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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Klinger

    New System

    Ok Jensen and GP. If we're gonna play graphical poker, I'll see your 1280x960. Don't think my monitor will take much more. Pooka, I think the higher the numbers, the denser the picture. Going from 1024x768 to 1152x864 = big difference, less cartoonish.
  2. Klinger

    New System

    Thanks chaps. You're dead right Quazi, its a new game!
  3. Is it right that the 50 cals are getting improved? If so that should even it up.
  4. Yea, great session. And ace demonstration of the Chaotic vs Organized Method. 2 survivers 1st time, nearly all survived on the second, good stuff!
  5. Anyone tried the P51D yet? It's supposed to be improved. Gotta be my fave plane, but I lack the skill to fly it effectively
  6. LOL, Margaret Thatcher in a negligee? I've got the horn. Tally Ho!
  7. Klinger

    New System

  8. I reckon its a lot of work to organise an event like this to everyones exacting preferences. Maybe we could put our trust in DT this time, to get the thing underway, without having to second guess others. Just for the sake of unity. It can always be fine tuned for later events. I found a few of the above posts a bit cryptic. I may have the wrong end of the stick. If so, apologies. ~S~ All K9s
  9. Yo Ho Ho Colin, you've summed up the complete IL2 Festive Experience right there Bit early, but happy holidays one and all.
  10. Klinger


    LOL, nice thought guys. I eagerly await your call Rog. I bought a Lotto ticket myself Saturday and didn't even win! Starting to think they're a waste of money
  11. Klinger


    Computer crashed yesterday. Hardware issues, according to a knowlegable mate. Looks like I'll be out of action for a couple of weeks or so. Bummer. I can just about get on here, so at least I can stay in touch . Maybe its natures way of telling me to get out more LOL. Right, I've got some carjacking to do, if I'm to buy a new computer. Have fun. See you soon.
  12. Ha, I always wondered how to get the Ta 152 GM 1 boost to work! War and Peace I reckon
  13. Theres some good pilots here that still dont have TIR. When they finally do get it, we're toast
  14. A very demanding course. Well done lads. ~S~
  15. A lot of work? It certainly does! What a nice job on the Hurri. Wonder who the original pilot was, 22 swastikas on the cockpit. Storch is tasty aswell. Those guys are hardcore!
  16. I reckon the 46 planes will be fun to fly offline. Ta 183 is the one I want to try. The new stick settings are supposed to be much more realistic, so I'd certainly be in favour of that. New maps and code. All the decent servers on Hyperlobby will run it. I think it will be a plus overall.
  17. Yes m8. I've got mine setup on an x52. I just assigned a button as 'right mouse' in the Profiler. Dunno if thats any use to you.
  18. Excellent m8,
  19. ~S~ Vacillator, look forward to flying with you.
  20. Love it. Night of the living Dead. You deserve to be haunted Psycho. 'Chute killer. Tut tut.
  21. After my little bit of action, I landed, got a cup of tea and a sandwich, and settled in to watch the fun. You may not have got your guns on him Carl, but you were giving him verbal all the way up!
  22. Shame you missed out on the Spit m8, but well worth it for the other stuff. Bubi Hartmann eh? I always find it amazing that a small shy looking bloke like that is really a cold blooded killer. Same thing with Audie Murphy. Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
  23. M8, I'd be glad to fly those missions, and give you some feedback if required.
  24. Talking of landings, here's another tricky one
  25. Klinger

    Yaw !!

    Shit the bed. ~S~ to the geezer who makes the landing gear! Haven't you got used to those peds yet Mick?
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