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Everything posted by Logos
Ddlogos A.w.o.l. Has Breeched The Security Barrier...hey There Mates. : )
Logos replied to Logos's topic in Jim's Place
My computer is nearly still a "virgin". I haven't got Team Speak installed yet. Got plenty to do to get everything up and running. Thanks for you kind offer to assist Jabo. You're a great mate. I can remember you taking care of me in the skies more than a few times as well. : ) It might take some time but, I'll be working on this stuff. ~S~ -
Ddlogos A.w.o.l. Has Breeched The Security Barrier...hey There Mates. : )
Logos replied to Logos's topic in Jim's Place
Thanks Jabo. I was trying to install Left 4 Dead onto my Seagate Barracuda 3 TB Hard Drive and I can't figure out how to direct it to that drive. It wants to install it onto my "C" drive which is the LG Disk drive. Is that possible it would try to do that? I don't know squat about computers. I reckon anyone that remembers me knows I can't function a Windows OS for crap. Quazi used to hold my hand and lead me through this stuff via Team Speak ! LOL ! He was very patient with me. LOL ! I have tried contacting a computer guru friend but, he has a gal and a new baby so it's harder to get him to commit time to assisting me. I have been looking for YouTube tutorials but, haven't found what I need yet. I'll keep trying. Thanks for time time Jabo. -
Ddlogos A.w.o.l. Has Breeched The Security Barrier...hey There Mates. : )
Logos replied to Logos's topic in Jim's Place
Thanks mates. I will continue trying to get this installed. To tell you the truth, it easier to build a computer than operate one. : ) I am aware of Jim's passing. I sure put him through some stuff in my moments of frustration. He was certainly gracious with me. I am sure his presence is missed indeed. I'll give that thread a look to see if it mentions the Windows 7 predicament I am having. Thanks again for your assistance. -
Greetings Gentlemen and Ladies if either happens to be residing in the pound these days. Been on a journey but, finally did manage to complete a long time objective of mine. I have recently completed building my first ever computer from scratch. Her name is Demon Slayer and she's a gaming behemoth. At least I think she is. I'll include the specs below. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS and have not been able to install IL2 1946. I saw Fool Trottle offering some assistance on a forum sight but, was not able to make his suggestions work for me. Looking for some assistance to get this thing installed. I am using a VIZIO 32" 1080p tv for a monitor. My old eyes can see me getting slaughtered much better now. If anyone can assist in this process please leave a comment of shoot me a PM or e-mail with a blueprint of how to getr' done. I have moved and no longer have my wonderful hard cable broadband connection to the net. I live in the boonies and have a basic wireless internet connection. I have never tried to online game so not sure it will be adequate for that. Either way I'd still love to get my CH HOTAS set up to fly some coops. I have a bunch of maps and mods from back in the day I got from some folks here. They are on my old PC and will need transferred over to the new machine which is another thing I don't really know how to do. Actually, I am not sure how far the game has advanced since 2009 when I last flew with ya'll I believe. OK, that's the picture. Any advice, suggestions, or a swift kick in my butt would be greatly appreciated. Miss the fun of flying with you guys. What a bunch of characters in this squadron. ~S~ Logos Case: Antec 900 PSU: Corsair HX750 Mother Board: ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 680 4096MB Memory: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 16GB SSD: Intel 240GB 520 Series HDD: Seagate 3 TB Media Reader: LG BH14NS40 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit BTW, I just completed the original version of Far Cry on this thing with everything running maxed out and it was beautiful. I never looked so good getting my face shot off by mercenaries. Ya'll be blessed. DDLogos ~S~
I haven't "officially" but, it measures 4.5 inches and weighs 11 pounds 15.115 ounces. Probably lost a bit of weight sitting in the dirt for over a century. I am nearly positive it is the real deal 12 pounder cannon ball. How many kids do you see playing with 4.5 inch 12 pound shot puts or "marbles"?
