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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. I feel your frustration Glen, but it was bloody hilarious for the rest of us
  2. Too true mate, he may be crazy, but he's an annoyingly good pilot
  3. Great fun flying with the Dogz again, after 2 weeks in Norway. People there are taciturn but friendly, well paid but highly taxed. 45% income tax, 25% purchase tax, £1-80 a time to drive through tolls. Single vodka and coke £8 in a bar! Didn't go out much. Careful what you eat out there, as they eat rotten fish stew, salted 'dogbones', and waffles made with human breast milk. LoL. Beautiful countryside, good for hunting and fishing, if you like that sort of thing. I was about 2 weeks too early to go skiing. The job went well, converting a basement garage into an apartment. Didn't take any pictures this time, but heres a pic of the holiday cottage I built on an exclusive island on the Oslofiord last time I was there. Nice trip, nice to be back.
  4. Yeah, but he had balls. (past tense).
  5. I had FB for about three months and mostly played QMBs, in a Yak 3 vs. 2 average 109s. Got so I could kill them almost every time. Right, time to get online and kick some botty. LOL. Figured out the Ubi multiplayer thing and joined a server. As I was flying cluelessly around, I wondered how you know which team you're on. I saw I had crosses on the wings. Right. I must be blue. I spotted a red plane, low, so I dived down and shot him just as he landed. Nice. Then the chat message came up, 'Airtime, I'm gonna kill you, I dont care what colour you are' Damn, I'd done a complete circle and shot a team mate as he was landing. My first 'victory' was a vulching team kill. Doh.
  6. LOL, I suppose Ronaldo is trying to make up for getting Rooney sent off in the world cup Looks like he's enjoying it too
  7. Thanks for all the good work you do round here Rog. Happy birthday m8.
  8. Klinger


  9. You cant fool us Daz, work and uni? Alcohol and women more like .
  10. Nice bit of kit Jim! They've certainly come a long way, with the swoopy fenders, curved glass and funky interior. Found out what all the switches do yet ?
  11. Ok, so it gives the operator something similar to the 'minimap path' that we can bring up in game. Amazingly sophistiated bit of kit, as its presumably electro-mechanical. Looks like hard work to use. Glad we've got that minimap
  12. I dont know how you did it without getting glue fingerprints in it Makes me want to build a 'punk' (ie not very well done) FW190. Good job mate!
  13. Klinger

    46 add on

    For ufologists out there, heres a vid of the 46 addon.
  14. Stunning film. Thanks Beebop.
  15. Yes, thanks DT, another great event. Well done reds for keeping the free world safe! General Der Flieger Frior One did a very good job of coordination ( ably assisted on the night by Oberst Delta) There was talk of bunkers and Lugers, but, being a man of the cloth, he got a reprieve from the Big Feller.
  16. Interesting little tool. (not me, the program!) Learned that the Me 262 has the same power to weight ratio as a Hurri Mk 2 b
  17. ~S~Enforcer, great photos. I've got to agree about the 'Chicks and Fighter Planes' thing The talent pool round here never fails to amaze me!
  18. ~S~ Marco, thats the best excuse I've ever seen
  19. Bloody 'ell. When you Canadians play a practical joke, you don't fanny around.) ~S~ to the crew. (suckers)
  20. Long nose Spit with bubble canopy looks sweet. But who is the guy with the smile? Nice pics Dave, ~S~.
  21. Anytime for me. Teams practicing together beforehand is a great idea. Has anyone ever hit anything by dive bombing? Me neither. Should be an interesting challenge. Bring it on.
  22. LoL Enforcer, that was a great DD's moment. (Do it again, Jim)
  23. Beautiful part of the world you've there Jim. Stone steps look great. Diggers big fun too. If you fully raise the front bucket, hold the pedal flat out in reverse, then bang it in forward, you can do great wheelies. Use back bucket as wheelie-bar and slew brakes to steer. I got sacked 15 years ago for doing just that.
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