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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. I did hear JP was looking for the lerche as a flying dildo.
  2. Doesn't Mobius have some Xwing pilot somewhere? and maybe a starwars skin!?
  3. Hey Rog, did you noticed the missing 2 pilots from the credits.. and wouldn't you say the gladiator take off looks awfully familiar?
  4. "Scruples and morals" in the same sentence on this website.... never thought I'd see that here!!
  5. I think you'll be needing this one:
  6. Mmm.. nice.
  7. Well There was me and Bonger on comms on Zekes.
  8. Hehehehe.. thats a cool bit and a very nice level. Is that a blow up version Sged... watch you dont run out of steam.. or brreath!!
  9. Had her first and I'm not quite finished yet!!
  10. 10 years in the making.... defiled by Psycho in 10 seconds!!! Priceless!!!
  11. This is nothing more than the main screen.. but just watch those jugs go!!!!
  12. Its not an ingame funciton thats being assigned.
  13. I'm erring on the side of AGP port rather than PCI-E.
  14. This is for Pooka and anyone that is interested in using your joystick or other game controller to simulate keypresses on your keyboard.
  15. LOL.. nice!
  16. Thanks Dave.
  17. It was great fun and different from ZvW's.
  18. LMAO.. I get that in Zeke's all the time.
  19. Naaaaah.. he's got Marta on his mind alright!!
  20. AVG have a free spyware program that I've found useful.
  21. Well.. I was running 1280 x 1024 and I dropped to 1152 resolution and dots are easier to see.
  22. BBloke

    help needed!

    I'm not an nforce person but could you post up your dxdiag info.
  23. Sing it to the song:
  24. No cats allowed.. only dogs... but I'll investigate
  25. I was on ZvW til late.. well the reds disappeared and it worked great for me... made a nice change to my week off too. Nice to see Sged, Psycho and Sunflower.
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