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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. I have falcon...it was my first online flight sim (was a member of the freebirds before all the modding got crazy) I am learning fC1 but figured I might as well learn with FC2 since my machine will run it... how did u end up with a spare copy crash? I had hoped thier official site would have a downloadable (it does, it just doesnt seem to work...i cant add it to the shopping cart)
  2. i dont have a pc capable of running FC 3 or the DCS series, but i have been trying to locate a copy (either boxed or downloadable) of FC 2. Cant seem to find one anywhere. Anyone know where I might find one?
  3. I have flaming cliffs 1.2 (do not have any of the other add ons tho....rig cant run it apparently)... i fly the su25t mostly (well I try to fly it....lol)
  4. I actually saw this on an IMAX screen a few years back
  5. tried downloading the maga patch twice...errors in the .rar. file both times.... can i get it anywhere else?
  6. no takers? lol
  7. Futureshop.ca What r the playbooks? Actual laptops (pc's) were what i was considering.
  8. Was thinking of getting my girls a laptop each for xmas...futureshop in canada has a few cheapies in the 300dollar rAnge...any suggestions as to what i shud or shud not look at wud be appreciated...400each is kinda my ceiling unless i buy just one and let them fight over it...thx guys
  9. awesome...didnt want to have to install win7...if iclouds is optional i already use itunes so perfect
  10. was thinking of upgrading my 3 year old cell phone and going for the new iphone 4s....only problem i can forsee is that it uses someting called icloud instead of itunes...no biggie except that icloud is required to run on vista or windows7 (i am using XP pro and was planning on using it for a while now as it has never given me any real grief).. suggestions? not even sure if my current system wud run a win7 platform (pentium dual-core E5200 @ 2.5GHz with 4 gigs of ram (which system says is actually 3.25)) HDD= 81gigs free on main partition(C:) and 350gigs from on 2nd partition(D:)
  11. fuck...another patch...getting tired of this
  12. poor planning fen....lol
  13. make sure when u program the controls into the stick (i am assuming an x45 or52) that u enable the profile u created before u start up the sim.
  14. booo...ive only got Flaming Cliff 1.0
  15. sucked back in....poor snacko
  16. falcon was my first flight sim....flew online with the freebirds thru various updates to the sim (sp3, sp4, bms, allied force, etc.....) then got tired of the modding community.....which btw is where this sim of our seems to be heading....it seems we r always installing a "new" version.....food for thot
  17. doh...dont have the game yet....soon i hope
  18. Did BG spend any time in the services? I ask this question and my previous one because: 1) if I am off work that day, and Helen has no issues with it, I only live 2 (maybe 2.5) hours away and could attend on our behalf (depends on work schedule) 2) if he served, in any service, then I am permitted to wear my dress uniform. Not sure if appropriate, or welcome. But I throw the offer out there if anyone (Rog) would be able to inquire.
  19. Salute big guy....at a loss for words really. You will be missed. Does anyone have any knowledge of funeral arrangements? (times/dates)
  20. i wanna play....played very briefly americas army...i love counter strike but its been a while....and also a bit of the clancy series: rainbow six: ravenshield too.... but this sounds like fun....
  21. i have a lot of old IL2 movies but that doesnt seem to be one of them..sorry
  22. Aren't we all?
  23. @ Dino...gonna put those cicily and crete missions in the vault so i can fly em offline? (just need to know where top put them...thx

    1. Dino


      Hey Fireman, if you look in the download vault I have put a "Dinos mission folder for RC4 " in there. Just download it, unzip it and drop it into your dogfight folder. Open it using multiplayer. The briefs will give you radar settings and other info. Jim (DINO)

  24. I agree with Toad...alot of the same footage and actors from other movie...Is this legit or just some CGI paste together someone has slapped together?
  25. Fireman

    Salute To Bg

    I too am one of those suckers, ahem, I mean members, who was recuited during my stint at Joint Ops. It is hard to believe quite a few years have passed since that day. I havent flown much in a while, but have tried keeping up with the posts. I had the honor of meeting BG a few years back (we live less than 2hrs apart and I wish we cud have bumped into one another a little more often) to have a coffee just prior to one of his trips to Duxford. The group of mutts he has assembled here are a testament (for good or bad...lol) to the type of person he is. He has given us all so much in the way of friendship and comraderie and so much more. Heres to you BG....
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