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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Logos

  1. ~S~ Pooka I used to live in Tucson and often drove by the "bone yard". Of course I could only get a glimpse of what was around the edges of the fenced in air craft but, it still was quite a sight for any fan of vintage air craft. Also kind of sad to see those once great birds baking away in the desert sun. There are some good books that reference many of the air craft in that bone yard. I don't recall it off hand but, I know they have them on Amazon's sight. I used to go down by Davis Monthan and if I ever saw any of the A10 Thunderbolts/Warthogs flying I would find a place to park and just watch some of the awesome maneuvers that plane could pull off. Truly an engineering marvel and damn scary with that 30 MM cannon launching depleted uranium shells at a tank. No offense Rattler but, I would rather be in the A10 than any land vehicle that nasty killing machine was hunting. I will try your google search when I have a spare moment. Right now I am very busy practicing in my top secret Luftwaffe Red Killing Machine. Muuhaahaahaa ! Logos Red Forces
  2. Why is it that I feel so at home with a bunch of sick & twisted bastiges? Oh well, keep the threads coming. Logos
  3. Both my parents speak and write Dutch fluently, my sisters both taught themselves too (born in Edmonton like me), and I speak and understand it enough to get myself in trouble thinking that I know it well enough to carry on a conversation! BTW: GreyKnight is the one in Austria....I know that ...Duh! lol I know where GK lives. He likes to snow ski in the mountains and owns a Saint Bernard.
  4. Nice one Bonger. I don't have any Hooters around here. If I did I would probably be broke and fat from eating there. Logos
  5. Hmmm? Good question. I really don't know my "Roots" I guess. I think my ancestors got to the USA several generations ago. I was born in Mendota, IL on 07/11/1961. I have live in northern Illinois most of my life. I did migrate to Glendale, Az for about a year. Also Tucson,Az for about 3 years back in 1984. Some interesting stories here. I really like your story Bonger mate. That's really cool to have hooked up with your biological family. Now you got a pretty big family for sure. Very nice indeed. Rattler, do your parents still speak the Netherland language? What is that language anyhow? Nice idea for a thread GK. You still in Austria? Been there all your life? Good one Greenstreaks. Large family there too I see. 13 wives. I could never deal with one woman let alone 13. Yikes. Yes, I am a mutt too. I have been told German, English, Irish, ? Logos
  6. I will never eat another vegatable as long as I shall live. Except for potato chips which ain't really got much potatoes in them after processing. I think we are just being cautious for the sake of the group DT. It isn't a personal matter. I reckon if you think it's worth the risk then have at it. I think for the Dogz however we have already figured out that it really isn't worth the risk after experiencing BG's computer going down several times while trying to host coops after he installed it. I don't like the cheesy sound either but, I am more concerned with keeping this game what it is now, not what it may morph into after the Frankenstein modders have had their way with it. I am old school and damn proud of it. Come kill me in the plane of your choice with the crappy sounding engine and cheesy sounding cannons and machine guns. Roger wilco over and out. Logos
  7. ~S~ DT. Sorry. I am too dumb to even attempt to install this hermorfradite creature into my system. Also things like this scare me. If my computer goes down I am screwed. The neighbor kid who used to fix all my little screw ups moved to Chicago so I can't risk anything going wacho on my only rig. This is for for you techno adventurers. I will play it safe. Damn, I ain't this conservative in other areas of my life. Logos
