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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Noooooooooooooooooo... leave them sheep alone!
  2. Aint seen nothing yet We have a whole synchronised routine!!
  3. Colin, If you are going to use MID then this may come in handy.
  4. Document can be viewed on google: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key= ... fj9-vJPzIg
  5. Slit screw up but here is a shorter formula: =CHAR(34)&A2&CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34)&SUBSTITUTE(A3,CHAR(10),CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34))&CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34)&A4&CHAR(34) I removed a substitute formula and changed the CHAR(13) to CHAR(10) You ge tthe same result.
  6. Well, anyway here's a formula that may help: =CHAR(34)&A5&CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34)&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A6,CHAR(13),""),CHAR(10),CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34))&CHAR(34)&CHAR(44)&CHAR(34)&A7&CHAR(34) its pretty simple.
  7. Looking bloody good already Shadow.
  8. Colin, give us a buzz.. may have it licked
  9. Here's something that may help in Excel Colin: =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,CHAR(13),""),CHAR(10)," ") Exchange the to a single no description character and your address: Name Add1 Add2 County would become: Name Add1 Add2 County I have a function to grab a selected word so watch this space it may very well be possible within excel formula and something I have.
  10. Had another thought and that would be to just do a database dump to txt file as though its an SQL script and clean out the header details
  11. If your report looks like this: [attach=1] Then you'll need to put your fields inline (left to right) and it should produce a file which is tabulated (MSAccess did it this way) CR is far better than MSAccess but the design is similar. This would be in line fields: [attach=2] as oppose to: [attach=3]
  12. Mmmmmm.. need to have a conversation but its sounds as though you are running a report through an SQL Server Query that is giving you a mailing list and you want the mailing list (like sticky address labels) to go into excel as one record per row. I have a database of contacts in MDB and to get the data out I would use an SQL command like so: SELECT CompanyName, Address1, Address2, Address3, County, PostCode FROM tblCompany; This would give me: Company Name Address1 Address2 Address3 County Post Code Valbruna U.K. Ltd c/o MYCCI Chamber St Thomas Road HUDDERSFIELD West Yorkshire HD1 3LG ABS Brymar Floors Ltd Dane Road Dane Road Industrial Estate SALE Cheshire M33 7BH Adams Kara Taylor Charter House 2 Farringdon Road LONDON EC1M 3HN As a query result.
  13. Excel loves comma seperated files where one line is a record and the data is put into corresponding columns where ever recognised character is found (normally a comma , ). If your data from sql server is formatted like so: Example 1 Name (new line) add1 (new line) add2 (new line) add3 (new line) country (new line) etc Then copy and paste will put easch line into a new row in one column.
  14. Thanks you two.. it took me days to figure out what the diagram was trying to tell me and it tied me in no end of knots because of connections that I'd already utilised. Glad its helpful. Never thought the floppy line could be used for SLi... I had serious contemplations on getting an addon PSU unit to sit in one of the spare 5.25 bays.
  15. very nice Greenstreaks.
  16. hehehe.. I never looked but I knew I did one somewhere.. thought it was just quicker to do it again.
  17. Great News Frior.
  18. err sry
  19. LMAO.. not I'm not.. was just taking her for spin honest!! was real careful and the bombers were REAL BIGGGGGG. I was aiming at instilling confidence in giving it a go and seeing how people faired.
  20. Looks very nice.. especially the runways..
  21. I gave this a go on QMB with 2 x FW200.
  22. Oh so much better to be half a ring away than a full ring.. at least it won't make your hole weak.. .. of should that be whole week!!!
  23. Dont forget the .50 cals.. they dont seem to take as much leading as slow wing canons on a zero for instance
  24. Nice post Dave.
  25. The problem with ships as the stats show is their ability to take each other out.
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