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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Logos

  1. ~SALUTE~ Mr. Sager Sir. Consider yourself truly blessed to have gotten the opportunity to have met a real war hero.
  2. ~S~ Beebop Nice looking skin mate. Dig them K9 additions too. Do you win many races? I have never flown one. I would probably run into someone. Thanks for the pics. DD_Logos
  3. LOL !!! Dig it man. DD_Logos
  4. ~S~ Mate. Pretty intense for sure. Good job by the firemen. I won't share anymore details for those who may want to watch this. Pretty awesome footage though. I lost a couple coworkers while attempting to fight a house fire in the little town where I work. It is truly a sad event to lose a firefighter.
  5. OMG !!! I can't believe it, I am in total agreement with Psycho! This is quite an unfortunate accident. I hope the toddler wasn't hurt badly. As sick as I am I too find this in extreme poor taste to use as an avatar. Trace the user down and let's all get big sticks too administer proper justice to that sicko bastige. DD_Logos
  6. Logos


    ~S~ Streaks mate. Sorry I don't have any technical assistance to offer you. I was just a bit concerned knowing your beloved is listening in to our private TS sessions. I am afraid I will have to be more discreet with my TS communications from now on.
  7. ~S~ Shadow. I ain't no Rembrandt but, I think that WWI skin looks fabulous on that crap 190 Nazi Luftwaffe bucket a bolts. Seriously, it looks great. I may have a top secret project for you for a skin. Some type of invisible cloaking type skin. That's what I need. Excellent job mate. DD_Logos
  8. ~S~ Greenstreaks mate. Hey all, it is Greenstreaks birthday and he needs back up on HL Skies of Fire. I fly that server quite a bit and I can attest to needing back up there. Carnivorous shoulder shooting kill steeling wretches diving in on flaming planes like it was the last sortie they may ever fly. Happy birthday mate and it has been a pleasure flying with you where ever that may be. I may jump on to Skies of Fire now to see if you are still there. Line up guys and give this lad a thorough B-day spanking, ya' know he just may enjoy it. DD_Logos
  9. ~S~ Mates. I can not expound upon the words spoken in President Reagans's
  10. Hey Mates. I know our local airport won't have many outstanding vintage aircraft like Duxford had but, there is a small fly in today. I will be checking it out. They have had some Russian WWII planes in the past and a B-25 has been there the past few years. I will take some pics if anything cool shows up. I tried a few carrier landings today on BG's server. Crashed all four attempts but, survived three out of four! Catch ya' all later and have a great weekend. DD_Logos
  11. ~S~ Mobius One I would swear this is a post from Logos. I am not a tech guru but, I do know that I can't fly the German crap planes worth a hoot. Sorry if I insulted any of you who happen to like the 109 or 190. I have a hard time trying to line up shots with those weird sights they have. Also not much viewing area in the FW. Big honking dash right in front of my face and can't see over it. I switched over to the Russian planes and things improved almost immediately. I really like the I 185. That thing is a freakin' tank. It handles well, goes fast as heck, and has some bad azz guns as well. So maybe you should give yourself a break buddy. I know all about frustration. That's why I switched to Commie planes. The mates have given you some good suggestions. A little practice and perhaps you will see some improvements. I have all my graphics settings on perfect also. I figure why buy a beast computer with killer graphics and not use them to their peak. I reckon I will compromise a little frame rate to see myself going down in a beautiful flaming ball of glory. Keep a stiff upper lip mate. Nice to see you at least made it to the furball. DD_Logos
  12. ~S~ Psycho Happy b-day mate. I will be spending my b-day in another defensive driving class for four hours on Wednesday. Darn cops with radar. Guess I need a radar detector. I hope you had fun at the air show. The pictures looked like it was a great time. I hope you are still kicking for many years to come. See you on a server soon buddy.
  13. ~S~ Mates. There must be something really cool on that rock to make it worth risking your life to land on it. Yes, cudos to the pilot. Very close to peeking over the edge. DD_Logos
  14. ~S~ Mates. Perhaps not the high octane brews you top shelf doggies prefer but, any loss of alcohol is still a tragedy. Even Labatts Blue could be used to put out cockpit
  15. Logos


