are "clunky" about the center so I'd been eying the mod to remove the center detent. When I had them apart for the mod I saw the tracks themselves have a couple of divots worn in just about where the pedals sit at rest. Taking out the detent had little effect on the pedal feel. Still clunky at the center. Each of the Saitek pedals mounts on a 4- roller carriage that sits in a pair of tracks molded into the base. Almost all the wear is near the end of the track nearest the user. The good news is that the base itself is symmetrical save for the notch cut out to feed the USB cable through. With a small round file I made a corresponding notch on the other side and reversed the base so the the pedal carriages ride in virgin territory. Cleaned out the old gummed up grease and lubed them up with plastic friendly grease. Greatly improved feel, no more clunky spot. What if that isn't good enough? I originally thought I would have to put a metal strip in the track to cover the worn part and had been thinking what material to use. The track is just a hair over 1/2" wide but quite shallow, the shim needs to be stiff but very thin, too thick and the pedal carriage will jump the track. Options might be hacksaw blades (there are thin wood cutting blades) with the offset on the teeth ground off. Possibly the easiest might be a flat spring from inside a tape measure. If anyone does get to the metal shim stage please post your results.
  20. Great stuff here.
  21. I'm going to revive this thread a bit. I grabbed Virtual Cockpit for Cliffs and I must say it is very useful. There are a lot more profiles to be had now. Customize what is displayed. I find it especially handy for those hard to see temperature gauges, slip/skid, the "hidden" Hurri tachometer and the compass. This are the features I've selected for display, taking up the entire second monitor. Teamspeak will overlay on top.
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