What a great plane the Spit is. Vids like this aways encourage me to do a little more research on the matter.
Last summer I was able to nip down to Southampton, to see the 70th aniversary memorial flight of the Spit.
That was 70 years to the minute, and from the same airfield, as the first ever flight.
It included Alex Henshaw's last flight in one. RIP Alex.
A month later, a m8 happened to hear about a private display happening locally.
We gatecrashed, not expecting much, and were treated to the finest display of Spitfire flying I have seen in real life. looked like a couple of Mk Vs. They boomed zoomed, barrel rolled, looped, hammerheads, the lot, in an ace mock dogfight, coming as close as 50 metres from us in a dummy strafing run. Made everyone duck, lol. Unbelievable sound, although understandably they didn't use max revs.
Nice find GK.
I dont tend to fly Spits so much in the game, and in the interest of balance, heres a 109 FB Trib vid.