    ~S~ Bonger mate, Man, I have missed you catching the bullets for me in my Betty on Zeks vs Wildcats. I hope and pray our Tech Guru Dogz will get this snafu figured out soon. I have gone back to flying A6M's to keep from getting my azz fragged in the Betties. You are missed mate and I wish I had a solution. I ain't worth a hoot with computers. Come on doggies, give a brotha' a hand. I reckon you will get this fixed soon. Your mates got your back and are trying to provide support. Computers are great until SH*T like this happens. Investing in reliable internet protection is worth it. I am currently giving AVG freeware a trial run. I love it so far. It does it's thing and you don't even know its there. No annoying updates during gameplay or other inconvenient times. I think I will get their Internet Protection Package if things keep working this well. Godspeed tech supporters. Hope to see you soon on HL mate. To help you through withdraws just drink more alcohol but, try not to beat your wife or children. DD_Logos
  16. ~S~ Pooka Sir, I think I will be adjusting my CH throttle settings to match many of Lil Sparrows diagram. I like the CH throttle for it's many programmable buttons. I hope to eliminate the use for my keyboard as much as possible by mapping all these buttons. I've got to do the same thing with my new Fighterstick as well. Once it's all done and I go through the learning curve I reckon it will be really sweet to have almost all my in game flying stuff mapped to my throttle and joystick. I think you will like your new "toy" as well as I like all my CH HOTAS gear. Have fun mapping and see you in the skies mate. Logos
  17. OMG !!! It's nice to know I am not the only loony in the dog pound !!! Absolutely hilarious. Please share more of your recollections from
  18. ~S~ Mates. I forgot to mention that I also have TrackIR4 so this may cancel out the need to map some of the visual settings. At least I think so, DUH ?!? I spared little expense getting set up for flight simming. I just wish I had a brain for setting all this stuff up to it's maximum potential.
  19. ~S~ Lil Sparrow, Can I say DAMN ! You put quite a bit of thought into this response! It will take me some time to digest all this data but, I will take what you have provided and use what suits me and go from there. I can see some good suggestions. A few are actually already mapped according to your diagrams. Default or luck I guess. Thanks much for your consideration. I will be trying some of these out tonight. If I ever get on a server or coop with you I will gladly fly your wing and give up my life trying to keep your worthy azz alive. This is what makes being a DD an honor. Well, gotta get ready to rumble on HL. Thanks again and see you in the skies mate. Logos
  20. Hello Fellow Dogs, I just upgraded from a CH Combatstick to the Fighterstick. I was running out of buttons to map all this !$@#&% IL2 1946 control stuff to. I was wondering if anyone in the pound uses this stick and if you may have a mapping format to assist me in mapping all the necessary functions for flying all the various aircraft in IL2. I currently don't have my bomb sight functions mapped. I ain't quite sure how to go about it. Not too bright with high tech gadgetry ya' know. In time I will program it according to my usage, whatever I use the most will get the more natural position on the stick. Does this sound right? I have my basic keys mapped, first one was BAIL OUT key seeing I use that one the most! lol, dag nab it ! So if there are any hard core CH users with the optimum set ups for sharing I would gratefully accept your input. I also have the CH Pro Throttle and CH Pro Pedals . These take some getting used to but, I think they very nice and built like tanks. I also do not know much about the Control Manager Software. Yes, I admit before all the K-9 Squadron, I am a techno dummy. I have had people attempt to walk me through the Control Manager software and it just is almost too intense for me. I am a first person shooter nutbag trying to transition into the genre of sophisticated, emotionally mature, well balanced, and HANDSOME
  21. ~S~ and Amen, I have never been in any branch of the armed forces in the U.S.A. I can never truly appreciate what real men of Honor like Captain Steven Brown have to endure on a moment by moment basis. I do know that I am grateful to be sitting here in the comfort of my humble home playing video games because there are men and women who are protecting my liberty to do what ever it is I feel like doing at any given moment. Wow! I almost feel some sense of shame because I don't really understand what is going on in places like Afghanastan, Iraq, South Korea, and the list goes on. Reading that letter was like getting hit up side my head with a two by four reality check. I thank you Kelly for providing this letter to this forum. I hope all those who have read it will consider the things we ALL take for granted within the security of our communities and countries. It makes me think about what is really valuable to me. Is it my stuff, or is it the relationships that I have been blessed with. Stuff can be replaced, relationships are sometimes fragile and fleeting. They take dedication and work. Some times I have to get humbled and swallow my pride and admit that I was wrong. I wish I was made of the stuff that Captain Steven Brown was made of. I thank God there are people who are willing to do their duty and I pray that they come home to those they love soon. I thank you Pooka for your service in Vietnam. That was not a very popular war as the war in Iraq and Afghanastan
  22. ~S~ Mates. It is nice to see an interest in Joint-Ops V.F.S. If I can do it darn near anyone can do it. It has been a challenge for this newbie to IL2 1946 but, I can attest to the benefits you will receive from formal training from guys that have countless hours of flying time under their belts. After only a few sessions I have drastically improved my ability to survive and actually get some kills while online at Hyperlobby. Before J-O I had ZERO kills and countless flaming fireballs to my credit. Now I feel confident enough in my abilities to join a server and participate with other more experienced pilots and know that I have at least enough knowledge to avoid being killed like a lamb led to the slaughter. I would encourage anyone to enroll even those who have been playing IL2 for years. There is always something that even veteran pilots can learn and I can't think of a better place to pick up that knowledge than J-O V.F.S. That is my two cents worth about J-O and I hope to see some of you guys there. It will be time well invested in this awesome IL2 flight sim. You also will notice the benefits as have I and many others who have dedicated themselves to the classes. Good fortune and Godspeed gentlemen of the K-niner squadrons. V117BS_Logos
  23. Actually I think it one of Quazi's relatives. Notice his "T" for Tennessee hat. "GO Vols !!!" Very funny video. I used to watch that guy all the time. I would never go fishing with him though, too dangerous. Thanks for the laugh, I can always use one. V117_BSLogos BTW: I got about four kills tonight. My all time record. One was a bot in a coop mission. two were nose to nose and after I got them their wreckage got me, and one was when I was nearly stalled out pointing straight up grunting for one more burst into that bloody Spit and I managed to blow the blokes wing off. I am really starting to enjoy this game. I already feel at home here in your cozy asylum.
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