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Everything posted by Fireman
I currently use Rogers (in Canada) What are the laws (or ISP's rules) regarding email privacy and history(s) in Canada...I cant seem to find any generic information or anything from my ISP regarding the matter. I did call tech support and ask for the info (twice) and was told by 2 different operators that that info was not stored (I find that hard to believe...I would assume it is stored but perhaps not given out or accessible, but I would have thought that the account holder (me or my wife would be able to get a list of all past incoming or outgoing e-mails from our account)
I dont need to get into the registry to do the first one........... Just the 2nd one....(but if it screws up the way IE will display pages it isnt worth it)
For you techies....... Is this something to mess with....or will it just screw things up? http://www.metacafe.com/watch/414645/ho ... fessional/ There are a ton of tutorials on this site, but without the technical know-how I wouldnt want to implement them in case someone is just trying to get you/me to gosh (bless me Friar) up our systems..... Here is another one... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/333720/li ... d_firefox/ messes with registry and has some info below the vid for those using IE and dont have the lines in the registry necessary..... (again, is this something worth trying?)
was I under the mistaken assumption that Crysis is only for Vista with a DX10 card then? If so, I got two more games to get that will consume my every spare moment.....not that this sim and lock on aren't already doing that.
another post hijiacked...... I was kinda looking forwward to reading a little more about this dx10 fiasco.
OK, I figured out how to program that damn ministick as a 4 way hat. Set each axis (both x and y) to banded with 3 areas for each axis. Banded areas (area 1=0-45%....area 2=45-55%....area 3=55-100%) leave the middle band unassigned and assign what ever you want to the outer banded areas and voila....a 4 way hat switch. (they should have just left this the same as the x45....with the ability to choose 4 or 8 way hat as an option)
OK, Im giving up on this for a bit....gonna watch a movie with the kids...... I just looked at the CD that came with this HOTAS and it has the programming software as well as drivers......it also has sample profiles (all in .dat format........so I'm assuming an older version of all pieces of software compared to what I downloaded from Saitek the other day.) Im gonna uninstall this stick and all software, then reinstall using the CD, not the "latest and greatest" from thier website.
thanks Friar, will have a look..... that damn ministick is really frustrating...........not at all like my old X45 (I was able to assign it buttons as a hat switch (either as a 4 way or 8 way) What version of the software (drivers and programming) are you using since you have a .dat file and .pr0 file.
that would be overriding the SST software and would more than likely result in conflicts. Do all x52 users have this latest (.pr0) SD6 programming software and driver set? If not....what driver version are you all using and what programming software version are you using?
yes, since I just got this stick, I went to the saitek site and got the most recent drivers and software (non pro version) and they are the new .pro format(even though I am not using the x52 pro stick) (EDIT:
of those 3 devices listed, I have the ability to just "disable" 2 of them....but the other wont let me disable it, just uninstall it.........ideas/comments? Also, sample profiles to look at?....lol (Edit: I tried uniinstalling them the other day when I ran into my login screen issues.
I'm wondering what these are used for: Saitek magic hotkey device under HID Saitek magic keyboard under keyboards Saitek magic mouse under mice and other pointing devices I dont recall ever seeing these devices listed in my device manager with the x45 (if they were I probably uninstalled them due to conflicts with my MS keyboard and mouse) Is there any harm to disabling these devices (or even uninstalling them), what are they used for? I have a feeling that they are what is preventing me from programming that ministick as a 4 way hat rather than a mouse, since that damn stick actually controls my mouse even on the desktop.
can some of you gents please post/attach your x52 profiles for me to take a look at.( and possible steal....lol) I am messing around a bit....it certainly doesnt program the same way as the x45 did. Im trying to assign my throttle ministick thingy to be a 4 way switch, so to speak (no problem doin that in the x45 software)
Thanks BBloke...... I think what I'll probably end up doing is taking some of your advice, believe or not, and password protect both the default "administrator" account as well as my "andrew" account. I will then just put up with the "extra" 2 seconds of time it will take upon re-boots/restarts to actually click on my "andrew" account to get to my desktop.....lol.....but thanks for all the input/advice. (being the idiot that I am I really dont want to mess with the registry....even if I think I know what to do....)
I never really created any acoounts........just installed XP pro. I assume the "administrator" is a default I also assume "andrew" was simply created when I gave my pc a name (this account was given admin rights by default, I assume. I never use a password....(for any of those accounts) I Always just turned the pc on and went straight to my desktop (which I'm now discovering was "andrew's" desktop........the admin desktop, complete with its own icons has that goofy windows field of dreams background....has never been seen by my eyes before. And now after installing .net framework I've got this logon issue to deal with....... I now have several users to choose from: Administrator(admin) Andrew(admin) ASP.net(resrticted user) Guest(user) I wonder (since andrew is an adminstrator) can I just delete the administrator account?
OK........I had to install .net framework in order to install my X52 software........ Now whenever I turn off/restart my computer it goes to the login screen and I have to choose which user to login with..... (I managed to turn this feature off in the user accounts area by unchecking the box "users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.") Now when I turn off/restart the computer it just goes straight to the desktop....exactly what I wanted/had before...... .....except it is going to the "administrator" desktop, with its own icons and taskbar items....if I want my desktop and icons, etc, I have to logout of "adminstrator" and login under "andrew" (which is an adminstrator account, as well) How do I set it up so that it goes straight from a re-boot/cold start into "andrew" so I have all my destop/icon/taskbar items without having to switch users?
2 more sleeps until I get to open up my brand new X52 and put away my trusty old x45.....I'm gonna miss the rudder being on the throttle though.....I hate using the twisty rudder on the stick. (not looking forward to re-programming another stick for all my different flight sims, though........) Next present to me........pedals, I guess Merry X-Mas Happy Holidays or whatever..... To All, Andrew
Them's fightin' words, you Eastern "we're the center of the universe" puke! That's it, BG, I'm outta here......... No biggie........hey Rattler, did anyone ever tell you that the best place for any snake is under my lawnmower?
C_G...Sparrow has left us for "Greener Pastures"......good luck with that I say..... He didnt care for our comraderie and flying styles, I guess.
At sea level, travelling in the northern hemisphere where the barametric pressure is less than or equal to 3 issobars, approximatly 23.4456 mpg I believe the question was....airspeed(mph).......not economy/efficiency(mpg) Oh, Friar....nice work on the TO/Landing/Nav lights macro.....very useful visual aid
OK, Im an idiot..........I was confusing my TIR files with my X45 files (which use .dat).... Now that I've actually taken the time to look in the directory I can see that I am using .xml extensions......... Idiot
negative....TIR files are .dat files (TIR3 files that is...I use 3 with vector expansion not TIR4)
@delta....how did you interpret that xml file for use with your TIR?
I cant make head nor tails of that .xml file he says is his latest profile....... Looking at his examples, he show two different setups for his Yaw setting, both of which dont match this xml file.....how is this file "interpretted" for use with my trackIR?