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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. http://www.armadillorun.com/demo/ Great little game.
  2. Stats for: Kotka Aghelia Bocage
  3. I like that one Beebop.. very slick
  4. LOL. only until you remove the head and form it into a point!
  5. Was she a par four too Rog?
  6. S! BFs.
  7. Thanks Rog S!
  8. I found myself saying "British comedy through and through!"
  9. Had to finish my drink and youtube has it moments.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnKMehoLaF8
  11. A shameless plug but the content is well worth a review. I have been spending time re-developing a website for a fellow flyer and friend, Joe90.
  12. LOL.. the second one was cool.. liked it.
  13. Enforcer!!
  14. Whats that mean then?!
  15. LOL.. was thinking the same Pooka... should have had a pick of the enticing females holding the signs!!
  16. I was just about to post "is this factoring in that we are the Dangers Dogz and Hell Hounds!" or are we on another playing field.... ...african swallow or european swallow! ..Then again, uh....African swallows are non-migratory.....
  17. It was sweet.. I'm finding it just takes more discipline than usual and I'm getting used to firing like Stevie Wonder.
  18. Try holding CTRL down and tap F5 (force refresh - sometimes you get what you have cached locally, this way should force it to re-read from the server) that may help or clear your browser cache/delete temporary files (whilst not on this page) and see if they come up then.
  19. A very moving speech accompanied with some very nice footage.. well worth the time to watch and listen.
  20. Hehheeh I've seen the vid Jim.
  21. Over my head and cant argue but I will post The numbers already posted sound well enough.. but the proof is in the pudding!!
  22. Great night with everyone there.
  23. BBloke

    TrackIr questions

    I was thinking more of the stick on the saitek.
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