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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. I'm not the most knlowedgable on it but I tend to work on 85% - 90% power and prop pitch and keep the rads at 4 - 6 whilst cruising and dogfighting.. (dont want to overheat a zeke) then if necessary I'll close em up if desperate and need to run back home! I've tended to change fuel mixture at 4000+.
  2. hey .. thats a nice pair Psycho
  3. They are not the faster of things and it could well have to do with the map and age of plane. One good tip in a zero is.. If you dont manuevre so well then you are going too fast.. those things suck when they get speed. Depending on distance to target try and only take 50% fuel.
  4. I dont know but that wood effect beats KOTS bi-plane, throw em together, balsa wood plane wannabe!!
  5. What about UKDed servers Dave.
  6. Well here's my tracert: Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
  7. LOL Didnt you find any for sheep!!
  8. Bet those rockets are fire and forget! LOL
  9. Dave try not to dispair.. I'm suffering the same rubbish with disconnections and timeouts and it looks like its on the US side.
  10. Nice work Monty.
  11. The Contra-rotating Prop caught my eye
  12. http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/ ... index.html
  13. BBloke


    I'm glad to hear it worked out.. not all my instructions are so lucid.
  14. BBloke


    Hi Bonger, Here's a nice way of finding your original il2fb.exe and youre gaming folder. Right click your Game icon on your desktop and select Properties.
  15. Hi All, Found this in an email from a relative and thought it most appropiate so I uploaded it as a smiley.
  16. LOL.. here ya go Frior... its a common enough thing. Picture is upside-down or mirrored when playing DivX movies If you don't already have the latest version of the DivX codec installed, make sure to upgrade before trying any of these suggestions. If the video still plays upside-down or mirrored after upgrading, it's likely that you have some conflicting DirectShow filter(s) installed that are flipping the video. The two most common filters that cause these type of problems are the Bicubic Resize filter (bicubic_resizer.ax) and the G400 filter (divxg400.ax). To check if any of these filters are installed, simply look for the files in your C:\Windows\System32 directory (on the drive where Windows is installed). If you find any of these filters installed, simply goto the Start menu in Windows and select "Run...", then enter "regsvr32 /u filename.ax" in the box and click the OK button to unregister the filter. Another way to possibly fix the problem is to goto the Tools->Options->Performance->Advanced menu in Windows Media Player and deselect the "Use video mixing renderer" option. While this option works for some it doesn't solve the problem for everyone. Me thinks you could be watching too many videos at work! ;)
  17. BBloke

    animated gifs

    Also this: Animated Images Aren't Animating When viewing a website with animations, does Firefox display only still images? If so, try the below workaround to see if it will solve your animation problem. First: Check your Firefox settings: Tools | Options | Content | Load Images Ensure that "Load Images" is enabled If ZoneAlarm Pro is installed, open the program, go to the Privacy Tab, and click on the custom button. Make sure that the option to block animation is turned OFF. Other programs such as @Guard can also disable animated .gifs. Check all other programs and ensure that any option to block animation is disabled.
  18. BBloke

    animated gifs

    Have a look at this one colin.. maybe something has done something somewhere!! Visit about:config and make sure that "image.animation_mode" is set to its default-value "normal". Then you should see our little friend spinning: http://jedibattlearena.com/firefox-logo-spin.gif If that doesn't help, please visit http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/ and follow the links from there to the appropriate technical help sites such as the mozillazine forums, as this forum is for technical issues with the website sfx.com and not for support of the product itself ;-)
  19. I have Thunderbird but I dont use it... although I second what Rog's has said on Outlook 2007.
  20. Almost read that as stained grass... !!! .. whos to say the grass out back is bushy with a certain significant aroma!!
  21. I love Tomb Raider and I must say haven't, until now, played em enough as I should.
  22. BBloke


    Good Luck Bonger.
  23. You should be able to do it via the console. Start up a QMB and press P to pause Now Hold SHIFT and press TAB You'll see a whole heap of writing.. this is the console. Now you can type the command to change the dot ranges. mp_dotrange FOE RANGE # TYPE # ID # NAME # COLOR # DOT # same for friendlies mp_dotrange FRIENDLY RANGE # TYPE # ID # NAME # COLOR # DOT # replace the # with a value in km that you wish as a setting. For instance: mp_dotrange FOE ID 1.0 will show you the callsign/id of the plane when its within 1km. Putting it in the RCU file If you wish you could make it easier by adding it to your RCU file in your game folder. Like so: @a mpe mp_dotrange FOE RANGE # TYPE # ID # NAME # COLOR # DOT # @a mpf mp_dotrange FRIENDLY RANGE # TYPE # ID # NAME # COLOR # DOT # then all you would do is open the game console and type mpe to load enenmy settings and mpf to load freindly's. Creating different files for different settings If you have loads of different variations you could make a file that you run from console instead.
  24. Here's the link to the download.
  25. There's nothing fair in baseball.
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