Son: "Dad, what's the difference between potential and reality?"
Dad: (After much thought) "Go ask your Mother if she would sleep with George Clooney for 1 million, then go and ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for 1 million and then analyse the answers."
Son: "Mum, would you sleep with George Clooney for 1 million."
Mum: "Well, I wouldn't want Dad to know but I would find such an opportunity irresistible."
Son: "Sis, would you sleep with Brad Pitt for 1 million."
Sis: "You bet, I wouldn't miss out on that!"
Son: "Dad, I asked Mum and Sis those questions as you suggested."
Dad: "Well Son, did it help you work out the difference between potential and reality?"
Son: "I think so. Potentially we're sitting on 2 million, in reality we're living with a couple of slappers!"
Dad: "That's my boy - you learn fast."