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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Lol. I had that exact same calender in 2006. Just the dates were different.
  2. Interesting m8. Its only a matter of time until VR headsets are a better solution for gaming than a monitor. I dont know if this is it though. 640x480?
  3. Cool pics m8. Thanks.
  4. The penny has dropped m8. Your upload speed is about 10 times that of Painless. I guess theres no way to increase our upload speed reasonably cheaply? We're on Virgin Cable.
  5. Glad to hear you've had it working OT. How do you like it? When I first got it, I had to slow it down a bit, and have a generous dead zone. I tightened up the sensitivity as I got used to it.
  6. If you set your guns to diverge, you can take 2 targets at once, if you're good.
  7. In that case it sounds like he is at the practical limit for a UK 10 meg connection. I just wondered how BG and DT can host for 32 players, as in SEOW. Do you gents have a 30 meg connection, or do you have a better setup?
  8. Hey Charmless, you're lucky. Over the last few years I've turned into this geezer:
  9. Painless would be the first to admit that he is a can of worms . Too bad the optimizer is ineffective. Thanks for the info Jim.
  10. Painless can host for ~12 people, and he is looking to push this up to 15. A m8 reckoned the Standard MS tcp/ip setup is 'throttled' in some way by default. He suggested this : http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php as a way of unlocking the extra hosting capability. Has anyone heard of this? Any good, or a can of worms ? Cheers.
  11. Party hearty birthday boy. Have a good one m8.
  12. Absolutely. Happy birthday BG.
  13. Another great pic showing off the 262's sinister good looks. Cheers G-Man. Makes me wonder what went through the minds of the Air Gunners in the 'Forts and Liberators, seeing this thing scything through their formation so fast they couldn't train their guns on them.
  14. Ok Thor, but you'd better re-coil that thing. You've got a mission to plan!
  15. Yup, I'm a junkie. I've had a morbid fascination with this plane since I was a kid. Looks like a shark. Absolutely the best BnZ er in the game. (Thats not a fantasy plane.) Thank God the Nazis never got full scale production of them in 1942/43. I don't see how daylight bombing of Germany would then have been possible. The 109 in the 1st vid is cool also. Thanks G Man.
  16. Yes, cool clip. I've got high hopes for this movie. Watched 'Flyboys' recently. The combat and CGI was great. But it irritates me when they inflict modern day morality on to characters from 90 years ago. Got that Gladiator Mission, Jim?
  17. Lol, G-Man. I think that'd be all of us then. Loved Vipers quip about the hyphen between the 'Rolls' and the 'Royce' being missing. Cool pics.
  18. Pretty crazy. Great pilot and crew. The metric/imperial thing is pain in the ass like GMT/EST. An easy trap to fall into though. While driving through speed cameras in Norway, my m8 would ask, 'How fast are we going m8?' I saw 50kph on the clock, so I'd reply, 'Oh, about 30mph' That irritated the hell out of him.
  19. Nice one JP. Look at some of the names replying too! BG, you are a Piller of the Community. Happy Birthday DDs.
  20. Shooting wings off an IL2 is damned impressive! Very interesting and a good find D7.
  21. Thanks lads, spot on. I had 2 instals of IL2, one 46 and one v404. Renamed the exes to bak in 404. Redirected Hyperlobby to the correct path, and it worked. Cheers.
  22. 'The initial short-lived euphoria of a reinforcer as uniquely powerful as crack will be followed by a "crash". This involves anxiety, depression, irritability, extreme fatigue and possibly paranoia.' Too true. Since using the crack, the game runs great from the desktop icon. If I try to join a server via Hyperlobby, however, I get the 'no cd in drive' prompt. This happens without or with, the cd in the drive. Anyone had similar? Cheers.
  23. Good to hear from you Dazza, hope you are not rotting your brain too much in X Box land. Dunno why you had to bring up the g@y stuff tho.
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