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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. hopefully we'll have him up in the air before then............. And I think he was referring to the JO squadrons (ie: WL/FE/BS etc)
  2. another "somewhat" local DD..... I live in Elmvale which is north of Barrie (near Wasaga Beach) and work for the City of Barrie.
  3. good question.......... gonna have to do some digging.
  4. if you watch carefully, the entire length of the "walk" is now wired so that hikers can be clipped to the cliffside.
  5. Fireman

    You, XP and SP3

    didnt even realize sp3 was even out there..........not sure of whar version of IE I have (will have to check when I get home)
  6. it looks as though there are sticks of dynamite under the chair.....first generation ejection seat perhaps???!!
  7. man, you travel a lot!!!!!!!!! very nice...........
  8. I agree......not often I fly twin engines planes and enjoy myself. And Zues-Cat has some fantastic campaigns as well
  9. Off topic here...... the "tanks" instead of "thanks" a few post back reminded me of this......... Where did Tanky move on to.....he joined us a little while back and I havent seem him at all lately (edit: looks like the last time he was logged into the site was Feb 22, 2008...according to the roster)
  10. enforcer wins....no doubt about it.......... post the pic....lol
  11. work? have you forgotten what I do for a living.
  12. OK, who started this thread...... Bbloke, two days in the brig for making me waste
  13. avg time of 0.1978
  14. Same as myself Tonar.
  15. are those extinguishers for putting out the fire OR making the bike go faster, like a rocket!!!!
  16. take Greyknight up on his offer....he and I joined the squad at roughly the same time and seemed to enjoy the "coincidence" of always meeting up in the sky to kill each other.....soooo we ended up being wingies for a time and learned to cover one another pretty well. the bastard has since gone on to log much more flight time than myself and has therefore surpassed me in the art of wingmanship and DF'ing (not to be mistaken for dog gosh (bless me Friar)ing......lol)
  17. GK...you're a real bastard, ya know.....lol
  18. Fireman

    anti virus hell

    I upgraded my AV software several weeks ago....(symantec's Norton AV) and have not been able to install it as of yet.
  19. dont listen to BG....there is a reason he has 3 of them (and I beleive Pooka is storing a few in his closet too).
  20. nice one BBloke.....an absolutely amazing series of FPS.
  21. Fireman

    lost v-sync ???

  22. Fireman

    lost v-sync ???

    @ Painless....I lied about playing the game @ 1024x768....I've changed it to play at 1680x1050 (using the samsung 226bw 22" widescreen monitor and an nVidia 78GT vCard) The settings below run fine on my PC and dont "stretch" the image to fit the widescreen....that is to say, IT DOES fit the ENTIRE screen and DOES NOT look stretched/warped with NO black bars on the side. [window] width=1680 height=1050 ColourBits=32 DepthBits=24 StencilBits=8 ChangeScreenRes=1 FullScreen=1 DrawIfNotFocused=0 EnableResize=0 EnableClose=1 SaveAspect=0 Use3Renders=0
  23. For those of you who use TrackIR and want an extra set of buttons instead of the mouse....I have figured out how to programming the mini-stick/mouse as a 4-way hat switch. (I use it for my flaps and radiator settings)
  24. if you go into the control panel for the x52 you will see a page where all the axis/buttons are for calibration.
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