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Everything posted by Logos
Crap. Sorry I am late on this. Great to know Quazi and family are safe. I saw enough pictures to know that all HELL broke loose down there though. Glad to know you and your's are safe mate. Logos
~S~ Jib Nice to see you come out of your shell so to speak. Got these damn, Canadians all bent out of shape. Yuk Yuk Canuck. I have been drinking again so I must sign off before I have to post another apology. Gibberish gibberish gibberish. Good night. Might check TS to see if there are any loons on. Logos
Hey Chris. Will the new Tomb Raider come with a supply of hand lubricant ? Hmmm? Might be worth the investment. Lara will always be one of my faves. I loved the puzzle solving and hand / eye coordination required to play T.R. Go on you IL2 only jockies. Can you think of any other game that you can masturbate too ?!? I am not insinuating that any of the DD's would ever stoop to such a level, choke, hack cough, gag, but with the new graphics and HD screens I reckon it might become tempting. Also no need to worry about getting a virus! Yea Haw !!! When does it come out Bbloke? Logos
Hey Steve. We have been missing you especially on Sundays mate. Hope you can get an upgrade and begin flying again soon. Take care and thanks for the notice. Logos :tomcat:
Damn, another techie thread.
Holy Crap ! Tell me that's not your trigger finger !?! I hope you are ok to fly mate. Get well soon and drink plenty of liquids and get some rest. Also please avoid working with freakin' sledge hammers !!! Seriously, looks freakin' painful to me. Take it easy mate. Logos Maybe this will help. Oops, wrong ointment.
Yup, them's Quazi's neighbors across the fence. Ya' never thought inbreeding would make for such entertaining You Tube watching. Logos
:k9lmao: Stop it already!!! ROFLMAO !!! No, don't stop it. I need all the gut busting laughs I can get buddy. Keep up the good work Logos
JP, glad to see you have recovered from your unfortunate technical glitch today. Where in the blue blazes do you come up with these ingenious ideas to dis our red adversaries? This is truly brilliant ! Man, as much as I get stressed out flying these SEOW matches I really enjoy the banter it generates within the squad. We have some truly unique individuals in this squad if not all together warped and twisted to their very core. Once again well done JP mate. Logos Painintheazz
Not sure if you are a fan of American football Bucky but the score was 17 to 14 the Giants victorious over the 18 and 0 New England Patriots. This has to be the biggest upset in NFL history. I wonder how many folks lost their azzez betting on the Patriots? Great game with three lead changes in the fourth quarter an NFL record. Why couldn't the Bears do that last year? ARGH !!! Logos
Hey Guitarman, you like that ending?!? Holy Cow Batman! That's the way every super bowl should be played. Got to be one of the most exciting games I have ever watched. Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. You don't have to be a fan of either team to appreciate a truly hard fought, leave it all on the field effort such as was displayed in this years super bowl. Congratulations to the victors, the New York Giants. Wow!?! Logos
Just got done watching Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers during the half time show. Though not being one of their biggest fans I was quite impressed with the half time gig. Sure beat the hell out of Janet Jackson, minus the wardrobe malfunction or that little twinkie Prince or the Artist? Really good game so far too. Gotta' run and see the second half now. Damn, not even sure who I'm pulling for. Just an exciting game will work for me. Later mates. Logos
~S~ Highlander Congratulations on bettering your future mate. We'll all be here when ya' get edjeekated. Thanks for the message and good fortune on attaining your degree. Logos
~S~ Mates. Thanks for the nice screenies. It reminds me to keep this "GAME" in perspective. I get pretty uptight in the SEOW but, it must always be about having fun. I'm sure that will change come Sunday when it is all about killing those Red bastages. Thanks again and for all that have endured my immature and some what erratic behavior. This is still the best damn squadron in the whole IL2 community but, the Red squad must DIE !!! Logos
Absolutely marvelous J Peroni. I have a Kensington anti glare screen protector which catches much of that strange phenomenon of sticky formations appearing. Glad to hear you are finally experiencing the game to it's full potential, or close. Always something coming along to upgrade. You referred to our Red counterparts as vermin? Damn, I would have expected a more colorful string of adjectives and expletives. Jolly good news though mate. Logos I L ve my Red brothers.
Fargin' Priceless. Damn lawyers. Thanks for the good chuckle mate. Logos
New toys are SO cool. It has been suggested that 1024 X 768 is the choice resolution for the IL2 game. This increases your ability to pick up dots aka bogeys. Some players even drop down lower to increase the range for spotting dots. I run 1024 X 768. It has helped to spot dots but, still has a pretty good looking graphic quality to the game. Have fun with your new toy and I hope it helps you with your flying, because remember men, size does matter. Logos
I guess it's true when they say "the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys." I can understand having a passion for flight simming but, this has obviously crossed into full blown obsession. Someone please call Dr. Phil, Oprah, Montel, or some one if I ever dare have any ideas such as this. I guess if I was independently wealthy I could justify it. Hmmm? Na', don't think so. Nice construction techniques though. Very well made up kit. Perhaps better than the original. Logos :pysch_couch:
Ah, Jeff aka Erco. Certainly you can sense the sarcastic tone of my previous post. I don't truly believe that ALL Packer fans are low I.Q. Neanderthals. You're living proof that is not the case. I will actually be cheering for the Packers to beat the Giants this weekend. I respect Brett Favre's career and would like to see him go to another Super Bowl. If the Patriots end up there I might be pulling for them just to shut up them old champagne toasting Miami Dolphins of 1972 ? So as a life long Bears fan I say Go Packers ! I won't be tailgating in single digit weather cooking brats on the BBQ and drinking mass quantities of alcohol though. That's just crazy! Logos http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?med ... eOffset=10 packer fan
Thanks JP. George is one of my favorite comics. I used to listen to Hippie Dippy Weatherman and The Seven Words you Can't Say on Television albums while growing up in the 70's I wonder if it had any effect on the way I turned out? Logos
It's a shame that Packer fans have such a low I.Q. and resort to such Neanderthal tactics to force their foolish loyalties on young Bears fans. I hope they throw the book at that ape. Oh, BTW Pooka, you are exempt from the low I.Q. statement in the previous sentence.
Get back to work TONAR !!! Does your work also block those nudy woman sights? Watch it when you get home mate. Really nice. Logos
OK. I must resist the urge to wish you nothing but, death and suffering. Ha..pp..y B..ir..th..day Painintheazz,er, Painless ..sir. Yuck arf gag. Many more to come I hope. See you soon mate. Logos :wav2: Oops! It appears some of my Luft buddies have crashed your party. Hey JP,Karl, get back to your barracks. We got business to attend to. Psycho, pull up your trousers for goodness sake.
Bravo ! Excellent production. Thanks Friar. That guy does great work. Well worth the watch mates. Logos :thumbsup:
Bonger Mate, you're killing me. Absolutely hilarious but, sadly more often than not true. Us men can be such neanderthals when it comes to choosing a wife. Boobs will eventually sag but, character will remain a glorious virtue. Ah Hell, I'd go for the gal with nicest tight little butt myself. I am a Danger Dogz , what else can I say? Logos