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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Logos

  1. Hey Rob. Do NOT give up mate. We have some top notch tech gurus that can help you through this issue. I am not home right now or I'd join you on TS to see what I can do. I will be flying later with the Hell Hounds. If you get it working stop by. If not stop by on TS to see if anyone is available to help you out mate. HH TS is beebop.servegame.com:8767 password cerebus. You know the DD's information I'n sure. I will be looking for you later when I get home from Joe Dirt & Haywire's ranch. Can we get some techies to help out here? logos
  2. Great piece of video there Smash. I love them old fighter jocks. They don't make them kind of hero's any more. Logos
  3. Hey Toad. I'd DL these fine training missions but, I am concerned that I would then become a fearless fighter jock and start killing everyone like the "evil" Rattler and then everybody would be cursing me under their breathe. Thanks anyway. Logos
  4. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Big time ~SALUTE~ mate. I agree about those jumping into "noob" planes and not totally relying on skill. You da' man !!! Can I have your "virtual" autograph sir? Logos~S~
  5. Thanks Mate. It works fine and looks SWEET. All DD's should have this installed. Very well designed. Thanks again Snacko !!! Logos ~S~
  6. OK, I tried for a second time to install the DD Splash Screen and I still don't know how to get it working. Does anyone have it installed that can walk me through the process on TS perhaps. I read the read me text and am too dumb to understand the procedures. It should only take one click of a button to do things like this. Damn computers. AAARRRGGGHHH !!! Logos
  7. Very nice Rattler. I know better than to fly that Russian shiite. I really should learn to fly them FW's. They got awesome firepower and loads of ammunition. Thanks for making us poor bastards famous. Logos ~S~
  8. Nice shots Pete. Was I the "victim" in the bottom pic? AAARRRGGGHHH !!! Logos ~S~
  9. I just ran the test for my connection. I got 16996 DL & 3507 UL. I wasn't sure how to get the image to the post. Is this normal? I used the Chicago, IL server which is about 100 miles from my home. Oh well. It seems to be working fine. Logos
  10. I just DL'ed all MadJek's updated missions. Not sure if they are any different than the previous batches but, I guess I'll find out. I also enjoy MadJeks missions. Thanks Brando for bringing these to the Dogz vault. Keep us posted on any new batches mate. Logos ~S~
  11. Hmmm? Looks like you've seen better days mate. Does look kind of gruesome. Thanks for stopping in JP. Between you and Badaim I almost lost my mind. I had a blast. It only makes me look forward to tomorrow night at Badaim's house. Pack the cooler and drop on by mates. Logos
  12. Hey Eraser. Damn, you look almost "normal". Nice hat BTW. Thanks for giving us a mug shot for the forum. I look forward to seeing you often on one of the K9 servers. Always a pleasure to fly with you mate. Logos
  13. Glad to have you "officially" aboard mate. I'll try and behave myself when you're in the room. I wouldn't want to corrupt you. You are such a nice young man. Take care buddy. Logos
  14. Oops. I forgot to mention that Trout was my teacher for hosting my first coop. I reckon I could have figured it out on my own but, being the lazy sluggard I am I just needed some encouragement I guess. Thanks Trout buddy. Stop in any time I got one up. Logos
  15. Greeting fellow mongrels and pedigrees. Hmmm? We ain't got no pedigrees in this squadron. I just wanted to personally thank Rico for assisting me in my struggles to get some missions placed into my mission folder. I know this is kids stuff for the many technologically savvy folks that roam this forum and community but, for this techno dummy it took a bit of patience from Rico and I just wanted to give him some recognition for some of the things he does "behind" the scenes. Can someone give him a Karma point for this? Also a special thanks to a new Dog in the kennel Brando for placing all those wonderful MadJek missions in the vault. I DL'd and installed every one of them into my mission folder and have flown a handful already. There are some really cool missions in here for sure. I just learned how to host a mission. I know, another easy cheesy thing I just learned. I have hosted a few nights and very much enjoyed it. I got a lot to learn about tweeking my game settings and such and hope to be able to contribute to the squadron by hosting missions from time to time. Thanks again to Rico and Brando for their contributions to the best darned squadron in the whole IL2 community. SALUTE MATES !!! ~S~ Logos
  16. I got a 490.2 on my Dell XPS 400 2005 puter. It works I guess. Logos
  17. Hey Pete. You are getting quite good with your air brushing. That 109 looks SWEET !!! The weathering is coming along fine too. Very nice looking project. Can't wait to see it when you finish it. Logos :headbang:
  18. I don't hate Tom Cruise. I just think he's an idiot. Logos
  19. Hey mate. Thanks for the post. Life gets in the way of hanging with your buddies some times. Don't wait until you are like "normal" before coming back. We won't know how to respond to you and there ain't anyone in this group of mongrels that doesn't have a few screws loose. Take care buddy. Logos
  20. Ah Ha ! I knew there had to be a catch. Seriously Sir James. I just want to share that I appreciate all you do for this squadron, UBI zoo, JO noobs like me, and the whole IL 2 community. You have shown much patience with myself and more than likely a few other mutts and for that I commend you. The honor is indeed deserved. Kevin aka Logos :icon_salut:
  21. It's been a hoot flying with you so far. You've experienced a few of the more wacked out in the squad and yet you still want to join us? I think that is confirmation you'll fit in nicely around here. Cheers. Logos
  22. He Hee. Hey Eraser. My squadron tag is Logos. Luftwussy is more of a description of my flying techniques. Eraser is a Global Forum Moderator at the Whites Metal Detecting forum I hang out on. He's a mean bastard and will deny your forum privileges if you get out of line. Make sure first time you see him in the air you blast his crate to smithereens. Just kidding gang. He's a great guy with a unique sense of humor and a true hatred toward squirrels. Sorry couldn't find a squirrel for you to kill so I got a fuzzy bunny. Like our fearless leader has stated we are here to help you along. If you need any assistance just let us know on the forum and someone with the know how will be along shortly to assist you. I think you'll like it here buddy. We are just a bit wackier than the folks on the Whites web sight. I think we might drink a wee bit more here too. Talk to ya' later mate. Logos
  23. Silly Klinger.
  24. Quite dashing I have to admit Painless sir. I dig the white silk scarf, or Rayon? With every new photo I see why I "fear" you as a virtual adversary, not to mention real life. Logos
  25. Sweet! Thanks for sharing your boys with us buddy. Love them DD polos too. Merry Merry to you and yours. Logos
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