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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. Isn't it the other way around Colin? (Joystick plugged to PC and throttle to the stick)
  2. dont try it brother..........once you do you'll never go back. You dogz will see a grown man cry (over a toy) when mine breaks. Maybe I should be doing what BG and Pooka have been doing (hiding a closet full), just in case mine does break. Time to start scouring eBay or GoGamer.........
  3. make sure the "anonymous" button is selected AND Place your name in the "nickname" box dont use the registered button (thats when it asks for login name....for admins, I beleive)
  4. Fireman

    TIR down

    I too am using the TIR3 Pro with the 6DOF add-on.
  5. my wifey got me a 1 hour flight with a local helo company for x-mas that I have yet to take.
  6. isnt that the new mod called the "frontal shield" which helps prevent pilot kills and smoking engine hits while engaging in head on passes?
  7. Funflak is another instructor, though not a Dog (I dont think) he flies with us here quite regularily.
  8. LOL..... :blind: Just teasing m8......we have no official package.
  9. good to know.......shoot the lead
  10. thanks guys...... BTW, I dont know how to use the manual modes....lol
  11. yeah, shouldn't you be in a classroom right now?
  12. yeah it was..... I took over 180 pics....... the only planes I didnt show in my post were the 8' RC AVRO Arrow and the Glider (which was pretty cool too.) There were about 4-5 other older jets sitting around along with that F-18 people were sitting in, plus 3 choppers too. I took a pic of my kids hanging off of some A-A missles mounted under the wings of the F-18.....lol
  13. I have one of the original Canon digital rebels (6.3 megapixels) I used my 75-300mm ultrasonic lense........... And I just used the cameras default "sports" mode to catch my moving targets............ Maybe I should use the Harvard in my next DF challenge..........too bad sim doesnt have it....lol Some interesting news this morning........ The show was 2 days long and yesterdays performances had 2 little hiccups: 1.
  14. not sure....I think they said it was part of the "Vintage Wings of Canada" collection or something to that effect. more info here: http://www.borden.forces.gc.ca/998/5/5-25-eng.asp this site actually has the history of this particular aircrafts airframe: http://www.vintagewings.ca/page?a=210&lang=en-CA One thing I hadnt realized about CFB Borden was that it was the birthplace of the RCAF....much of the training was done here in the tigermoth and that Harvard plane before the spitty came along. Too bad they didnt maintain that status, the runway isnt capable of handling much these days......the spitty, snowbirds and CF-18's took off and landing at our regional airport.
  15. ok, some pics........ goes with out saying... Another reason we were there today.... They were letting us sit in various helicopters, the snowbirds tutor and this....... The show started with the Skyhawks parachute team... Followed by these CF-18's with Norad markings....... husband and wife team.... Then came the Tiger Moth trainer.... Then this trainer (cant remember what they said it was)...... Followed by a couple of stunt pilots (the little blue plane was piloted by the US aerobatics champion.....very fast and HIGHLY manouverable plane)... Followed by the plane that I was waiting for (they actually cleared the airspace around Toronto Pearson International airport to allow him to travel to our airshow).... A Mark XVIe Spitfire..... We had a female wingwalker as well....... And finally, the Snowbirds..... There was also a ton of stuff for the kids to do...... The soldiers had set up a Kiddie Commando obstacle course with a bunch of different obstacles...here are a couple pics of that too...... I took a bunch more photos of some of the older jets and copters sitting around and of the airshow too.
  16. nope the only ladies you're gonna see are my own..........(just gotta get them downloaded into photobucket then I'll post a few of the pics)
  17. ok, some pics........... {bah...power failure while I had 15 attachments Dl'ing] will try again tomorrow......
  18. won't be around today.... CFB Borden is hosting it's Canadian Forces Day and will be having a small airshow. The Snowbirds will be there as well as a CF-18 demo team, plus there will be vintage aircraft as well. Never been to an airshow, so I'm looking forward to it. Will try to get some pics but I'm not much of a photo bug..............
  19. My Results: F-16 Fighting Falcon You are an F-16.
  20. graphics look far superior to what we get on our PC version of the game............ especially the landscape/scenery
  21. for what its worth...I also play a little bit of lockon....(yes, there are other sims out there...lol) and they are endorsing this as a means of increasing FPS, or at least smoothing out the game) see http://lockonfiles.com/ for its review.
  22. For those of you who are not aware of it...... Beer IS considered breakfast............being a wheat product and all
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