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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Logos

  1. ~S~ Pupmaster I have only managed to pull the 39 or 63 out of them stinkin' flatspins maybe one time in the handfull I have gotten into. I dropped the flaps, kicked the rudder pedals left right, dropped the landing gear, decreased the throttle, increased the throttle. Probably a few other desperate measures but, usually in vain. Don't get discouraged mate. It's always ok to grab a stiff one to calm your nerves,
  2. Ok Dave, here's one thing I can speak intelligently about. You have to love the guys feedback rating. 100 % positive. Yeah Baby, shag that mother and rock on big daddy! Logos
  3. I'm going to wait and see if anyone replies in English, and not Borg-computer talk so I can understand something. JP, I'm with you. It's a freakin' miracle I remembered how to copy and paste your comment into my response. These techno-geeks drive me bonkers. I wish I could wrap my punie little brain around some of the most basic concepts in computer understanding. What the hell, as long as I can install video games and download patches, I'm good:) Logos How the heck do you get the other persons comment to show up in the lavender box !?! I told you I'm a computer idiot!!!
  4. Seriously Chaps. I have flown very little compared to many of you. I really enjoy flying but, turbulence scares the crap out of me at 30,000 feet. So I reckon if I looked out my window to view that scene instant streeks would fill my trousers. I can only imagine what the passengers were experiencing?
  5. ~S~ Mates. I wonder if they messed their panties? Logos
  6. ~S~ Mates. I wonder if they messed their panties? Logos
  7. Logos


    ~S~ Sky Pup.
  8. Logos


    ~S~ Sky Pup.
  9. ~S~ G-man Cool! Hope you feel well enough to get excited and cheer on your team. I used to go to the Bears games years ago in Soldier Field Chicago. They sucked back then but tail gating was great. Have a blast. Logos :wav2:
  10. ~S~ G-man Cool! Hope you feel well enough to get excited and cheer on your team. I used to go to the Bears games years ago in Soldier Field Chicago. They sucked back then but tail gating was great. Have a blast. Logos :wav2:
  11. :k9lmao: Thanks Rog.
  12. :k9lmao: Thanks Rog.
  13. ~S~ Mates. Nostalgia is cool. BG, I think you meant to text SS 396 for your 1967 Camaro. Do you have any idea what that car would fetch at an auction house today ? LOL, I reckon near $30,000 grand at LEAST. I surf e-bay just to check out old muscle cars up for bid. People are beginning to drop over a hundred grand for nice original muscle cars with the right options. I would kill for a 1971 Hemi Cuda convertible with the four speed pistol grip shifter. Nice Camaro you got there too mate. BTW, did your beloved encourage you to send that bikini shot to us twisted lot of perverts or have you snuck that one in under the radar? lol! If I ever figure out how to send picture attachments I got a few good ones I will send out. Thanks for the memories mates. Logos :coppers:
  14. ~S~ Mates. Nostalgia is cool. BG, I think you meant to text SS 396 for your 1967 Camaro. Do you have any idea what that car would fetch at an auction house today ? LOL, I reckon near $30,000 grand at LEAST. I surf e-bay just to check out old muscle cars up for bid. People are beginning to drop over a hundred grand for nice original muscle cars with the right options. I would kill for a 1971 Hemi Cuda convertible with the four speed pistol grip shifter. Nice Camaro you got there too mate. BTW, did your beloved encourage you to send that bikini shot to us twisted lot of perverts or have you snuck that one in under the radar? lol! If I ever figure out how to send picture attachments I got a few good ones I will send out. Thanks for the memories mates. Logos :coppers:
  15. ~S~ G-man. WOW! Now that's some serious detailing mate. Will this be the Avenger that George W. Bush 1 bailed out of in WWII? Just kidding of course. Very nice looking kit. I just purchased five kits off E-bay tonight! Yikes ! I got a Monogram B-25J in 1/48.
  16. ~S~ G-man. WOW! Now that's some serious detailing mate. Will this be the Avenger that George W. Bush 1 bailed out of in WWII? Just kidding of course. Very nice looking kit. I just purchased five kits off E-bay tonight! Yikes ! I got a Monogram B-25J in 1/48.
  17. ~S~ Birdy mate. Congratulations on your training in Joint-Ops. I have just completed Intermediate pilot School and will be going on to Advanced Pilot School eventually. Great bunch of trainers and pilots at J-O. Many in our squadron have gone through BFS and some are continuing onward in their training. A few are even instructors in our squadrons. As far as TR4 is concerned I got it shortly after getting IL2 1946. I can't fly without it. I have actually mapped certain commands to the hat switch that moves your view so I am really screwed up if I forget to activate it before entering the game. Nice to here from you and this forum is a good place to ask questions and get suggestions for technical stuff pertaining to IL2 ect.
  18. ~S~ Birdy mate. Congratulations on your training in Joint-Ops. I have just completed Intermediate pilot School and will be going on to Advanced Pilot School eventually. Great bunch of trainers and pilots at J-O. Many in our squadron have gone through BFS and some are continuing onward in their training. A few are even instructors in our squadrons. As far as TR4 is concerned I got it shortly after getting IL2 1946. I can't fly without it. I have actually mapped certain commands to the hat switch that moves your view so I am really screwed up if I forget to activate it before entering the game. Nice to here from you and this forum is a good place to ask questions and get suggestions for technical stuff pertaining to IL2 ect.
  19. ~S~ mate I started reading In Pursuit and it was good stuff but, a bit overwhelming for a greenhorn noob like me. Perhaps good reading for an advanced pilot. Good fortune in your pursuit to improve your game mate. I am counting on hours and hours of trial and error on hyper lobby to improve my skills. Listening on TS and observing other seasoned pilots helps also. Logos
  20. ~S~ mate I started reading In Pursuit and it was good stuff but, a bit overwhelming for a greenhorn noob like me. Perhaps good reading for an advanced pilot. Good fortune in your pursuit to improve your game mate. I am counting on hours and hours of trial and error on hyper lobby to improve my skills. Listening on TS and observing other seasoned pilots helps also. Logos
  21. ~S~ Chaps I loved it.
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