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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. LoL. Cheers DT. Always amusing to read semi random musings of a semi crazy. First computer game I got into was CFS in '99. I was pretty clueless and soon got bored. Then came Half Life, which I still rate as the best single player FPS. Kingpin was good for the music and the humour. I got MOH as soon as it came out. CoD and CoD UO were my first online games. Really enjoyed them. But after a while TDM became tedius. Spawn shoot die repeat. Nothing comes close to IL2, for immersion, freedom, and reward for skill. I mean, how long would it take to get even 'reasonable' in every flyable plane? I've thought about Red Orchestra, but I could not drag myself from IL2 long enough to learn it. Maybe the partial answer to your wishes will be in the Storm of War series. I guess it will be a bit limited at first, due to being BoB planes. Thanks for the great screenies, some of those brought back good memories. Cheers.
  2. ~S~ Deacon, Maybe BadAim can post the plans. I have them on my home PC, but will not be back for a few weeks.
  3. Interesting comments chaps. Words from the wise for sure. I think two people that really have good know-how are Painless and Pooka. Using solid wingman tactics, two good pilots are a match for anyone. Not saying its easy in the less formal Dogz environment though. Finding a compatable wingie, and keeping the discapline looks difficult. I'll be watching you two carefully when you hook up! Have to admit, diving down on an EA at 700k does get my blood pumping, even though I may only get a shot ~1 out of 3 times. Safe(ish) without a wingie. Tricky with a P51 as you need a sustained burst to disable. But does that thing handle at speed! Can always zoom back up and try again. Mostly.
  4. Lol, 3.6 million seconds.
  5. Cheers m8, I'm glad you did. Un friggin believable bad luck for the bird. You would never get that in Cricket. Too much fair play.
  6. Lol, yeah m8, I could do without my motor getting covered in pigeon crap. Nifty. I didn't click on the Daily Sport one tho, last time I went there (looking for Melissa Mammory from Melton Mobray) I got
  7. Lol, Rattler. Are you an Inuit. You guys dont like being called Eskimo these days I believe.
  8. Heres a nice selection of warbird photos:
  9. You were indeed fotunate to know him JP. Its inevitable that these great guys are passing on. I just hope that our generation can live up to his 'class', for want of a better expression. Love his quote that Sparx from Warclouds uses as sig;
  10. Speaking as a professional carpenter BA, are you trying to make me look bad or what? Nice job m8. I d/l ed the plans for this a while ago, and have a few questions. How comfy is it? How big is the footprint? Is it as heavy as it looks? Again, great job. Let us know how you get on with it. ~S~
  11. LOL, Tonar, I would definately NOT say you suck m8. Maybe TnB and BnZ are not mutually exclusive. Both ways you are trying to turn energy into angles to get the shot. Who does that best, wins I guess. I reckon I need to mix the methods a little more. Cheers Mick, Norways great. Screwed a womans loose sash back in today. Now she wants to meet me for a drink.
  12. I'm interested in how different people fly in different styles in different planes. For example, in a Normandy Coop, I will normally take a P51 or FW, perhaps a 109, and try to B nZ. Pretty cowardly, huh? Seems like the guys in Spits. etc. are always willing to get stuck in, and have some great fights (and fun!) a lot more than I would. When practicing for the 2v2, I got to fly the P40M a lot against AI, in a style that I wouldn't dare try against savvy humans. (ie. you lot. ) This is the best I will ever get in that plane. (After 2 hours of trying!) http://www.dangerdogz.com/downloads/p13 ... fileid/274 AI 25% fuel, me 50%, just to make it lively. What are your experiences flying out of you comfort zone?
  13. Nice find G-Man. Put me down for lot 33, Luftwaffe cigarette case. Also lot 86, Urnst Udet medallion and ring. BTW m8, I'm intrigued. Lot 130 is the Third Reich flag. The red one with a swastika in the middle. How do you explain having that thing on your wall to visitors? Do you hide it when your mum comes round? Just wondering.
  14. I have always used TSO without any problems. However, a lot of knowlegable people on this and other forums say that Teamspeak Display is a better option.
  15. LOL, nice one lads. Brings a tear to my duct.
  16. I've heard good things about the Saiteks, and have been thinking of getting some. Be interested to hear how you get on with them m8. Cheers.
  17. Cheers lads, its been a fun week back, what with the Kuban and all. Back to Norway at oh-dark thirty tomorrow. 7 weeks this time. Back on 4th July ready for Duxford. Bit worrying leaving the house empty for that long. Screwed up some coils of barbed wire inside the windows, fixed tripwires at neck and shin height, and I'll screw all the doors shut before I leave. Hope for the best. I'll be following the Kuban Campaign, and will as always, enjoy reading the forum. Stay frosty, see you at Duxford. ~S~
  18. Now THAT would be fun, m8.
  19. Those things bring back happy memories for me. Back in the early 80's I was working for a dodgy Iranian Builder who had the pickup version of that as the 'works van'. No tax or MoT. Matt black paintjob. Thought I was gonna get arrested every time I drove it. Got my own back by telling him the radiator needed topping up.
  20. Nice vid m8. Did I see one of them flying a Spitfire?
  21. Man thats straight out of the opening credits of Dad's Army. Take it away Bud Flannigan.
  22. Blues is very cool. Good stuff m8. Post one of you doing a crazy Keith Moon style solo. Youre clipped out of most of the vids. Sged, always good for a quick roll on the skins. (Not a drug reference. ) You and the band deserve continued success. Cheers.
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