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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Holy crap!! THATS my wallpaper!! LOL
  2. Give up!! LOL. Good advice.
  3. Yeah but I was only kidding
  4. Yeah.. Great start but lousy finish Carl!! S~ and glad you posted the proper picks here and not on UBI LOL
  5. It's upside down Dave
  6. Jesus... He should have found a neighbour with a swimming pool .. at least the swing would have only suffered minor rust instead of 3rd degree smouldering!
  7. oh boy.. she's packing em in!!! "Its only gay if you make eye contact".. think I need to change my approach with the lady sheep!
  8. LMAO.. LMAO.. LMAO.. just ant help it but man I'm speechless and this time its not a good thing!!
  9. Carl, I think it was there and then BG removed it.
  10. I'm glad you removed it as I thought I was going mad..
  11. LMAO.. preferred the first one
  12. Very quick and funny! germancoastguard_1.mpg
  13. OMG!!! Where can I get one.
  14. Me along time ago!!!
  15. I just checked paragon drive copy (pro) and as good as it is it doesn't look like it will do dynamic disk.. you are of course welcome to test drive it
  16. Monty-Dan has dedicated a gallery section to the skins made by Beebop that have been used in his various movies. Check em out!
  17. I'm stealthy and sneaky and the only time you'll know I'm close is from the bad smell!! I know Jim.. I talk too much on Comms... not like Carl that keeps his briefs.. well
  18. Found this whilst doing a little light reading: #7: You need recognition and praise Being a support tech often means being invisible until something goes wrong. Ironically, if you’re doing an awesome job by proactively taking care of the users, you’re less likely to be noticed than if you’re slacking and are frequently called upon to save the day. Early in my career, a VP took me aside and suggested that I might like to occasionally crash the network server so I could justify my existence by heroically restoring it overnight. You may be fortunate and encounter the odd users who appreciate that they never have to call you, or even a boss or co-worker who expresses gratitude for the fine job you are doing, but this type of positive feedback is usually the exception. If you require frequent approbation to feel confident and satisfied with your performance, being a support tech may not be the best choice of careers. Rog.. any plans for the weekend! ?? Full article here Found this one too and my favourite get out of jail free card
  19. Very nice detail.
  20. BBloke

    graphics problem

    I recall frior mentioning that it didnt reoccur on another watery map later on that same evening
  21. It's a great card.
  22. Well I heard he wasnt too sure about saying anything just cause there were any homophobes in close proximity!!! Last I knew he was bound and gagged...
  23. Hehehe.. 190's flown right are no bucket of bolts..
  24. Thats one nice toy.. It would be ace to have fully functional bomb bay doors and some eggs to drop!!
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