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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Logos

  1. LOL ! Freakin' hilarious. I have never seen those Halo clips before. Thanks for giving me another way I can waste my time surfing the www. Logos
  2. Logos

    Much Thanks

    Hmmm? I will give you three dollars for Bbloke's penis. I reckon that's about a dollar an inch. Logos
  3. Hmmm? May I join into the insanity?
  4. Holy Shit, or not as the case may indicate. I got some weird stuff happening around my azz but, for certain there ain't no toilet seat growing attached to it. How the hell could you sleep in that position? Oh well, I got enough of my own issues to try and figure this nut case's problems out. Logos
  5. Akula mate. I hope you enjoy your special day. Catch you in the air soon. :wav2:
  6. Very good video mate. Got a good chuckle out of it for sure. Logos
  7. Welcome back Tonar. Fumps, you are just another brick in the wall, so to speak. You are gona' love us and we are gona' love you. Have a riot and get the IL2 1946 version as soon as you can. Online is the bomb !!! Logos
  8. ~Salute~ Fumps mate. Welcome to the best darned squadron in the whole IL2 community. I have been flying this game for about one year now. I was a first person shooter nut. I played UT 2004, Battlefield 2 / BF 2142, Doom 3, and most of the other all out frag fest shooters. I got into IL2 out of being frustrated by them darn jet jockies in BF2 dropping their stinking bombs on my tanks and APC's all the time so I got me a CH Combat stick and was going to learn to fly a jet. Well, the game came with the original copy of IL2 and of course I loaded it and flew it for awhile and I got hooked. I never did go back to BF2 and learn to fly them jets. Like it has been suggested you really need to upgrade to the IL2 1946 version. You can get a new copy for $20.00 dollars on amazon.com plus shipping that is. Shipping is free on orders over $25.00 of amazon stuff. Ah yes, the learning cuuuuuuuuuuuurve. Like you mentioned before, I got tired also of playing a game for a couple weeks and finishing it and wondering, what now? This game will probably never get boring because you will always be progressing and learning new things. Plus every sorty is unique to itself. I don't recall any two sorties comparing to one another. Well, enough blah, blah, blah. It's nice to have you here and we have pilots from all skill levels and many that can help you out with any questions or problems you may encounter. Just give a shout on the forum and some one will get back to you relatively quickly. Keep at it man and try to keep the war paint on the plane. DD_Logos
  9. :k9lmao: Thanks for the post. My neighbors think I am crazy. They hear me laughing my azz off while reading these posts and wonder what the F*ck is up with him now ? I got to see this flick. Logos
  10. ~S~ Tonar mate. I finally gave her a ring this trip and am going to lock it in. Did anyone else catch this statement ?!? Cool dude! Congratulations, I think! Awesome trip and pics mate. It looks like paradise to me. I have never fly fished but, would love to learn the art. I have a favorite little stream in northern Illinois that has a good supply of small mouth bass and would love to see them little buggers snatch a fly. Once again congratulations on the ring and lock thingy mate. A woman that shares your interests is a good foundation to build on. Logos
  11. ~S~ Chris. Nice to see the love displayed in your honor. You are worthy of such sentiments. Thanks for all you do for the DD's and I hope your special day may include a special evening surprise. Logos :wav2:
  12. Sorry. Too much in between. Also I flunked algebra. Number and letters in the same equation is dirty red communism. Oops. I shouldn't be here. Later.
  13. Ditto to Bad Aim. Big angels all around your brother Pete. Logos
  14. :k9lmao: Man, I love you guys. Just when I need a good laugh you guys come though big time ! Logos
  15. ~S~ All Our good friend Old Timer was kind enough to send me a bottle of British Navy Pusser's Rum after hearing me mention that I "might" partake in the indulgence of such a concoction. Well, I actually got around to google the rum manufacturer and found out it was a real rum and not something he whipped up in his bath tub. Thanks again Adrian. I think I will have another sample of this robust fermented beverage worthy of a hearty sailor. Only in the DD's will you find such love and appreciation. Google it yourself for an interesting read on the favored drink of the British Navy. http://www.pussers.com/library/images/right_bottle.jpg Logos
  16. Herr Karl You have an extreme talent at dissecting these SEOW tracts. This is also equaled with your commentary explaining what is actually taking place in each picture. I agree that I remember the Tirpitz being intact through most of the mission. I didn't have much else to do while laying upside down on the freakin' runway with my bomb. ARGH. Yes, I will be intent on killing some red scum come next mission. I don't know why things get missed in this SEOW but, I am quite confident that they do as a result of your homework mate. It's too bad that happens. Collin has prepared a very nice campaign. Who would have thunk we we be going into our 10th week with no clear winner in sight. That's one reason I really hate technology. It is unreliable. BadAim, can I get an AMEN? Computers are great sources of information and entertainment but, they are major pains in the azz when they go female. Ya' know what I mean guys. Like they get PMS and go freakin' whacko some times for no logical reason. Knock wood, my rig has been a real work horse with barely any tech issues since new in 2005. Blah, Blah, Blah. Thanks again Herr Karl. You provide great insight into the SEOW campaign and it's deficiencies. Over all, I can't think of a more balanced campaign scenario. Just give us back our Tirpitz and we will call it even.
  17. I always new you were a bad influence. Logos
  18. ~MAJOR SALUTE JO TOP GUNNERS~ I guess I don't feel so bad getting wacked by some of the best in the business. OK, I still feel bad but, at least I know that I ain't getting flamed by a bunch of noobs. You guys do ROCK and we Danger Dogz are proud to have you in our kennel. Way to get r' done mates. Logos :wav2:
  19. Gag, hak, puke, argh!!! These folks should be, hmmm, well I reckon that they will get what they deserve in the end. When the folks get old and can no longer provide for the spoiled brat the dumb blond twit will just send them off to be put down like an old dog. Euthanasia will probably be legal in this country by then. Logos
  20. Yes Pete. Add me to the prayer chain. May angels be encamped all around your brother and his unit while serving his tour of duty. Logos
  21. Logos

    What is a dad?

    Bravo Friar. Rest assured that your daughter will remember that act of kindness for quite some time. Another great parent / child bonding moment for the DD's forum. Actually kinda' gives me the blues as I don't see my little one that often. Thanks for being "our" HERO too mate. Logos
  22. Hmmm? Being the disgruntled Luftwussy all I can say is if I ever see Mobious One in ANY blue aircraft I will cease from flying.
  23. Hmmm? Got issues? Bend over and I will be doctor Phil with a new source of healing. JP, you have any suggestions? Never mind. Logos :pysch_couch:
  24. :k9lmao: ROFLMAO BONGER you funny bastage. Good night mate Logos
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