Thanks for all the wonderful replies. I have always said this is the best squadron in the whole IL2 community. No need to hide it Kelly. We all know you lean toward the queer side. I'll try and clear all my treasure crap off my computer station and see if I can get to my HOTAS controls. Yep, they're buried. I'll have to update my TS info and such. I'll be back just like a bad Zincoln penny. Later mates. Logos
Sorry for the delay. Not sure how big my pics are so only posting 4 per post. I ain't no good at resizing...The large round rusty iron ball is a 4.5 inch 12 pound CANNON BALL!!! I was flipping out when I dug that sucker. It has to be my favorite relic ever. The round orange thing is a clay marble. Very old, which makes it very cool. Eyeball find. Thanks for viewing. I'll be BACK!!! Logos
Hey mates. Sorry I fell off the face of the earth. I was busy doing my treasure hunting thing when I happened to notice a friends home was for sale. Long story short the Gal and her husband move from Illinois to Texas. I called her and asked to metal detect her property. I also inquired what they were hoping to get for their home. OK, I called the real estate agent doing the listing and scheduled a viewing. I liked the place and ended up bidding on it and the owners said yep, you can have it. So now I am trying to get motivated and pack all my stuff up for the move. My trailer is a rats nest. My ex wife and daughter will be moving back into the trailer after I depart. It's been such a strange summer. I haven't checked into the internet carrier at the new place yet. I think it's an outfit called Wild Blue. I hope they have fast wireless. If not I might have to shop around to see who has the fastest wireless service for my area. It's a nice rural hamlet with about 20 or so homes in it. No convenience stores or gas stations, NUTHIN'! This is just what I was looking for if I ever decided to spend the rest of my natural life in debt. I met the neighbors before I bid on the house. Great folks and that's what sold me on the move. I have recovered some really cool old coins, relics, and stuff this year. I'll try and post a few pics for you folks. Take care and God bless the whole lot of ya'. BTW, in the forth picture you'll see an old Korean War era dog tag issued in 1951. I located the original owner and returned it to him personally. Great old guy and we had a few beers and shared some old war stories. One of my best finds and returns ever. Kevin aka Logos
He Hee!!! I thought I smelled treasure. Cool sight JP. It's neat to get a different perspective from foreign treasure hunters. The history is very interesting. Thanks mate. Yeah, I'm still out digging. I'll post some of my stuff soon. Later mates. Logos
He Hee!!! I thought I smelled treasure. Cool sight JP. It's neat to get a different perspective from foreign treasure hunters. The history is very interesting. Thanks mate. Yeah, I'm still out digging. I'll post some of my stuff soon. Later mates. Logos
And I thought I was a complete lunatic for swinging my metal detector all over the place?!? Nice to see you have a group a lunatics to hang with there Greeny. Logos
A litte joke for our U.S mates
Logos replied to DD_Brando's topic in The World According to CaptJackG
LOL Good one Brando.Must have been that Little Old Lady From Pasadena. -
She sounds wonderful. I am beginning to love that FW190. I thinks she's HOT!
Well anything is easy after you've done it a few times. Sex was easy the last I tried it. I ain't so sure about it now though. I haven't tried the method you have suggested yet. I just punched them in manually through the game. BTW, I am lazy and don't push myself to learn new things about my computer. When something really cool comes along and I want it I find out how to get it installed or have someone give me a hand. I ain't really crazy about computers. They're only good for shopping and playing games. Oh, and making nice dresses for my aircraft. Logos
Hey Pup. Glad you managed to find your way home. Things have changed a bit since you left. The MODS have really opened up the game. Working out the bugs but, still a lot of fun flying with new sounds and stuff. BTW, when Painless wacked your azz he was wearing a pink spandex body suit. Just thought you'd like to know that. Logos
Thank you Beebop sir. I do enjoy flying with you and the rest of the HH mates. I believe your ICON setting are a good compromise between full real , zero ICONS, and the arcade variety I have been using where you see everything from just under six kilometers away. Tonar showed me how to adjust these settings and now I will put in your Tully settings and give them a run. Thanks again mate. Logos
Tonar gave me some help. I think I have it sorta' figured out. Thanks Tonar mate. Logos
Sorry I resurrected an old topic. I would like to adjust my ICON settings when I host COOPS. I have tried to follow a few tutorials and the information in this thread but, I still can't understand what I need to do. What most intelligent folks can comprehend about this computer stuff always just baffles me. If anyone has a few minutes to give me some hands on assistance it would be appreciated. No big rush. I would just like to make my COOP settings a bit more realistic rather than arcade. Thanks for all the help I get around here. I wish I weren't so computer illiterate. Logos
Hell Fire STREAKS !!! Damn Skippy mate. Now I can challenge you to a duel on the dog fight ladder without fear of your rig crashing!
Good Lord !!! We have indeed corrupted the young pup. What are we going to do with him now?!? Logos
He Hee. After I whined about Pete killing all the planes in the COOP he was gracious enough to leave a couple for me to kill. He could have had them but, he's a great mate so he left a few scraps for the wiener DOGZ. Thanks mate. Logos
:pray: I hope this one takes Tonar mate. Oops. I guess it didn't work. Calling the local Dogz PC Doctor. Tonar needs a lobotomy. I hope you get your answer soon buddy. Logos
I'm afraid I'd have issues with old "woody" getting in the way. Ruff ruff, down boy. Logos
Hmmm? Could it be that the games creator is a Russian? I think a few of them Red commie planes are a tad "uber". Toad said it best. If you are caught on the deck in any of our Luft aircraft you are more likely to die than any other scenario in this SEOW. B & Z to live. Engage in a turn fight to die. Rolling scissors is just another act of desperation a pilot may attempt because he lost the advantage of altitude and energy and found himself chugging along on the deck. La5FN's rule down there. Ya' think we'd a figured that out after the first mission. ARGH ! What the hell do I know? I'm just a noob. Logos 69th GIAP Stats 10 missions flown. 8 deaths. 1 air kill. 1 ship kill.