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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Fireman

  1. my FFb software does not work with SP2....I didnt realize there was a fix for it.
  2. @ Pooka, The Saitek SST programming software will also allow you to assign that F12 function key a one of you joystick buttons........even mouse buttons I have my TeamSpeak PTT button assigned to the roller wheel on my mouse.
  3. can you not simply assign those functions within the game itself. For example.... I'm using a MS FFB2 stick and X45 throttle In order to assign cannons/rockets/MG/etc to any of the buttons I simply scrolled down the list found the command and pressed the button on my stick....voila..assignment done. This even worked for my HAT.....I use the hat (up/down) for mixture and the hat (left/right) for my prop pitch. There was no need for a third party application to do this assigning for me.
  4. is the actual off-line campaign finished........... I DO have time to kill and enjoy playing offline when not with the Dogz............... It gives me a chance to fly other aircraft from time to time.
  5. awesome...............cant wait to get home and try it out...........
  6. I'm at work and just downloaded it for home. It is an exe file. Does it just unpack somewhere on your HDD and then you put the files where they belong? OR Does it install into the proper directories (if you place/run the install from the campaigns/country folder) Looking forward to trying this (but dont want to FUBAR my install.............)
  7. Oh, boo freaking hoo......I'm soooooooooo tired of listening to you poor 109 pilots always bitching about what Oleg gave to others but not to yourselves................ LMAO..............~S~ Greyknight (my old nemesis........) (actually, I havent flown a Spit in quite some time now.....but I shall return to my old ways soon enough..................)
  8. I whole heartily agree.....and Half-Life2 as well. Counterstrike was one of my favorite online FPS...........
  9. another thing.......... screen refresh rates.... make sure you get a good monitor that is cabable of higher rates....... One thing I've found after using an LCD (after many years of CRT use) is that they seem to be harder on the eyes.
  10. looks like a decent graphics engine........very similiar to the half-life source stuff.....very nice.
  11. NOT a sim....these are CGI movies from a japanese websight............I had the link for it a while back but cant seem to find it right now........I'm sure a search of the web or UBI Zoo would find it again........... sorry to dissapoint.........it would be an awesome sim if that were the case.
  12. ~S~ Logos... I'll give you credit m8, you're definitely reading all the forum has to offer.....just by digging up this 9 month old thread proves that. Most of (a lot of ) us have been through BFS with the JO and are in various stages of further training.
  13. so sad...........
  14. I have it and really enjoy playing it....I do come from the Falcon community though, so that may explain that. I like the ground pounders..........A10 and the SU-25 especially.
  15. Who put that damn plane in the way!?!?!?!?!?! Frakin' shoulder shooters are always getting in the way of the perfect shot............. Seriously though M8, those 352nd Spitty's looked awesome swarming all around you.
  16. hoohoo....I figured if I whined enough I'd get my name in the spotlights............ Thanks Rattler.........
  17. maybe he's not the newb we've all been led to believe he is........... [paranoid UBIZoo urges coming out..........cant resist.......arrrrrrghhh................lol]
  18. Well, we did some flying today with the young fella...........shooting (deflection or otherwise) doesn't seem to be a factor. Aside from some flat spins and stalls (didnt get a chance to witness any take-off or landings as I came in a little late) you seem to be able to keep your plane in the air........probably as well as any of the rest of us....LOL BG, he seems to have mastered point #3 as well too.............
  19. you forgot about 'chute killing's Painless..
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