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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. And here's one a bit more aviation oriented.....that's a P-51 behind her. There was an aircraft in that picture...... sheesh, I need to get my eyes checked.
  2. I dont know why Natural Point would stop makeing it or selling it.
  3. Delta, Friar and Bbloke are of the same opinion as me........NOT GONNA DO IT.
  4. "sounds" lke fun guys....but I'm not gonna pooch an otherwise good install. No MOD for me.
  5. If I'm not mistaken this movie will be in German as well....with English sub-titles.
  6. you noticed that too eh?
  7. simple solution....no one upgrades until the SEOW is DONE.............
  8. Fireman


    havent hit anything in 11 years....wasnt me.........Painless?
  9. I was on the UBI zoo today and was 1 short of the 30,000 mark........... "7" is my vote.
  10. LOL, thanks for the offer BG....mine is still working....I just dont have the closet full of spares that some of you do.... I opted for the replacement to my X45 first by getting that shiny new X52.
  11. Buy one for me BG? Oh, BTW, I'm home from Florida, weather was great, I'm at work and I'll see you all in the skies on Thursday
  12. I too have one of these awesome sticks and will cry when it dies.....I wonder how GoGamer got thier hands on a bunch of new ones in the box? I just bought a new X52 (which I cant open until X-mas....lol) to replace my X45, which is still working but the stick is a little loose in the middle, which makes for difficult ground pounding.
  13. Well, Im home from my trip to Disney World Florida....weather was great..... I stopped by a Wal-Mart and a Best Buy while I was down there and noticed that the price of the Saitek X52 was 119.00 US...........it is 220.00 CDN here at our Future shop.....Even with our CDN buck at par or better we are getting screwed by price differences!!!?!? 100.00 dollar difference............ SSSSOOOOO......I went to my local Future Shop here and just bitched to the floor staff and then the Floor manager and then finally to the Store manager.
  14. How'd the first day of work go? I'm assuming pretty well since you didnt leave an attachment for whatever that crazy thing was we were supposed to look at.....
  15. How'd the first day of work go? I'm assuming pretty well since you didnt leave an attachment for whatever that crazy thing was we were supposed to look at.....
  16. Well Gents, The wife and kids are dragging me away to DisneyWorld again this year......(ok, I admit it, it's fun for me too) Gonna try to fly for a bit tomorrow, but if I dont make it, I wont be around until after the 19th. GK, you're on your own....be faithful m8.....lol... Andrew
  17. Well Gents, The wife and kids are dragging me away to DisneyWorld again this year......(ok, I admit it, it's fun for me too) Gonna try to fly for a bit tomorrow, but if I dont make it, I wont be around until after the 19th. GK, you're on your own....be faithful m8.....lol... Andrew
  18. Arthur could you maybe place all the maps we've been racing in the K9 Vault? They are all nice and short compared to some I've downloaded......
  19. Arthur could you maybe place all the maps we've been racing in the K9 Vault? They are all nice and short compared to some I've downloaded......
  20. in the user folder I dont have a folder with my pilot name on it.....just one called "0", one called "Doe" and one called "testers"........any guesses as to which of these folders relates to my pilot.
  21. in the user folder I dont have a folder with my pilot name on it.....just one called "0", one called "Doe" and one called "testers"........any guesses as to which of these folders relates to my pilot.
  22. love to participate but I'll be away on vacation from Nov 8th until 20th.....
  23. love to participate but I'll be away on vacation from Nov 8th until 20th.....
  24. I must be lucky, I am using onboard sound and have never (knock on wood) had any issues with it. But I do agree update ALL your drivers (vid card, chip set (via), etc)
  25. I must be lucky, I am using onboard sound and have never (knock on wood) had any issues with it. But I do agree update ALL your drivers (vid card, chip set (via), etc)
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