  8. He Hee?!?
  9. I am in a squadron full of depraved lunatics. Oh well, at least I fit in. Logos
  10. http://imagehost.vendio.com/bin/imagese ... s/2099.jpg It's that time of year again. I hope you have all been good doggies. If not Santa will have to send his "special" assistant to correct your ways. Have a blessed holiday season. Logos
  11. ~S~ Mates Thanks OB 1. I also will need to learn how to give commands to AI wingmen. I have never learned that either. Let's see...what else don't I know? Sheesh, I hope no one will be counting on me too much to lead flights in this SEOW. I'd hate to be responsible for getting us all killed. The last statement was only intended for reverse psychological propaganda intentions. Thanks again Friar, may I call you Colin? You are such a nice man and an asset to the DD's squadron. When you get a few of us for class and a time just post it here and I will make myself available for training. Logos
  12. ~S~ Friar. I am probably the only one who doesn't know how to do this so I would like to enroll. I am central time here in Illinois. Thanks for offering to teach the puppies how to build missions. Just let me know specific time so I won't be late for class. Bow Wow. Logos
  13. ~S~ Bbloke. That was spectacular mate. I agree that it's the best thing you can do with Coke. I don't drink soda pop and least of all Coke. That stuff will eat your guts out and leach your bones of calcium. Nasty stuff. I will stick to Leinenkugels' and Captain Morgan Private Stock. I double Dogz dare you to try that at work Highlander. If you actually pull this stunt of course you would have to fill us in with the "messy" details. Later mates. Logos
  14. ~S~ C F mate I was in an Unreal 2004 clan before getting obsessed with IL2 1946. We specialized in Last Man Standing mode of play online. Oh wait, that was before I got obsessed with Battlefield 2 online. I played that about two years and got tired of the freakin' jet jockies bombing my armored vehicles to pieces. That's when I got the idea to get the JOYSTICK and get even with those stinkin' pilots. The CH Combatstick came with a copy of IL2 in it and that led me eventually to the Dogz. I also played FEAR, Doom 3, Pain Killer, Halo, and a few other shooters. Oh yeah, I have a crush on Lara Croft too Bbloke. I think I finished the first two episodes and got side tracked some where in the third. I would like to pick up Tomb Raider where I left off some time. Great adventure and puzzle solving involved. Not to mention that girl has a killer virtual bod ! Woo Woo !!! Far Cry was an awesome game. Beatiful graphics in the south Pacific and great game play as well. Right now I have only one focus and that is to innialte the inferior Red forces and completely rid the planet of their inferior genetic supply. Nothing but total slaughter of their race will do. Thanks for bringing up the subject mate. Have a nice day. Logos :Thin5: Red Forces
  15. :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: ~S~ Mates Thanks DT for reminding me to take time and thank God for such men and women who sacrificed everything in some cases so that I can sit in front of my computer and play video games with my friends or bid on stuff on e-bay. Damn, I am spoiled rotten. I am indeed grateful to live in relative freedom due to their commitment. I always get kind of a guilty feeling when honoring real hero's. BTW, that's a twenty one "sniper" salute in honor of these great hero's. God bless their memories and the few who remain with us yet today. Logos
  16. ~S~ Beebop Yes indeed. Very nice looking P-40 skins. I have never seen anything close to that on a P-40. You do fine work. I will be looking for a skilled skinner in the future to do a custom top secret skin for me. If your services can be had for a price let me know. I have to figure out what plane I would like to use this skin on. All of them probably but, I need to keep it real. Thanks for the pictures mate. Logos
  17. ~S~ Rog. Now I know the culprit! Do you have to keep feeding us the provocative images of bikini model bow hunters and such?!? Damn, it's hard enough to be single and try to deal with being celibate .
  18. ~S~ Gentlemen. To hell with the technical crap. If I stick an apple on my head will that lovely archer come and shoot it off?
  19. ~S~ Highlander. Thanks for the nice pics. I concur with BG. Damn! That's one well polished and detailed F4U-5. Sweet! The F4U Corsair happens to be my favorite aircraft of any era and that one looked marvelous. I dig bombers too. Witchcraft looked awesome as well. A few years back the local airport had a small air show that did manage to bring in a lone B-25. It actually flew over my mobile home at what appeared to be below 500 feet!. I thought it was an earthquake when I first heard the sound of it approaching. Those pilots have to be wearing ear plugs or sound deadening headsets. I got up real close to it and you are right. Oil leaking all over the place. I guess it's well lubed so no problem. Thanks again mate. Logos
  20. ~S~ D-7 Looks very nice mate. I will have to get my new pregnant maid to clear off a spot where I can begin building one of the many kits that have been coming to my door from e-bay auctions. I got a bunch of Tamiya 23ml paints also. I reckon over fifty jars in mostly flat military colors. I still need some hobby knives and glue, oh and an air compressor for my air brush. I will have to do some organizing to make room for all this stuff. What are you going to build next Dave? I have a couple of lovely Hobby Craft kits in 1/48 scale you may like. The La-5 and the La-7 ! I am joking mate. I know how you loath those Russian planes. I do have the kits and they seem pretty nice. I haven't got any Luftwaffe planes yet. Mostly Japanese and American stuff. I guess I am more interested in the Pacific Theater of Operations during WWII. Probably from flying Zekes vs Wildcats. Once again well done mate and let us know of your next project. Logos
  21. http://www.bernergarde.org/images/WaysA ... er_432.jpg Granted. You are now a life long member of the Bernese Mountain Dog Lovers Club. I wish for a maid to clean up my nasty piles of stuff in my mobile dwelling unit. Logos
  22. OK Rattler. Shazam. Your
  23. ~S~ Cheers and such. Very nice looking crew indeed Pup. If I didn't already have two adopted cats I would have a dog. I had an AKC Black & Tan German
  24. :k9lmao: JP
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