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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Hi Quickdraw,
  2. Well I thought this had to be about some battle between Nazi and Partisans, circa 1943. Was only about 2000 years out. Thanks to this,
  3. I tried one of those early last year. To be brutally honest, I hated it. There always seemed to be a slight lag on the input. Couldn't even taxi without fishtailing, let alone fly combat with any kind of coordination. Even the cheapo Saitek wired on an extension would be preferable IMHO.
  4. Yup, you must have a steady hand, and an eye for detail. Good job m8.
  5. Lol, I thought in the RAF it was 'tiffin'
  6. Who you calling a crackhead
  7. Rog explained it in an email. Glad to see it back up
  8. TBH m8, I was a gibbering idiot for a couple of hours after watching that private display. (Even more so than usual) Couldn't believe that they would throw them around that much in this safety conscious age. Obviously, I got straight on the horn to Mick Painless, just to hear him seeth with jelousy. (sorry m8, I just had to)
  9. What a great plane the Spit is. Vids like this aways encourage me to do a little more research on the matter. Last summer I was able to nip down to Southampton, to see the 70th aniversary memorial flight of the Spit. That was 70 years to the minute, and from the same airfield, as the first ever flight. It included Alex Henshaw's last flight in one. RIP Alex. A month later, a m8 happened to hear about a private display happening locally. We gatecrashed, not expecting much, and were treated to the finest display of Spitfire flying I have seen in real life. looked like a couple of Mk Vs. They boomed zoomed, barrel rolled, looped, hammerheads, the lot, in an ace mock dogfight, coming as close as 50 metres from us in a dummy strafing run. Made everyone duck, lol. Unbelievable sound, although understandably they didn't use max revs. Nice find GK. I dont tend to fly Spits so much in the game, and in the interest of balance, heres a 109 FB Trib vid.
  10. Well, after extensive testing, (2 QMBs) I could get 3 aimed shots off at a tank. It oscillates on the yaw, which doesn't help. Gotta hit the tank dead on to get a kill. 160 rpm, but only 15 rounds per gun, and they don't make anything like the explosions seen in the film. It sucks with me at the helm. This guy did a little better though: http://homepage.eircom.net/~nightingale/hans.html
  11. Hey BG, remember that mission the other night when we took the Stuka G1s? I couldn't hit a damn thing with those cannons. Here's a great vid showing how it should be done.
  12. Coconut Grove eh ? Looks even nicer than Portsmouth Harbour
  13. Good work DT, you are a man of many talents. RIP Captain A. 1941-2007.
  14. Lol, I have also spoken to him. Funny thing is, lately, him and his many collegues have been Anglicizing their names. 'Hello, this is Nigel, do you have a pension?.....' in a heavy accent.
  15. I enjoy the challenge of the Pony. Thats good information, if I can remember to do all that. Thanks Rattler.
  16. I use it regularly to talk to my m8 in Norway. No problems with it for me.
  17. Shit Daz, thats a wild ride. GSXR 1100 engine LoL, nothing wrong with him!! I saw Painless clip another Kart at ~60mph, and fly upside down into a tyre wall with just 125cc, and he's a pretty good driver I hope, for his own safety, he can't afford this beast!
  18. Did Reagan really end the cold war? I thought it was Ronald McDonald opening a fast food joint in Moscow, while the locals were trying to turn Vodka back into potatoes Good to hear from you mate.
  19. ~S~ Fireman. Good to see you lads over the pond are getting your discs. All I did was back up the conf ini file and the Users folder, and copy them both over.
  20. ~S~ to those who did all the hard work, it must have been a little disappointing for you guys. Still, it maybe useful that everyone has a better understanding of whats involved with this type of event. I learned a lot, and for that I'm grateful. Cheers.
  21. LoL Carl, no wonder you always sound cheerful! I bookmarked it for when I need cheering up. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Hi Okie,
  23. I see Warclouds is going 4.071m on Sunday night 30th Dec.
  24. ~S~ Deacon,
  25. Glad to hear we've very nearly finished paying for WW 2.
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