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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. LOL.
  2. Sounds intriguing Drinksky. Subtitles are a pain tho, and 'ouvre le fenetre' is the limit of my French. I love the line: 'Don't feel you have to invade Paris to get a drink round my house' Made in 2005? Maybe I can get DVD or Bittorrent.
  3. Lol. Somewhere over a rainbow Judy Garland is pissing it up.
  4. Klinger

    Hello all.

    Hello Knight, not that it matters, but there are a few Southerners in DDs, inc. Frior 1, Painless and myself. I know what you mean about comms m8. Some of these silver tongued devils had me intimidated for a while. You will warm up to it in no time. See you in the air. ( when I get out of prison).
  5. Vac·il·late Pronunciation: 'va-s&-"lAt Function: intransitive verb Inflected Form(s): -lat·ed; -lat·ing Etymology: Latin vacillatus, past participle of vacillare to sway, waver -- more at WINK 1 a : to sway through lack of equilibrium b : FLUCTUATE, OSCILLATE 2 : to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses synonym see HESITATE - vac·il·lat·ing·ly
  6. Hey Mobius, you need New Yankee Norm on that. Seriously, if you can put together a flatpack kitchen unit, you could build that. As always, the drawing makes it look more complicated than it really is. Magnify that plan, and look at each part. If you cut the pieces accurately, the assembly will be easy. Probably take a weekend all in. Have you got any carpenter friends? I'd do it, but that thing is gonna weigh a ton, and postage from UK would be expensive. No offence, but I think it looks like a '40s fairground ride, and would be more tempted to go for something like Painless uses.
  7. Runs fine on 408 GK. Theres a comprehensive readme link thing in the zip.
  8. If you like flying the Tempest, check out this campaign by Icefire at Mission 4 Today. http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ils&id=777 I'm not much into offline stuff lately, but this one is very good. Plenty of action within a few minutes of take off, fighting D9s, 262s and Jabos, for the 2nd TAF.
  9. Hello Pilot, with all the help on offer, I'm sure you will be up to speed with FB in no time. Main thing is to have fun. You are quite close to the age of some of the real Airmen back then! Cool name BTW.
  10. Yeah m8, thats a beaut.
  11. Lol, these boys practice what they preach. Like when friend of the forest Sting nipped over to Blighty in a private jet for Madonna's wedding. Then hired a helicopter to get from the airport to the venue, and choked on his own tofu. Last week it was cattle flatulance, this week peat bogs drying out. So no point letting your principals get in the way of having a good time, eh Leo?
  12. I third that B16. Maybe the Euros in the FI want some action with us earlybirds. Welcome to the forums Heloego.
  13. Good mission Rattler ~S~ I only recorded the last 20 mins of SEOW, as from my point of view, nothing happened till then. (selfish b'stard!) My track is here,
  14. Thats the Flak Pole nose art, comes with the 46 DVD. I don't usually bother with custom stuff and always fly with skin downloads off. Although thats the best SEOW mission I've had, the pics make it look better than it really was. A more accurate description would be, 45 mins of scratching my genitals, 5 mins of knee-jerk reactions, 10 mins of running like a girl for St. Paul airfield. I was lucky 'Black 1' must have run out of ammo, and that Republic made such a tough plane!
  15. A personal account. Fly around for a bit. Fire some rockets. Drop some bombs. Unsuccessfully defend a mate. (Gutted about this one.) Bounced by Spit. Missing a few non essential parts, run for red airfield. Consider myself lucky. I've got a trakfile of the last 20 mins of SE if anyone wants it.
  16. And S~ to you D7, damn good fun. Particularly enjoyed the LA7 v G14 scrap. I thought we were gonna be toast, but we did ok. First time Ive flown the G14 since 408. I think its improved. Thanks all for a good evenings combat.
  17. I found this pretty funny,
  18. Nice one m8, I love Irish humour.
  19. Very nice Jim. Great showcase for Helen's artwork. 2" thick? Phew, hefty. I like the satin finish, what did you use? Glass and wood panels below look great. Nice 1/8" even gaps. I guess in England a custom made door would cost £600 plus. So, for something unique, that you did yourselves, thats not bad. I won't even use any of my crap 'chippy' jokes like, 'it'll look alright when its creosoted' or 'it should last for weeks'
  20. Lol, the age old conflict, can't live with em ....... Psychologists have known about this syndrome for some time. Ahhh, things were simpler back then.
  21. Found it on the Zoo. I just love the title of this British wartime gunnery document http://eafwiki.pbwiki.com/f/bth-full.pdf Smoke me a kipper etc.
  22. You two should get together and write a book on child rearing. B16 & Rattler, the Method.
  23. Lol, Alberta, is that the one in Canada, or in the Deep South? Cos I've got one particular m8 from Memphis in mind. Only joking m8, don't shoot!
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