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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. Well, my solution to overheating is simple........ Plug in the external HDD.............. Backup whatever files necessary.......... Shut off and unplug external HDD...............
  2. yes, I know NTFS is better....my system HDD is NTFS....never thought to look at the external....just assumed it worked like my little USB 2 gig key.....lol
  3. thanks for all the info........ I'm gonna just backup the stuff I reaaaallllly dont want to lose.....using the same old method as before. I never did format the external drive as FAT32....It must have came that way......it is just a USB 350gig external HDD.......if it can be formatted then I will do it before I begin this backup.
  4. A man walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says, "Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache!!" His wife is lying in bed and replies, "I think you'll find that that's a sheep, you idiot!" The man says, "I think you'll find I wasn't talking to you!"
  5. Bah......at work now and wifey called to say she was shutting down my pc due to weather.
  6. I guess I can take a looksy at that windows backup utility.
  7. this is what I have: I single 250gig HDD "Partitioned" (if that is the correct term for my situation) into 2 parts. A 25 gig chunk for my OS and a few other things and the remainder is where I install my other apps/games/files/photos/etc. If I had to change this to basic would I lose anything (from either "drive")
  8. Well, I installed the wizard and I cant get it to work. I am using a Maxtor HDD (partitioned into 2 drive letters)......... When I run the discwizard this is the error I get: "E000101F4: Seagate Discwizard has detected unsupported Hard disc drives. Seagate discwizard doees not support Windows Dynamic disks, EZ-drives, etc." A second error message opens up suggesting that at least one Seagate or Maxtor device should be installed on my system. Since I'm not a techie, I am lost..........lol Does that fact that my HDD is partitioned in to 2 drive letters casue this application any grief? What is/are dynamic drives? This discwizard does recognize my external HDD if it is attached (and would appear to be able to back it up, if I chose to...) and it isn't a Maxtor/Seagate product............
  9. Awesome post on the UBI forum m8...... I had purchased a 350 gig external HDD for the purpose of backing up my entire 250 gig internal HDD, but when I attempted to do so It would always fail on system files and the like............ So I had just resigned myself to just backing up the important things (photos/downloaded software/etc) manually and hoped that I would never have the need for a complete reinstall........... I've just downloaded that Diskwizard and hopefully it wiil do a complete back up of my 250 gig HDD which has been partitioned into 2 drives (C and D).... Thanks.....
  10. I'd put more pictures up, but I think it would just encourage Painless even more.......poor bugger doesnt know what end is up on a good day.
  11. There is a calendar here in Canada called "Firechix"....very popular.
  12. Playing Devil's Advocate here............. If this Poll is being used as a means of determining a possible SEOW event I would say that "numbers" are a poor means of determining their worth.
  13. ooooh, looky, looky....it says I'm a senior member........ That better not be referring to my age!!!!!
  14. How to upload them or make them available for everyones use....I dont know, so I just attached them here.......
  15. is this for the 7800gt card? The numbering of this seems new.... My last driver update was something like 94.?? and this is numbered in the 162 range..........
  16. sick bastards.............
  17. I know this is a waste of the monitor's ability BUT..... You can always run a larger monitor (say 22+ inches) at a lower resolution than it's native resolution.
  18. Sparrow ol' Buddy.....with all your Red Baron 3d experience you had better be able to kick our asses in this sim when it's released...........
  19. Fireman

    Friday Joke

    ok, my turn....... I was drinving my car down the highway the other day,minding my own business when the SUV infront of me came to a sudden stop.
  20. Seen this before....there is another program out there call "IL Sticks" but in my opinion this one is much better........
  21. I am now using the Vector expansion clip (very nice if I must say so).... However, prior to that all I had was the aTrackIR3pro.
  22. I think this one deserves a little "bump".......
  23. that would be Labatt's Blue.....I agree, a horrible beer....but much better than that American watered down stuff they like to call beer. For those lucky enough to be going to the airshow....have a few good ones for me.
  24. I also have the Spitfire Mk IXCW x-wing fighter skins if anyone needs/wantws them
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