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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Friggin hell m8! 3500? On a WoP server?
  2. Hi m8. August? thats German right? Welcome to the forums. As for reassuring comments to less experienced new members, I think Pink Floyd put it rather well;
  3. Thats good information BBloke, thanks. Got to agree about the AI chatter and subs. Would not be so bad if they EVER said anything useful, wakners!
  4. Damn right!! :)
  5. Painless, could you please post the model of your monitor here. I've checked on the Novatech website, but can't find it. 21 - 22 inch. 4:3. Looks great. No probs Kling, Its a "ViewSonic
  6. Very good. Those guys have definately got too much time on their hands.
  7. Way to wield the Power, D7. Hi Greenstreak and welcome to the forums. I've got more of
  8. LOL. No, it was the one next to it. Boom Boom. Nice keyboard graphic BBloke, must have taken ages.
  9. One is BadAim. One is a bleak expressionist painting by Edvard Munch. Which is which?
  10. Sh1t Tonar, I hope technology catches up with your needs really soon. ~S~
  11. LOL guys, I really appreciate the support, honestly I do. But those DIY horror stories of yours are making my finger throb.
  12. Yeah, they managed to save the arm lol. I went back to work Friday. Did 2 hours work in only 4 hours,
  13. Love reading about Dogz mauling locals on HL. Particularly somewhere as challenging as Z & W. Salute Psycho, Tonar, SF1, Rattler and any others that can kick ass full real. Sorry to hear about your bad back Tonar. Have you tried inversion?
  14. Lol, don't go there, with Rattlers masculinity (see Kuban thread).
  15. Ok, thats me done. Crushed the top of my index finger with a 20lb sledgehammer (throttle hand). Nearly cried/fainted/puked I can tell you. Pathetic really. Good job I fly back to Blighty today, so I can get treated. (no insurance, plonker!) Been a nice trip, done some work, met some people, seen some stuff. All I really missed is about 4 friends, and flying with you guys. I'd move here tomorrow, if they'd have me. Norway is a lovely country. Thanks for listening.
  16. Klinger

    news story

    Oh my God. :o :o Thanks Dave, now I know, I can never un-know.
  17. Sorry lads, I'm compelled to post this kind of bs cos of the twittering of a particular species of bird in this country. Starts about 5 am and sound like a cookoo on speed, but louder. Cant sleep through it. Either that or the positive bioenergy pad that the guy I was working for Sunday gave me, when I complained of a bad back. (Laying out decking on a yacht in Akker Brygge.) I was instructed to tuck this thing down the back of my trousers, and I would be cured! Well it cured onlookers from seeing the crack of my ass over my waistband. I keep it with me and have to say, I do feel more positive and energetic. I dont normally go for this new age stuff.
  18. Dammit Dazza, don't do it m8. Theres got to be a way round this. I had no money at Xmas. then my PC went bang. Bought a bottom of the range Core 2 duo rig from Gladiator for 600 quid = 10 and a half quid each month on the credit card. This thing has got to be worth a tenner a month and a diet of cardboard. Good luck, and good flying with you, whatever you do.
  19. I think all of us do. : IL2 interleukin 2 [ Homo sapiens ] GeneID: 3558 updated 12-Apr-2007 [Top][Help]Summary Official Symbol IL2 provided by HGNC Official Full Name interleukin 2 provided by HGNC Primary source HGNC:6001 See related HPRD:00979; MIM:147680 Gene type protein coding RefSeq status Reviewed Organism Homo sapiens Lineage Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo Also known as IL-2; TCGF; lymphokine Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a secreted cytokine that is important for the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes. The receptor of this cytokine is a heterotrimeric protein complex whose gamma chain is also shared by interleukin 4 (IL4) and interleukin 7 (IL7). The expression of this gene in mature thymocytes is monoallelic, which represents an unusual regulatory mode for controlling the precise expression of a single gene. The targeted disruption of a similar gene in mice leads to ulcerative colitis-like disease, which suggests an essential role of this gene in the immune response to antigenic stimuli. So there is proof that flying with your buddies keeps ulcerative colitis at bay. For more info on this and other exiting genes, go to:
  20. A fitting sendoff for a great pilot.
  21. Glad to see life's being good to you at the moment Psycho. Hi Lil Sparrow. BadAim. Nice to finally put a (shocked) face to the voice m8.
  22. Go for it JP. Spill the beans and give us some dirt on your inmates/guests. With your sardonic twang, I imagine a stay at your B&B is like a slightly less manic Fawlty Towers. short compilation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOUGPW_M8vg
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