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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. BBloke

    TrackIr questions

    Another thing to consider is you can now use your little joystick
  2. Not sure how many have seen this yet but if you have time: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 5941061385 Well worth it.
  3. Happy Birthday you two!! Congrats on another older
  4. LMAO.. damn.. wondered why computermad already existed when I transferred it in!! LOL Great minds or what!!
  5. Done.
  6. I think I got a lot of the above right for once and survived all but two engagements.
  7. Nice steal Dave.. you should be a baseball player!
  8. Wasn't there a Japanese guy in a Ferrari got nailed by his video.
  9. WOW!!
  10. I thought that until I saw his flailing arms.
  11. unbelievable.. didnt look like the rider was wearing a crash hat
  12. Welcome back Frior.. We held the rain off til you returned
  13. LOL.. too many toys!! LOL
  14. I was thinking more "squealing when he passed a knot!"
  15. Where LCD's are concerned do a little research on contrast ratio.
  16. Your inspirational lever could be brakes I have mine set to the throttle on the Evo and it does help as you dont have to jab the button to slow down.. just raise and lower to suit the nose dip!
  17. I was told about his one and found it so thought I'd share. http://www.noob.us/miscellaneous/battle ... he-safari/ Also came across this by accident and thought they were just plum nuts!!! I was waiting for a friendly fire incident!!
  18. Some fantastic pictures and views.
  19. Sounds like a fine way to test the sturdiness of the planks!!!
  20. Nice Pics... mmm Banff.. isnt that in Scotland!! LOL
  21. Pink Falanges!!
  22. Thats not random.
  23. BBloke


    Found this file whilst housekeeping.. its the same as above just make it a little easier than typing it all out or copying and pasting. wu.rar
  24. Hope he gets well soon. A guy in my local had an accident.
  25. Tidied up the URL for you Dave. Great website and the videos are short and informative.. nice post Dave.. managed to watch em all in 10mins of lunchbreak
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